Tag: Salted

Salted Candles – salted Candles recipe – Italian Cuisine

»Gnocchi alla Parigi - Gnocchi Recipe at the Parisian Misya


First prepare the béchamel: melt the butter over the heat, add the flour, then slowly add the milk already hot. Season with salt, pepper and nutmeg and thicken but without having a very thick béchamel sauce.

Blend together with mayonnaise, well drained tuna, parsley, anchovies and a pinch of salt.

To create the small candle, spread the tuna filling on a slice of bread for sandwiches and roll it rather tightly.

To create the medium and long candle, you will have to add the other slices of bread two by two, overlapping them slightly for the long one and overlapping them half for the medium candle. Roll out with a rolling pin to make the slices stick together, then spread with stuffing and rolled up.
If you think the candles open, roll them tightly with the cling film and let it rest in the fridge for at least half an hour.
For decoration, place the candles directly on the serving dish, bringing them together: the longer ones behind, the shorter ones in front.

With a sharp knife, shape the 3 flames using the clean pepper and put them on the same number of toothpicks.

At this point you can proceed with the decoration: let the béchamel now warm down on the rolls of bread, pour a little at a time, so that you run sideways imitating the drops of wax melted on a candle.
Add the flames gently and place in the fridge until ready to serve.

Here is your centerpiece of salted candles, ready for the Eve table!

TAGS: Salted Candles Recipe | How to prepare salted candles Salted candles recipe


Savory Pandorini – salted Pandorini recipe – Italian Cuisine

»Savory Pandorini - Misya salted Pandorini recipe


Put the flour in a large bowl, put milk and yeast in the center and start kneading. Also add egg, salt and oil and keep working.

Once the dough is smooth and homogeneous, cover with a clean cloth and leave to rise in a sheltered place for about 2 hours or until the dough is at least doubled in volume.

Once the dough is doubled, prepare the stuffing by peeling the olives, cutting the cheese into cubes and draining the tuna very well.
Then divide the dough into 6 balls, flatten them, add the filling in the center and close well forming a ball.

As they are ready, place each ball in a well-buttered mold, then let it rise again for about 1 hour, or at least until the dough has reached the surface of the molds.
When the leavening is complete, brush the surface of the pandoro with a dash of milk, bake at 160 ° C in a preheated oven and cook for 25 minutes.

Wait until the salty pandos are at least warmed before turning them into molds and serving them.

TAGS: Recipe Pandorini salati | How to prepare salted Pandorini | Pandorini salty recipe


Salted Christmas star cake with smoked bacon

Salted Christmas star cake with smoked bacon


The salted Christmas star cake with smoked bacon It is a special rustic to serve during the Christmas and New Year's Christmas buffet as an appetizer, or as an extra dish to enrich and complete your Christmas menu. It can also be used as a centerpiece! The recipes include a friable base of puff pastry, Which you can also buy ready, and a rich filling to prepare with baby spinach, leeks, pancetta, robiola and brie.

You can cook it well in advance and serve it as well as warm or lukewarm even cold. There salted Christmas star cake with smoked bacon of Salt and pepper will leave your guests open-mouthed for its beauty but above all for its simple goodness!

The savory pies they are very popular preparations for their versatility. They can be done in many different ways with puff pastry or with pasta brisee to be used as an appetizer, as a side dish or as a second course: they adapt to any occasion or need! The salted Christmas star cake you can prepare it with other types of stuffing: for example with a filling of zucchini and salmon or with the most classic, ricotta and spinach, but also simply with the ingredients you already have at home and which you love the most.

Prepare the salted Christmas star cake with smoked bacon for the Christmas Holidays and you will amaze your guests with simplicity and taste. A guaranteed success!

How to prepare the salted Christmas star cake with smoked bacon

1) Prepare the filling. Slice i leeks and make them jump in cooking pan with 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, half of the bacon, minced, and an intake of salt; fades with the White wine and add 1 handful of new spinaches clean; make them dry well on the fire, stirring. Leave it to cool and incorporate it robiola.

2) Prepare the savory cake. Unroll a disk of puff pastry and spread the mix of leeks and spinaches up to 3 cm from the edge, then arrange the remaining slices of bacon and the Brie in slices. Cover with the second disc of dough and seal the outer edges. Place one bowl (about 12 cm) in the center of the stuffed pasta and, starting from the edge of the bowl towards the outside, cut it into 16 cuts. Turn the portions obtained e twice coupled 2 to 2; seal the tips, pinching them with moistened fingers. Stempera the yolk with the milk and brush the surface. Cut the center of the pastry with a star motif with the tip of a knife. Cool in freezer for 15 minutes.

3) Cook and serve. Cook the star in the lower part of the oven already hot a 220 ° C for 10 minutes; cover with baking paper, lower the temperature to 200 ° C and cook for others 25 minutes about. If you want to brown it, at the end remove the paper for a few minutes and put the ventilated oven. Serve the salty cake star of Christmas with bacon smoked hot, cold or warm.



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