Tag: served

Giusina in Cucina, Sicily is served: 4 chat and 1 recipe – Italian Cuisine


She is Giusi Battaglia and in her first book she has collected the most appetizing recipes of her island. We talk about it together with a preview recipe

Could Sicily be a state of mind? One gets this impression by leafing through the pages of the first book of Giusi Battaglia, "Giusina in the kitchen, Sicily is served"(To be released on October 28 for Cairo Editore). A recipe book made in the South that instantly puts you in a good mood, thanks to the mouth-watering photographs and the sunny colors of the ingredients. For those unfamiliar with Giusina's story, it is that of a Palermo transplanted to Milan. In the Lombard capital Giusi opens his communication agency (still in business). Then, in the fateful year 2020, while the whole world is closed within the walls of the house, her unexpected television adventure on Food Network begins, with the format she conceived in times of lockdown "Giusina in cucina – Palermitan taste and tradition" . And now his first book, an accurate compendium of the recipes of his island. We had a chat with Giusina, who also gave us an exclusive preview of her recipe – cassata al forno!

How and when did the idea for this book come about?
“I confess that writing a cookbook was not a dream. From my point of view it was simply impossible that this could happen and therefore I could not even dream of such a thing. Instead, after a few months of airing my program on TV, this extraordinary proposal was made to me. I still can't believe it! And I still feel I have to thank Cairo Editore and Rossella Biancardi for believing in me .

Let's do some sneak peeks: what will his fans find in the book?
"The ABC of the best basic Sicilian dishes, the prime numbers. Dishes that fully represent the island's tradition. For each dish I tell something that is particularly close to my heart. I decided to create a simple book, but full of love: for food, for my land and for its people. I owe a lot to the people who follow me and who have always showered me with words of esteem. The book is not mine, but ours. "

His food adventure began in full lockdown. Can you tell us about your debut on social media and how an experiment born for fun has become a successful TV program?
«During the most painful period of the pandemic, in March 2020, home-bound and distressed, more or less all of us dedicated time to cooking. By posting a photo on social media with rotisserie recipes, a symbol of Palermo street food, I received a proposal from the director of Food Network, Gesualdo Vercio. I didn't accept right away, because I was afraid of not being able to manage my emotion on TV. I convinced myself to do it because we filmed everything at home, my husband Sergio and I, using two smartphones. We didn't think it could have a sequel. And instead we are here. One year and over 40 episodes behind it. Incredible, but true .

How do you deal with food today?
«Food is a constant in my life, both personal and professional. I have always loved cooking and it has never been a duty for my family, but a pleasure. Now that I have started preparing dinners at home, I am the happiest woman in the world. On the professional side, I have been dealing with communication in the food sector for many years, and from the very beginning I was fascinated by this world ".

Is there a typical working day?
«It is certainly marked by very intense rhythms. I start early in the morning and apart from a very quick lunch break, I spend my day on the PC, because I consider my work a priority. Do you think that even when I register the bets, the production also puts my calls on the table. I cannot abandon the job I love and have been doing for over twenty years ".

Sicily is in its DNA. How would you define the kitchen of your island?
«I love the Sicilian gastronomic culture. Without fear of being proven wrong, I believe it is one of the richest and most intense cuisines on the Peninsula .

False myths to dispel about Sicilian cuisine?
«Don't believe anyone who tells you it's heavy cooking. There are many traditional vegetable-based dishes and it is very suitable for those who want to follow a vegetarian diet .

The dish that represents Palermo most of all?
"There are so many! If I really have to choose, I would say sfincione. But I am doing wrong to all the other wonders, I know. '

The typical breakfast in Sicily (to make us water)?
«In Palermo you vary a lot with the first meal in the morning. There are those who love the classic croissant or donut with sugar, but also calzone or arancina, to accompany a cup of cappuccino. But I remember as a child the early morning queue at Porta Carbone, early in the morning, with a crowd of customers who ate 'u pani ca meusa for breakfast. In Catania and Messina, on the other hand, breakfast is served with granita and brioche. Wonderful".

What advice do you give to those who want to approach Sicilian cuisine, but are afraid of complex preparations?
“To read my book. I assure you that the recipes are super easy and it will not happen that the preparations fail. The only difficulty, at times, consists in finding some ingredients, but there
they are always valid substitutes ".

What is never missing in the fridge and pantry at home?
«Cherry tomatoes, courgettes, anchovies, cheeses. So some good recipes always come out .

A Sicilian chef absolutely to know?
«Pino Cuttaia. A man, a myth: I love him. It is the perfect essence of Sicilian cuisine. Tradition and innovation. I think he is one of the best chefs in the world .

Your comfort food to lift your mood?
"Pizza. Just mixing it makes me happy .

The Cassata al Forno di Giusina

From the book "Giusina in the kitchen, Sicily is served" in an exclusive preview:
«Cassata al forno is a beloved and very popular dessert in Palermo and its province. It is somewhat the forerunner of the classic cassata. It was the first real cassata: the most common one today with candied fruit came only at the end of the nineteenth century. My favorite is the baked one. The shortcrust pastry together with ricotta, with icing sugar and if you like a little cinnamon, is a combination that you cannot fail to try at least once in your life. According to tradition, it is eaten at Easter, but now also at Christmas and for the holidays. Only recommendation: sheep ricotta. The vaccine is not allowed! "

Ingredients for 6/8 people:

For the pastry
350 g of flour
150 g of butter (not cold) 150 g of sugar
2 yolks and 1 egg
1 sachet of yeast
1 sachet of vanillin
untreated lemon zest salt

For the ricotta cream
1 kg of sheep's milk ricotta
300 g of granulated sugar
100 g of dark chocolate chips

To garnish
powdered sugar

Grate the lemon zest and add it to the sugar.
Mix the flour, butter, eggs and other ingredients.
Work and create the dough.
Wrap in cling film and let it rest for an hour in the fridge.

For the ricotta cream:
Add the sugar to the ricotta and mix well.
Let it rest for an hour, then sift it to make the cream as fluid as possible.
Add the chocolate chips.
Grease and flour a springform pan (mine has a diameter of 24 cm).
Spread a circle of pastry on the base, and also cover the edges.
Prick the base of the pastry.
Add the ricotta.
Close with another disc of pastry and seal the edges.
Prick this part too.

Bake in a static oven for 45 minutes at 180 degrees.
Remove from the mold after it has cooled, turn it over (to be served from the base side) and serve with icing sugar and cinnamon.


Crab in salad served in the shell – Italian Cuisine


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Small world is served … is on sale & Pepe newsstands in October – Italian Cuisine

Small world is served ... is on sale & Pepe newsstands in October


Brescello, February 2020. I came to this village in the lower Reggio area for work, but when I crossed Piazza Matteotti I realized that I had entered another world, the "small" one, described by Giovannino Guareschi, writer, journalist and designer from whose imagination the characters of Don Camillo and Peppone: "This is the Bassa (…) and in Piacenza also the small world of my stories begins, which small world is located in that slice of plain between the Po and the Apennines". A long story, that of Guareschi, through post-war rural Italy, developed in 346 episodes published mostly on "White"(humorous-satirical magazine that he founded with Giovanni Mosca in 1946, publisher Rizzoli who later also became a producer of the films). The narration of a laborious peasant environment, made up of human solidarity and strong passions, accompanied by a landscape marked by the river and from the plain.

And here Peppone and Don Camillo come to life ("who created them is the Bassa. I met them, I took them by the arm and made them walk up and down the alphabet.") Who for all have the faces of the two actors who played them: “Gino Cervi corresponds exactly to my Peppone, Fernadel has not the slightest resemblance to my Don Camillo. But he is so good that he blew the place for my praeton. So now when I venture into some new Don Camillo story, I find myself in serious difficulty because I have to have a priest who has the face of Fernadel work ”.

Those who cross Brescello cannot do without feel on the set of the five films that were shot here between '51 and '65. There is still the Casa del Popolo with the inscription clearly visible, there is the house where Peppone overlooked, under the arcades of via Giglioli there is the recently restored Sputnik bell. But it is crossing the square that you can see the two bronze statues dedicated to the two protagonists and respectively placed one near the seat of the Common and the other to the church, where the wooden crucifix to which Don Camillo was addressing is kept inside.

In Small world of course we ate, meals were frugal: bread, cheese, cold cuts obtained from pigs, a soup with lard, an onion omelette, fried cake, fresh pasta, stuffed or not, homemade. Occasionally a few backyard chickens. All washed down with a glass of Lambrusco. Goodness that can still be eaten today in the many trattorias in the area in a small journey that from Roncole Verdi leads to Busseto, Zibello, Roccabianca, Fontanelle, Soragna, San Secondo, Colorno and finally Brescello. Here the museum awaits you Peppone and Don Camillo and the B museumrescello and Guareschi, the territory and the cinema. Nearby is Don Camillo's restaurant La Bottega del Paese, where I ate, which he has bought in the course of time the photos of the filming of the films completely wallpapering the walls. For a dip in the food of the Small world and Italian cinema of the 1950s.

Laura Maragliano
on Sale & Pepe of October 2020


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