Tag: phyllo

Phyllo dough lasagna with feta – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Phyllo dough lasagna with feta


A dish that will catapult you directly into the crowded streets of Istanbul, where this dish is usually consumed. In diners, in restaurants or even as street food, this traditional Turkish recipe, it can be a valid alternative to vary your usual menu. Pack your bags because we fly to the banks of the Bosphorus, where we will explore together the irresistible combination of the crunchiness of phyllo dough and the flavor of feta.


Recipe Savory phyllo pastry pie with cheese and vegetables – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Recipe Savory phyllo pastry pie with cheese and vegetables


Today we prepare a savory pie a little different than usual: we make it, in fact, with a base of phyllo doughthat is, a very thin pastry made with water, oil and flour and traditional of Greece. Precisely because it is thin, you will have to use several layers of phyllo dough for the mold: we used six.

Once cooked in the oven, placing some dried beans on the base and, if necessary, some weights to keep it from rising, the phyllo pastry cake is ready to be filled: in our recipe we have filled with a cream cheese And vegetables such as courgettes, carrots, radishes, black cabbage, radicchio, asparagus.

Also discover these recipes: Phyllo dough cake with Middle Eastern cream, Fillo pastry nests with quail eggs, Phyllo dough crackers, mozzarella and dried petals, Fillo pastry parcels with courgettes and fennel seeds, Phyllo dough pizzas with vegetables and sardines.


Phyllo pastry rolls with courgettes, feta and mint: the Mediterranean on the plate – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Phyllo pastry rolls with courgettes, feta and mint: the Mediterranean on the plate


Maybe there phyllo dough it is not a typical ingredient of Italian tables, but this is a dish that offers an explosion of flavors and textures, wrapped in a crispy and light pasta shell. The filo pastry rolls with courgettes, feta and mint they are a delicious and original option to serve as a starter or main course. We will show you how to prepare these rolls, combining the freshness of zuchinis to the creaminess of feta and to the freshness of mintfor a tasty and inviting combination.


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