Tag: penne

Penne with cream, speck and saffron: the recipe – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Penne with cream, speck and saffron: the recipe


The penne with cream, speck and saffron they are a first course that is very easy and quick to prepare but with an incredible burst of flavour. In just a few minutes you will be able to bring to the table a creamy, pleasant pasta dish and above all with all the wonderful aroma of saffron. And if you like this recipe we also recommend them spring penne with spinach and green pea pesto.

Penne cream, speck and saffron

To prepare the delicious ones penne cream, speck and saffron let’s start by cutting a slice of speck into cubes and browning it in a pan for five minutes, obtaining a crunchy consistency, in another pan we melt some butter, then we add the cream and let it thicken, at this point we add the saffron, 3 tablespoons of water and a pinch of salt. Finally, drain the pasta and add it to the sauce. Here are all the details.


Penne carbonara with mushrooms without bacon – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Penne carbonara with mushrooms without bacon


Delicious, even without bacon: the penne carbonara with mushrooms they are a succulent variant of the classic bacon and egg, with a rich and different taste. Mushrooms are the great protagonists of this recipe, like eggs and pecorino, for a dish that can easily constitute the main course of a Sunday lunch or in any case of an important occasion.

How to make mushroom penne carbonara

The exquisite ones penne carbonara with mushrooms, without bacon, they are prepared first of all by soaking the mushrooms in hot water for 5 minutes, cutting them into small pieces and filtering the water, which is added a little at a time to the same mushrooms left to brown in a pan with oil and garlic. In another bowl, combine beaten eggs, grated pecorino, salt and pepper and the seasoning is then poured together with the mushrooms onto the penne boiled in the pan. Here are all the details of the recipe.


Spring penne rigate with spinach pesto and green peas – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Spring penne rigate with spinach pesto and green peas


The spring penne with spinach and green pea pesto they are a very delicate dish but at the same time rich in flavour. The spinach cream and the sweet flavor of green peas constitute a winning combination, for a first course that will be a real success. And if you like these ingredients you can also try the spinach meatloaf.

Penne spring with spinach and green pea pesto: recipe

To prepare the delicious ones spring penne with spinach and green pea pesto we start by cooking the spinach in a pan with a knob of butter and salt, once cooked we chop them with an immersion blender. In a pan we fry the onion and then add the peas. We cook the penne in abundant salted water, once drained we sauté it in the pan with the peas and then add the spinach pesto. We conclude with an abandoning sprinkling of parmesan. Here are all the steps.


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