Tag: takes

Tortellino Bolognese takes De.Co recognition – Italian Cuisine

Tortellino Bolognese takes De.Co recognition


Great gala dinner on October 27 for the IX edition of the Tortellino Festival in Bologna: here all the information to participate in the consecration of the beloved stuffed pasta

New formula for the IX edition of the Tortellino Festival in Bologna: after skipping 2020 due to the pandemic, we are back with forks in hand in a new edition. This year it is a gala dinner that sees the tortellino as the absolute protagonist. In collaboration with the Municipality of Bologna, theTOur-tlen Association wishes to put Tortellino back at the center of attention of the city by paying homage to it with an adequate table service on the evening in which it will be given the De.Co. recognition (Municipal Name). The award underlines the work carried out, together with the previous administration, on the guidelines for the production of a Bolognese “supply chain” tortellino that maintains the ingredients of the recipe deposited in the Chamber of Commerce and adapts to the modern needs of traceability, sustainability and ethics. The intent is therefore to guarantee the consumer by promoting a typical recipe in the ingredients and packaging processes. The De.Co. it is also attributed to the Tour-tlen association and the Tortellino Festival for its commitment to promoting a central dish in the Bolognese tradition: congratulations!

Gala dinner October 27th

For the great evening of October 27th, participants who are passionate about tortellini will be able to enjoy a special menu:

Mignon of mortadella Felsineo Tourtlen Selection / Pasquale Troiano – Bentivoglio Winery

Traditional tortellini in beef and chicken broth / Lucia Antonelli – Taverna del Cacciatore

Tortellino with ray stuffing and anchovies creamed with butter and truffle sauce and turnip greens gel / Francesco Carboni – Acqua Pazza Restaurant

Traditional tortellino, artisan butter and black truffle, Parmigiano Reggiano, guinea fowl broth and hay and Lambrusco spheres / Vincenzo Vottero – VIVO Ristoarte

"Rich and poor" Traditional tortellino in bean cream, with Timut pepper and EVO oil / Carlo Alberto Borsarini – La Lumira Restaurant

The Cream Bomb / Demis Aleotti – Bottega Aleotti

The seats will be bookable at 392 3633049 and via email at info.tourtlen@gmail.com which must be followed by the payment of € 60.00 per person made on the IBAN IT25F0707202405000000196843 in the name of the Tourtlen association, up to the exhaustion of the 250 places available. The Green Pass will be mandatory and must be shown at the entrance, at the same time spacing and sanitization will be guaranteed as per hygiene rules for combating Covid-19.


Pizza and bubbles at home: Delivery Valley takes care of it – Italian Cuisine

Pizza and bubbles at home: Delivery Valley takes care of it


Delivery Valley and Santa Margherita combine pan pizza and bubbles, creating new limited edition combinations, to be ordered comfortably at home

Pizza and bubbles they travel up to our tables with Delivery Valley, the first dark kitchen in Italy in via Col Di Lana 8 in Milan, born from an idea of ​​the chefs Alida Gotta is Maurizio Rosazza Prin.

Forget the classic combination with beer and get ready to be conquered by an explosion of flavors that combines two all-Italian excellences: to enhance the taste of pizza and selected seasonal ingredients Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore DOCG Brut Santa Margherita.

Pizza and bubbles with Mother F **** r yeast

Thanks to the collaboration with the historic winery Santa Margherita, will be available in a limited edition of the special combos of pizza in a pan and Prosecco Superiore, which can be ordered from Mother F **** r yeast on the main delivery apps: The (Holy) Margherita with tomato sauce, fior di latte mozzarella, yellow cherry tomatoes, confit red tomatoes, dried tomato powder, basil oil; there Speak Easy with mozzarella base, Asiago Dop, Speck Dopg in strips, champignon mushroom cream, spinach leaf and pretzel powder crumbled with dill and finally Kiss Me Alice with mozzarella base, leek bagnacauda, ​​baked pumpkin and Jerusalem artichoke, radicchio and peppers filangè. There is also a special combo with 2 pizzas and a bottle of Prosecco Superiore in a 0.75 l bottle.

Delivery Valley: the first dark kitchen in Italy

But what is one dark kitchen? It is a real professional restaurant kitchen, but without the room, therefore dedicated exclusively to the delivery service. The start-up created by the former Masterchefs Alida Gotta and Maurizio Rosazza Prin received more than 20,000 orders in less than six months and today includes five types of virtual restaurants and specialties to taste: the pizza in a pan of Mother F **** r yeast, the burgers of Giga Burger, the chicken of Turn Turn Roast, the pork ribs of Giga Ribs and the mixed fried Fritt Fighter.

Giga Ribs also offers a special collaboration, Giga Ribs by Tenuta Sassoregale, which includes 1 kg of ribs cooked at low temperature for 10 hours, with homemade barbecue sauce, roasted potatoes and a 750 ml bottle of Sangiovese Maremma Toscana DOC by Tenuta Sassoregale. With Giragirarrosto you can order the Special Edition by Consorzio Olio DOP Chianti Classico which offers a tasting of a typical Tuscan recipe: Beans all’uccelletto with DOP Chianti Classico Oil.


takes part in the challenge of La Cucina Italiana – Italian Cuisine

takes part in the challenge of La Cucina Italiana


Today La Cucina Italiana – since 1929 the most authoritative and long-standing cooking monthly in our country – is launching #laricettacheunisce, a new project to bring Italy together at the table.

The editorial staff, under the direction of Maddalena Fossati, will involve all of you every week, inviting you to cook a specific dish to share with your family, lovers and friends. Even if far away, cooking the same dish will be like being at home together.

The nice thing will be not only posting the recipe but also your family and a collective photograph will be composed to make everyone feel more united. A great family album where you will be the protagonists, the desire to be together and to feel closer through the kitchen.
Sharing the same dish, it will be like sitting all together at a long table – virtual – from the Aosta Valley to Sicily, passing through all the regions. Looking forward to doing it for real.

«The domestic kitchen has returned to the protagonist in everyone's homes and videos calling each other, appearing on the balcony or talking to each other from the landing to share a recipe is a way to stay closer, to stay in touch. With this project, La Cucina Italiana wants to embrace and reunite Italy around the table as it has been doing for almost a century, "he says Maddalena Fossati, director of the brand.

To participate, just photograph yourself at the table, or with a plate in hand, or even sharing the screenshot of a live link with loved ones and challenge your distant friends to do the same, always using the hashtag #laricettacheunisce.

Italian and French chefs, famous people, architects, designers and influencers will also take part in the initiative.

Each week will be dedicated to a recipe and each week the best will be chosen which will be published on the website and on the official social channels of La Cucina Italiana.

«The month of March closed with an extraordinary result on the digital side: over 6.5 million users connected to the La Cucina Italiana website (+ 62% MoM and + 57% YoY), browsed over 20 million pages (+ 59% MoM and + 32% YoY) and viewed 8.5 million videos; the overall social fanbase of La Cucina Italiana and La Scuola reaches 1.7 million users with a YoY growth of + 11% and the direct instagram started on March 19 totaled 143 k video views. This tells us how cooking, even more at the moment, is a way to take care of oneself and loved ones and how our site and our social networks are accompanying readers in creating new routines – currently dictated out of necessity, but which promise to stay in the next daily life – like getting up early to refresh the mother yeast or improvising a video aperitif with distant friends so Sabina Montevergine, Web Editor of La Cucina Italiana.

The project #laricettacheunisce it adds to the many initiatives already put in place by La Cucina Italiana to entertain and involve the public in this difficult moment. Indeed, users can download the digital copy of the monthly for free is the digital video courses of La Scuola de La Cucina Italiana. In addition, they can follow the daily live broadcasts on the instagram profile of the brand at 11 with interviews with the cooks of La Scuola de La Cucina Italiana, and at 17.30 with the director Maddalena Fossati with the heading Dinner time in the company of starred chefs.

#LaRicettaCheUnisce: here are the recipes to cook together, let's start with carbonara!


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