Tag: Vegetable

Vegetable cream – Vegetable velvet recipe from – Italian Cuisine

Preparation time


There vegetable soup it is a dish that I often prepare at home: when it is cold, on winter evenings, a nice warm velvety dish, perhaps with the addition of croutons, is what it takes to warm up and restore good humor. Here now the temperatures start to rise, during the day there is a nice sun to warm up, but after sunset it is still fresh, so I happen to do it again even in these times … I often make velvety single vegetables (cream of broccoli, cream of leeks …) but sometimes I also like to make it mixed, as in this case. There are so many recipes to make it, and sometimes I also like to vary the proportions of vegetables, perhaps based on what I have at home.
This time, for example, to render the vegetable soup more good and creamy I added a dash of cream, if you prefer to leave the most dietetic dish you can replace it with milk or omit it altogether, possibly adding instead a little goccino of oil on the plates 😉 I would say that after the revelry of Easter, a little lighter recipe was needed, can't you find? basins: *

  • Preparation time Preparation: 10 min
  • Cooking time cooking: 30 min
  • Total time total: 40 min
Vegetable cream "data-src =" https://gordon-ramsay-recipe.com/wp-content/uploads/1556012328_97_Vegetable-cream-Vegetable-velvet-recipe-from-Italian-Cuisine.jpg "class =" img-fluid w-100 lazyload
Vegetable cream soup


How to make vegetable soup

Wash the vegetables, clean them and cut them into not too large cubes.

Fry the onion briefly, then add the other vegetables and let them cook for a couple of minutes.
Also add the broth, a pinch of salt and start cooking. Halfway through cooking add some basil.

When the vegetables are well cooked (it will take 20-25 minutes), blend them with the blender.
Finally add cream and parmesan, stir and add salt if necessary.

Serve the hot vegetable soup, perhaps with toasted bread.

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Vegetable meatloaf | Salt and pepper – Italian Cuisine

Vegetable meatloaf | Salt and pepper


The vegetable meatloaf it is a great second to prepare if you have vegetarian guests or as an alternative to the classic meatloaf. There Salt & Pepper recipe it is very simple: no meat and no fish, only vegetables from the garden, cheese, breadcrumbs and eggs. The potato dough gives the meat loaf a dry and compact appearance, the vegetables and ricotta make it very tasty!

The vegetable meatloaf is a recipe that you can customize as you like, with seasonal vegetables or with the cheese you like best, or replace potatoes with chickpeas or bread with couscous. It is versatile, tasty and quick to prepare; you can also decide to serve it cold, as an appetizer to complete the menu of an important lunch or dinner or even as a rustic and substantial dish to take you on a trip out of town

All you have to do is test yourself at the stove to prepare the Vegetable meatloaf with salt & pepper! The challenge is easy and success is guaranteed: just follow the video and the steps of this recipe to get a perfect meatloaf, with a rustic effect, able to satisfy even the most demanding carnivorous diners! Wear the apron and try it now!

Preparation of meatloaf with vegetables

1) For the preparation of vegetable meatloaf start boiling the potatoes for 40 minutes in abundant boiling water. Monda the vegetables and reduce to cubes celery, carrot is zucchini. Rosola the spring onion with 4 tablespoons of oil; add the vegetables, room e cook for 20 minutes, then chop.


Recipe Vegetable medallions with cheese sauce – Italian Cuisine

Recipe Vegetable medallions with cheese sauce


  • 500 g cauliflower scraps
  • 200 g cabbage scraps
  • 200 g broccoli stalks
  • 150 g of spinach stalks
  • 4 pcs eggs
  • onion
  • flour
  • Grana Padano Dop
  • bread crumbs
  • butter
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • salt
  • pepper
  • 150g cheese (mixed leftovers)
  • cornstarch
  • thyme

For the recipe of vegetable medallions with cheese sauce, clean the stems of the spinach by removing the outside of the radicle. Clean the stems, the cores and the scraps of broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage by removing the hard parts and preserving only the heart. Cut the leaves into small pieces and cut the hardest parts into small pieces. Bring a saucepan of water to the boil: boil the cabbage for 7 minutes, add cauliflower and broccoli and cook for another 10 minutes. Drain everything with a slotted spoon and dip the spinach in the same water, for 7-8 minutes. Drain while preserving the cooking water. Chop the thickest parts of the vegetables into small cubes and finely chop the leafy parts.
Heat a little oil with half a chopped onion; add the chopped mixture and let it dry for 5 minutes. Put all the vegetables together, add 2 eggs, 3 tablespoons of parmesan cheese, 80 g of breadcrumbs, salt and pepper. Let it rest in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Divide the mixture into 8 medallions; flour them, pass them in 2 beaten eggs, then in the breadcrumbs. Cook them in a pan with a drizzle of oil and a knob of butter, making them brown on both sides for a total of 6-7 minutes.
For the cheese sauce: Cut the cheese into small pieces and melt them with 200 g of vegetable cooking water and 10 g of corn starch. Blend everything for greater homogeneity. Serve the medallions with the sauce, complete with thyme leaves.


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