Tag: Royal

Spaghetti and other prohibited foods for the Royal Family – Italian Cuisine


The Royal Family's protocol is so strict that it prohibits certain foods like our beloved pasta. Yet carbonara is little George of Cambridge's favorite dish!

The British Royal Family, starting with Queen Elizabeth II up to the small George, second son of William and Kate, must comply with the strict rules of Protocol which also affect the topic of food. No wonder that Meghan and Harry have escaped into the thunderous "Megxit", as you can imagine a life without spaghetti? Seriously, real life isn't just about honors and privileges, quite the opposite. It seems that the duties are very heavy and that the vocation must be in the blood, as the story tells us – Lady Diana primarily. We are well aware that the members of the Royal Family they must follow a code of rules born millennia earlier, which therefore entails sometimes impromptu limitations such as the prohibition of wearing a miniskirt or crossing the legs, but it was difficult to imagine that these would also arrive… at the table!

Queen Elizabeth II has tea with Manchester Royal Infirmary hospital staff, October 15, 1999 (Photo by Anwar Hussein / Getty Images)

What foods William, Kate and other members of the Royal Family cannot eat

Come on seafood to the pate, there are several prohibited foods to Queen Elizabeth II, principles Carlo and William with their respective spouses, Camilla and Kate Middleton, who find themselves making sacrifices independent of their will. In fact, the list of prohibited foods Royal Family when visiting outside the walls of the royal residences it is strictly related to security reasons. Let's take for example the raw meat, absolutely forbidden to avoid any intoxication – same reason for clams, mussels, crab, oysters and the like. Imagine having to block Kate Middleton's royal agenda for food poisoning? Nightmare! Ditto fortap water, you never know, especially when traveling abroad. Nothing garlic or onion on the royal table, we avoid sad inconveniences of breath during international conversations, please.

Prince Charles with chef Cracco at the British Embassy in Rome, April 27, 2009 (Photo by John Stillwell / WPA Pool / Getty Images)

To reveal the shocking goodbye to carbohydrates in general it was court chef Darren McGrady, who served in the royal kitchens of Buckingham Palace from 1982 to 1993. In an interview with the prestigious British newspaper The Telegraph, McGrady confirmed that by Protocol, members of the British royal family must confine themselves to the table when dining away from the royal residences . But the chef points out that the NO to carbohydrates, especially at dinner, it comes from Queen Elizabeth II, who is very strict about healthy eating – after all, who would not want to be as healthy as her at her venerable and respectable age of 95! Therefore, no potatoes and no pasta – especially spaghetti that could cause unpleasant noises when eating them, definitely prohibited by the label.

Label aside, we hope the heart of grandmother Elizabeth be kind to your little nephew George, son of William and Kate, who instead loves spaghetti carbonara very much, as chef Aldo Zilli revealed.

Prince Charles and consort Camilla Duchess of Cornwall at the market, September 14, 2005 in North Yorkshire, England (Photo by Pool / Anwar Hussein Collection / Getty Images)


The novelty of AtelieReale's summer 2020: Royal Ice Cream – Italian Cuisine

The novelty of AtelieReale's summer 2020: Royal Ice Cream


A new project for chef Giampiero Vivalda and the Atelier of the Antica Corona Reale. A fresh creation for summer 2020: Royal Gelato, 12 flavors of creams and sorbets

The project reflects the almost obsessive search for raw materials made of the excellence of Italian gastronomy.

An important team work, planned and built during the quarantine period together with the sous-chef Christian Conidi, the pastry chef Elisa Fornasiero and the pastry chef of theAtelieReale Luca Zucchini.
«We have always made ice cream, explains chef Vivalda. «We lacked a more comprehensive approach, let's say: for this reason we refined by comparing ourselves with the master ice cream maker Palmiro Bruschi, we became passionate about" ancient "processing and we started a specific and very rigorous research of the raw material, to obtain a product at the height of our restaurant .

The production of ice cream is done in the classic Carpigiani: for creams, they use farmed eggs, fresh and powdered Piedmontese milk and fresh cream from the Latterie Inalpi centrifuge, from a certified Piedmontese chain.

For the preparation of sorbets, Sparea is used, the pure alpine spring mineral water that flows into the Pellice Valley, in the heart of the Cottian Alps, fresh fruit and sugar.

To close the circle of excellence, Vivalda found in Domori chocolate and Lavazza coffee the right partners for the production of Royal Gelato, whose further quality secret is the daily creaming (performed every afternoon for the following day) and the storage in glycol wells (type of thermoregulated carapina) which guarantee uniformity of temperature inside the refrigerated compartment thus ensuring perfect ice cream mixing.

Twelve flavors, six cream-based ice creams and six fruit sorbets, which are the result of multiple encounters with small Piedmontese and non-Piedmontese producers, capable of growing very small quantities of product or fruit, historical and very rare species. The tastes in this way will follow the seasonality and the proposals of the market. In fact chef Vivalda is keen to point out that "the selection of the raw material requires a certain timing, and there are no rules if not the choice based on the maturation. A bit like doing with Sauternes, a vendange par tri, or a harvest in successive stages, picking the grapes only if it has reached perfect ripeness. In some cases, to get the full taste, we have assembled different varieties of the same fruit: as for the strawberry, remaining in the wine metaphor, we have studied an assembly of strawberries, where each percentage of grapes chosen gives taste, color and aroma .

Royal Ice Cream it is also a physical place: on the external side of the Atelier, the Rose garden, a suggestive pergola created by the architect Peirone, with tables to which you can order, in addition to 12 flavors of ice cream, 3 special composition-cups in combination with as many spirits, raisin wines or Barolo Chinato.

The 6 flavors creams

Chuao Chocolate Ice Cream 75%
Pistachio ice cream from Bronte “Feudo di San Biagio®"Agrimontana
Ponda Piedmont Hazelnut Ice Cream Tonda Gentile delle Langhe Trilobata Agrimontana
Bourbon Vanilla Ice Cream from Madagascar
INALPI Fior di Panna ice cream
Kafa Lavazza coffee ice cream

The 6 sorbets

Terlizzi black Fiorone fig sorbet
Noli Lemon Sorbet
Peach sorbet Tobacco from Etna
Valleggia Apricot Sorbet
Strawberry Sorbet from Tortona, Mara dei Boschi and Valle Pesio
Pecetto Cherry Sorbet

Hours: from 4 to 11 pm, every day except Wednesday.
Service at the tables of the Rose Garden, with reservations required at the same number as the restaurant (tel. 0172 474132)


A gourmet palace: the Cerea family at the Royal Villa of Monza – Italian Cuisine

A gourmet palace: the Cerea family at the Royal Villa of Monza


From 10 December a new gastronomic offer at the Monza Royal Palace will be managed by the two brands owned by the Cerea family: Da Vittorio and Vicook

The splendor of the eighteenth-century rooms, the perfection of Piermarini's architecture, around the magnificent park, within the alternation of exhibitions and cultural events. And the starry kitchen of the Cerea. There Villa Reale Monza will be transformed into a center of gastronomic as well as cultural excellence: it will start on 10 December and the new catering project signed by the Cerea family will continue for the next two years, which will be entrusted with the "direction" of the Villa Reale restaurant service. The announcement was made during the presentation of the new exhibition dedicated to From there, to emphasize the combination of art, culture and gastronomy. The imprint arrives directly from the "Da Vittorio" restaurant in Brusaporto, with its three Michelin stars: "it is for us a source of great pride to be able to place our name alongside a prestigious reality like that of Villa Reale in Monza, underlined by Cerea – and to contribute with our catering experience to increase its success ".

In concrete terms, the offer will be divided into two different proposals, managed by the two brands owned by the family: Da Vittorio for the part relating to events e Vicook for the one related to the bistro. "Vicook bistro Villa Reale" will be a versatile space, capable of accommodating up to 200 people: connection between the Courtyard and the Park, includes restaurant, bistro and cafeteria; here the chef Corrado Leoni, under the supervision of the Cerea family, will reformulate the menus and update the service style.

The noble floor, first floor and Belvedere offer is different, where the Royal Dalì exhibition has just been inaugurated and will continue until 2021: these spaces will continue to host events of national and international prestige, under the aegis of Da Vittorio.


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