Tag: raisins

the vegan savory pie to try – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

the vegan savory pie to try


Would you like to experience the tradition of a typical Campania dishbut without giving up the innovation of one vegan recipe? Prepare it with us savory cake with escarole, raisins and pine nuts, a mix of simple and poor ingredients, but typical of Mediterranean cuisine. Freshness, sweetness and crunchiness will win you and your guests over! Let’s cook together!


adas polo shirazi, a journey into Persian tradition – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

adas polo shirazi, a journey into Persian tradition


The Persian rice with lentils and raisins, adas polo shirazi in the native language, originates in the southern region of Iran, with particular relevance in the city of Shiraz, famous for its history, poetry and, of course, its fine cuisine. This dish is a tribute to the goodness and simplicity of the basic ingredients, transforming them into a culinary delicacy that has stood the test of time.


This dish is a hymn to seasonality and conviviality. Traditionally, you can prepare it during celebrations and family gatherings, making it an ideal dish for parties and special occasions, on the coldest days, but also in the hottest periods. Preparation requires precision and attention to detail. Furthermore, you will need to carefully wash the brown basmati rice and remove excess starch, ensuring a perfect consistency. Pay attention to lentils, which require cooking al dente, retaining their distinctive structure and flavor. Soak the raisins well in advance, so that they regain strength and release all their sweetness. Finally, once you have finished cooking your Persian rice with lentils and raisins, turn off the heat and let it rest for at least 30 minutes. This will allow the flavors to blend and the rice to settle.


Chicken rice with raisins and pine nuts – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Chicken rice with raisins and pine nuts


Add the raisins, salt to your liking and pour in all the broth, cooking over medium heat for half an hour. In the meantime, brown the rice in a pan with the remaining butter and add the pine nuts. Add the rice to the chicken, cover and cook over a low heat for about twenty minutes. Place the chicken on the rice and serve immediately.


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