Tag: sponge

Sponge cake with pears recipe – Italian Cuisine

Sponge cake with pears recipe


  • 1 kg boiled pears
  • 500 g milk
  • 445 g caster sugar
  • 300 g fresh cream
  • 100 g orange juice
  • 100 g flour
  • 100 g soft nougat
  • 100 g ladyfinger biscuits
  • 30 g corn starch
  • 4 pcs yolks
  • 3 pcs eggs
  • icing sugar
  • butter
  • lemon
  • cinnamon powder

For the recipe of the sponge cake with pears, wash 1 pear and cut it into thin slices; arrange them, without overlapping them, on a baking tray lined with baking paper; sprinkle them with a little lemon juice, sprinkle them with icing sugar and bake them at 100 ° C for 1 hour. Prepare a syrup by boiling 600 g of water with 100 g of orange juice and 250 g of granulated sugar. Peel the remaining pears and cut them in half lengthwise; remove the core and cook them in the syrup for 30-35 minutes.
Whip the eggs with 115 g of granulated sugar in a frothy mixture; mix 100 g of sifted flour and distribute it in a hinged mold (ø 22 cm) covered with lightly buttered and floured baking paper. Bake at 180 ° C for about 20 minutes. Bring 500 g of milk to a boil and pour over the 4 beaten egg yolks, also adding 80 g of granulated sugar, corn starch and grated zest of 1/2 lemon. Bring back to the heat and cook stirring, until the cream begins to thicken. Blend 250 g of pears in syrup, mix them with the cream and let cool. Cut the sponge cake into rectangles of about 10 × 3 cm.
Dip the sponge cake and ladyfingers into the pear cooking syrup. Whip the cream with 1 tablespoon of icing sugar. Fill the cup, alternating the sponge cake, the pears in syrup, the ladyfingers and pieces of nougat. Finish with the pear cream and complete with the whipped cream, the baked pear slices and a sprinkling of cinnamon.


Knam sponge cake – Italian Cuisine

»Knam sponge cake


Anyone who loves cooking at least knows the well-known pastry chef Ernst Knam. Well, the sponge cake Knam it is an almost revolutionary recipe in the field of sponge cake. If you're wondering why, the answer is that it's a much easier preparation than that of the more classic recipes. In this, in fact, the ingredients are thrown together in a bowl and are mixed with whips, like this. Without whipping the egg whites separately, without whipping the egg yolks with the sugar, nor anything else. Dough ready in less than 5 minutes! Not only that, but even cooking is faster … Incredible, isn't it? Yet I assure you that the recipe succeeds perfectly, word of 😉

Put all the dry ingredients together in a bowl, sifting them, then add eggs and egg yolks.

Work quickly with the whisk until you have a homogeneous mixture, then pour it into the mold covered with parchment paper.
Bake in a preheated static oven at 180 ° C and cook for about 25-30 minutes.
We always do the toothpick test before turning out.

Let it cool, then turn out the Knam sponge cake and use it for all your preparations.


Sponge cakes come with coconut milk cream – Italian Cuisine

Sponge cakes come with coconut milk cream



The sponge cakes come with coconut milk cream of Salt and pepper it is a decomposed dessert, of great scenographic effect, to be enjoyed with the spoon. An "unusual" sponge cake based gluten free flours and without ingredients of animal origin, cut into cubes and served in layers on a bottom of coconut milk and vanilla cream with edible flower topping, fragrant herbs and currants. The result is a triumph of colors and flavors of nature that will conquer, even from the first taste, even the greedy palate of your most skeptical guests! Plus we're talking about a sweet vegan light and fragrant, suitable for everyone. Even for those with gluten or egg intolerance!

The sponge cakes come with coconut milk cream it is a healthy dessert without excesses, perfect to gently close a family lunch or an elegant dinner with your friends. Are you curious about how to prepare it? Wear the apron and discover the steps of this simple with us Salt & Pepper recipe.

Preparation of sponge cake come with coconut milk cream

1) Prepare the sponge cake. Gather the in a bowl gluten-free flour mix and the foil of corn together with cream of tartar, to the cinnamon and al salt. Frulla 2 lemon peel with 80 g of sugar cane and add them to the previous compound. Mix all ingredients well.

2) In a jug mix thecorn oil with 100 g of almond milk. Pour the obtained liquid on the flour and sugar mixture and mix with a spatula until a smooth and homogeneous mixture is obtained.

3) Transfer it to one non-stick mold of 15×10 cm oiled and floured e fires to 170 ° C for 20 minutes. Allow the to cool completely vegan sponge cake before transforming it.

4) Prepare the cream. Put on the fire coconut milk and that of almonds with the remaining sugar, the pod of vanilla open and the last lemon peel. Simmer for a few minutes and leave to rest for a few hours so as to harmonize the flavors well.

5) Filter the milk. Melt in a small bowl thecornstarch with a little perfumed milk. Put the rest on the fire; when it boils, add the cornstarch diluted and stir with a whisk to thicken the cream. Leave to rest for a few hours.

6) Cut the sponge cake dice. Take a round shaped pasta bowl and place it on the plate. Pour a few tablespoons of coconut milk and vanilla cream on the bottom of the dishes.

7) Randomly lay the nuts on the cream vegan sponge cake. Decorate with fragrant herbs, i flowers and the Red currant. Complete the dishes with a few drops of Orange jam bitter elongated with little water.



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