Tag: white

Black potato, what's different compared to the white one? An expert answers – Italian Cuisine

Black potato, what's different compared to the white one? An expert answers


It is rich in beneficial substances for the line and for health. And it has a special taste. That's why eating it

There potato it is a passepartout ingredient in the kitchen. Ideal for preparing appetizers, first courses, main courses and side dishes, it is one of the most consumed foods at the table. However, there are different types. A very ancient variety that is worth trying is the black one, also called vitelotte or purple potato. Originally from South America, in particular from Chile and Peru, in addition to making the dishes more scenic due to its dark purple color, it has a particular taste reminiscent of chestnuts, suitable for giving a special touch to dishes and for vary the menus. Moreover, it is a real natural supplement. Energetic and super nourishing, the black potato is a reserve of fibers, vitamins and minerals, allies of the line and health. But what is different about the white variety? Let's see it with the help of the doctor Nicoletta Bocchino, nutritionist biologist.

Contains more antioxidants

The black potato has excellent health properties. Compared to the more common white variety, it ensures a high antioxidant content. «It brings so many polyphenols, in particular the precious anthocyanins, the same antioxidants of which blueberries and wild berries are particularly rich, responsible for the dark coloring. These substances strengthen the defenses and counteract cellular aging, protecting the body from oxidative damage caused by the action of free radicals explains nutritionist Nicoletta Bocchino. They also have excellent anti-inflammatory properties. «Anthocyanins promote the drainage of liquids and reduce the accumulation of water in the tissues, counteracting the swelling. Moreover, they facilitate the disposal of excess toxins, which can slow down the metabolism in the long run and predispose you to various disorders, including weight gain ", explains the expert. But there is more. According to a recent study conducted in China these substances also have potentially beneficial effects on the intestine. In fact, they promote the health of the bacterial flora, in particular the growth of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, good microorganisms that facilitate intestinal transit.

How to combine it in the kitchen

To get your fill of taste and wellbeing the ideal is to cook it and let it cool in the refrigerator. "Cooling changes the structure of the starch and slows its absorption, keeping blood glucose levels more stable," says the expert. Furthermore, to make it more allied to the line and health, always combine it with vegetables in the same meal and season with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil. «The vegetable fibers help to reduce the absorption of sugars by the body, to the full advantage of line and health, while the" good "fats of extra virgin olive oil lower the glycemic index of the meal because they slow down emptying the stomach and allowing better absorption of the carotenoids of which it is rich suggests the nutritionist Nicoletta Bocchino.

Would you like to know more? Find out all the properties of the black potato in the gallery


White roots loving, a real medicine. And what a taste! – Italian Cuisine



They are the organ of the plant involved in absorb water and mineral salts from the earth, the roots. And they come out of the earth pale, these roots: white and bitter, unlike their cousins, the colorful sweet carrots – also roots, in fact, as indeed are the virtuous turnips or the anti-diabetic sweet potato. Even when tuberiformes (ie, pot-bellied like a carrot and not in the shape of a breadstick), should not be confused with tubers, such as Jerusalem artichoke or potato, naturally – which are substantially enlarged portions of the stem of the plant, with a reservoir function of glucose substances .

170543White roots loving, therefore. Often we see them on the market bench e let's turn our eyes. Too much love? Too difficult to clean? Too unknown to cook? Well, it's time to take them back! And then know it: there are no more roots than once. They too have adapted to modern tastes and nowadays they are less bitter, probably softened by climate change.

170534The most famous of the loving white roots is that of Soncino (CR) where for decades the Amara Root Festival has been promoted. It is the root of a variety of common chicory (Chicorium intybus, var. sativus). Its origin is probably Ligurian, and just in the province of Genoa grows another excellent variety (sativus Bischoff), locally called "chiavarina" (from the town of Chiavari). Although the most famous and valuable root is there salsify, brown outside, white inside, more flavorful sweet, sophisticated and delicate, delicious past in the pan, with butter, white wine and lemon. Or breaded to the Milanese! It is also comparable to the latter the gobo, which is nothing but the root of the burdock, highly appreciated in Japan and now return to us (while in France they use it asparagus type). Their sweetness allows you to use them greedily even as a filling of delicious savory pies.

But back to those a bit 'more bitter, since that bitter is all health … These roots were once very appreciated, above all for their medicinal value: they are one extraordinary depurative, for blood and for the intestine. Already the ancient Greeks and Romans used them. Undoubtedly they detoxify liver and kidney: just eat a portion to guess this their property! Not only that: they help the growth of the famous bacteria in the colon Bifidus – those we try to stimulate with some yoghurt, which avoid unwanted fermentation processes. They also help to absorb the iron: perfect therefore for those suffering from anemia.

How to treat them? The cleaning it can be a bit boring, but here's a trick: "Sacrifice" a kitchen sponge and the scratches with the rough part, this will simplify your life.

At this point they can boil: common heritage wants it to be good to add a little lemon and / or vinegar to the water. In fact, the suggestion, to do go away a bit 'bitter, is to put in the water a carrot cut into pieces.

170537They are eaten lukewarm or cold, seasoned typically with extra virgin olive oil, salt, lemon (and vinegar, if you like) and garlic. In Chiavari they also put the anchovy in oil, and the root becomes gourmet! They are perfect from combine to seconds of fat meatsbecause they "purged". Or you can later on au gratin, perhaps adding a sweet cheese.

Regarding conservation, it is good to put them in a plastic bag in the fridge to keep the humidity. But be careful, there's a big one the difference between the tuberform and bity-rooted white roots (like that of Soncino). While the former would not give impulse to a new plant, and therefore with the passing of the days wither, they collapse, the latter are 'live' and continue to 'work': the green tuft grows and blooms, the root can throw other radicles while she becomes ever harder, woody. Within a week will have the consistency of a bone! In fact 'the old' at the time when you really did not throw away anything, when they were already hard often boiled for a long time and then chisel away the now unusable part. Conclusion: eat them as soon as possible! Still some ideas on how? Vellutate, combining them and mixing them with homegrown, lovable potatoes. Or croquettes (maybe together with vegetables and flavors).

170540And finally, a note: country that you go, root that you find. The common denominator is that they are the 'white loving'. There are also less bitter (and less white!), Of course, like the ones mentioned above (scorzonera & c) or the parsnip, large, hard and sweet, a sort of white parsley a little parsley (to try for example crushed in oven-baked pie, with cream and eggs). And the Japanese daikon, More and more common also by us, a natural fat burner with a sharp and decisive flavor. Another common denominator is: they are all very poor in calories! But give a chance to those you love too, trust me, your body will thank you and your palate will have some surprises.

Aurora Quinto
February 2019



Dos & Don'ts: how to separate egg yolk and egg white – Italian Cuisine

Dos & Don'ts: how to separate egg yolk and egg white


Eggs: how is the yolk separated from the albumen? Watch the video of La Scuola de La Cucina Italiana to learn the basic method.

Splitting egg yolk and egg white is a breeze.

Everyone keeps their secrets and their recipes in the kitchen, but there are some absolutely essential techniques. With i Dos & Don'ts let's examine some of the most common mistakes in the kitchen and we reveal how to solve them, thanks to the help of The School of Italian Cuisine.

For some preparations it is necessary separate the yolk from the egg white without making them mix. For example, whipping egg whites perfectly requires the absolute absence of traces of egg yolk.
How to ensure a good result?

The classic method consists of gently dividing the egg into two halves, helping himself with his fingers. The two shells can be used to repeatedly transfer the yolk from one half to the other, taking care to keep it intact and letting the egg white slide off.
Look at the correct movement in the video.

Another fun method? Use one plastic bottle!
The steps to follow are these: gently break the egg into a container, trying to keep the yolk intact; gently crush the bottle to let some air out; bring the opening of the bottle closer and leave the socket lightly, so that the yolk is sucked into it.


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