With fruit, vegetables, yogurt and more, the mid-morning and mid-afternoon break becomes easy. Here's how to compose DIY snacks that ensure taste and health in a short time
With smart working, resisting hunger attacks and the call of the pantry between meals is not always easy. When working from home, the risk of giving in to ready-made sweet and savory snacks is often high, a problem for those who want to keep fit. Yet managing snack time isn't all that difficult. Just get organized and have the right ingredients in the fridge and pantry. Here's how to compose quick and easy snacks that satisfy the palate and lend a hand to the figure.
Fennel, celery and raw carrots
Having crudités in the refrigerator, already washed and cut, is an excellent strategy to be able to compose satiating snacks in a short time. «Fennel, celery and raw carrots, thanks to their crunchiness give satiety. They are also a supplement of minerals and vitamins that help relieve stress , says the nutritionist Valentina Galiazzo, specialist in clinical biochemistry. "They also provide many fibers, including prebiotic ones, which nourish the intestinal bacteria on which the synthesis of serotonin and dopamine, two hormones that regulate mood, depends". Combined with probiotic foods such as kefir they help to counteract nervous tension even more. "They promote the balance of the intestinal flora, which is important for psychophysical well-being".
Cashew nuts
Do performance anxiety and agitation make you irritable and unproductive? «A handful of cashews is the ideal choice to counter nervousness. They ensure excellent quantities of selenium, which together with phosphorus and zinc, help to better resist the load of things to do , says nutritionist Valentina Galiazzo. The ideal is to choose them natural. «They are free of salt which, if consumed in excess, can promote the feeling of fatigue.
Avocado and ricotta mousse
Lack of concentration and drops in energy reduce your desire to work? «The ideal snack is the one that gives the right 'fuel' to the body and mind. A quick recipe for inspiration? «Mix half a peeled and mashed avocado with a fork with two tablespoons of ricotta. Avocado is a source of essential fatty acids for the health of neurons. Ricotta, on the other hand, is rich in essential amino acids such as tryptophan, tyrosine and tyramine which favor the production of serotonin, dopamine and adrenaline, the neurotransmitters of well-being. This mix, combined with some black cabbage leaves (kale), fights hunger and provides energy .
Greek yogurt, dark chocolate and nuts
"Greek yogurt is a source of a super mix of substances for the brain and mood. In addition to providing high biological value proteins and healthy fats that give satiety, it contains glutamic acid, a precursor of Gaba, the neurormone of serenity and tryptophan, which lower levels of cortisol, the stress hormone. Dark chocolate (at least 70% cocoa), on the other hand, helps you feel more agile because it is rich in theobromine .
Fruit salad of orange, apple and cinnamon
Cut an orange and an apple into slices, after washing and peeling them, and add a pinch of cinnamon. This quick and easy mix to prepare is perfect for getting your sprint back on the busiest days. «It ensures sugars that energize the brain and vitamins of the B complex, essential for energy metabolism. The oranges rich in vitamin C also promote the assimilation of the iron contained in apples, a super mineral to stay away from sluggishness ".
Egg whites and cocoa pudding
«This healthy, protein-rich, low-fat snack is highly satiating and ideal for increasing focus. It can be eaten both in the morning and in the afternoon or as a snack before going to sleep. It provides essential amino acids, mainly B vitamins, magnesium and potassium, "says the expert.
«Easy to eat, lupins are a real cure-all in the most demanding moments. They help prevent fatigue, improve the sense of satiety and promote memory and concentration . From a nutritional point of view, explains nutritionist Valentina Galiazzo, "they are naturally gluten-free and have an excellent content of vegetable proteins and mineral salts such as magnesium, potassium, calcium and iron". They are usually found in the supermarket in brine. «Before consuming them they must be rinsed well otherwise they risk being too salty.