Tag: tartare

Tomato and strawberry tartare recipe – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Tomato and strawberry tartare recipe


If you are looking for an original appetizer for the summer, fresh and colourful, we suggest the recipe Tomato and strawberry tartare with prawnsan easy to prepare, elegant, tasty and light dish.

The preparation is quick but you will have to let the diced tomatoes and strawberries drain for about an hour. Their vegetation waterseasoned with oil and salt, you will then need it to complete the dish, together with raw prawns and a salad of herbs and edible flowers.

Also discover these recipes: Tomato tartare, Three fruit and vegetable tartare, Tomato and strawberry gazpacho, Strawberry and tomato puddings, Tomato and strawberry soup with mini fruit salad, Tomato and strawberry cream soup with fake black rice, Penne, strawberries and basil.


Tartar recipe with saffron yogurt sauce – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Tartar recipe with saffron yogurt sauce


There tartar (or tartare in French) is a cold dish based on raw beef, easy and quick to prepare. The meat, which must be of excellent quality, is cut with a knife until it is finely chopped. The classic tartare seasoning it is with egg yolk, capers, oil, salt and pepper.

However, if you like to experiment, in this recipe, prepared with fillet of fassonawe offer you an alternative with saffron yogurt sauce And toasted hazelnuts scented with lemon thyme. 30 minutes are enough to bring this fresh and delicate appetizer to the table.

Try the recipe and discover these other ideas for seasoning raw meat: Classic tartare recipe, DIY tartare, Abruzzo-style tartare, Beef tartare with mustard and peach.


Salmon tartare recipe with passion fruit – Italian Cuisine


  • 160 g fresh salmon pulp suitable for raw consumption
  • 60 g of chicory already cleaned
  • 2 passion fruits
  • radish sprouts (or others to taste)
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • salt flakes
  • fine salt
  • pink pepper
  • 1

    For the passion fruit salmon tartare recipe, beat the salmon with a knife, reducing it into a tartare.

  • 2

    Obtain the pulp of the passion fruits and sift it, obtaining only the juice; weigh the juice and add the same amount of oil and a pinch of fine salt; emulsify everything with a fork, obtaining a liquid sauce.

  • 3

    Season the salmon with half of the sauce and distribute it on the plates; complete with the chicory strips and the sprouts, salt flakes, pepper and the rest of the sauce.

  • 4

    Wine pairing: the buttery consistency of the salmon pulp seasoned with the fruity sweet-sour sauce finds the perfect companion in Bellavista's Franciacorta Satèn, a Chardonnay with refined floral and citrus aromas and a taste of «delicate energy (40 euros, bellavistawine. it).

Recipe: Joëlle Néderlants, Texts: Valentina Vercelli; Photo: Riccardo Lettieri, Styling: Beatrice Prada


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