Tag: London

In London you can experience the favorite luxuries of Winston Churchill – Italian Cuisine

In London you can experience the favorite luxuries of Winston Churchill


Between Champagne, cigars and chocolate, the Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park celebrates the distinguished British Prime Minister and his peculiar habits with the special package "Stay like Sir Winston Churchill"

The habits, the idioms, the sometimes very original found of Winston Churchill they are indelibly written there, halfway between history and legend. Certainly the British politician, for over a decade as British Prime Minister, has been a character capable of leaving an indelible mark on the collective imagination of his United Kingdom, of course, but not only: and that is why the Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park, a luxurious 5-star hotel in the heart of London inaugurated in 1902, has decided to celebrate its complete reopening after the recent restoration with a special package of style and elegance with a pinch of healthy madness, christened precisely "Stay like Sir Winston Churchill".

Great little rituals

During his long institutional career, the British Prime Minister has been a guest of the hotel more and more times, during delicate periods such as the World War II, but also on much less solemn occasions, such as during the renovation and decoration of his private residence. His usual requests inspired the special package developed by the Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park: in addition to a English Breakfast complete for two people, guests will also receive a bottle of Champagne Pol Roger, Sir Churchill's favorite, and a vintage photograph of the politician at the hotel entrance. Moreover, at the counter of the Mandarin Bar, they can taste the special cocktail Vices & Virtues: a tribute to one of the famous phrases that the politician spoke about his colleague Stafford Cripps, "He has all the virtues that I don't like and no vice I admire".

Between cigars, cakes and chocolate

But good Churchill was also well known for his excessive passion for i quality cigars, that guests will have the opportunity to buy directly inside the structure. Not only. The package, available until December with a price per double room starting from 690 pounds, also includes two specials chocolate cigars, in memory of a curious episode that saw the Prime Minister offer two cigars to the waiters in room service in exchange for an early delivery of his breakfast. The "Stay like Sir Winston Churchill" initiative is part of a wider celebration of the history of the luxurious hotel, which in addition to a list of cocktails dedicated to the great characters of the twentieth century also includes a special appointment with the afternoon tea inspired by the 20s: in the hotel tearoom, guests can sample exquisite cakes from around the world, such as the French Religieuse, the English Banoffee and the Russian Coconut Pavlova, toasting with a glass of Champagne and listening to jazz music.

British Prime Minister Winston Churchill (1874 – 1965) & his wife Clementine (1885 – 1977) sit together under a large painting of their home at Chartwell, near Westerham, Kent, England, 1947. Church had been Britain's Prime Minister during World War II (unit 1945), and again in 1951 – 1955. Churchill wears a pair of monogrammed slippers on his feet. (Photo by William Sumits / The LIFE Picture Collection / Getty Images)


Brexit, the fate of Italian cuisine in London hangs on a signature – Italian Cuisine

Brexit, the fate of Italian cuisine in London hangs on a signature


The love of the British for Italian food is overt, but if they continue to dine with prosecco and raw ham or begin to drink vodka everything will depend on how it ends up with Brexit

In UK, "Italian cuisine" is "Italian recipes" are real trends on Google. "Italian restaurants" is one of the most frequent searches, along with how to cook the chicken and the pasta. To say it is the research "Italy on the tables of Europe". But all this momentum for Made in Italy food could suffer a sharp slowdown. March 29th, the day it was supposed to be released Brexit, has passed and, to date, nobody knows whether and how London will have to leave the European Union. The latest news even speaks of the possibility that everything remains unchanged, given the latest statements by British Prime Minister Teresa May: "Either we leave the EU with an agreement or we don't leave it at all". At the moment, the only certainty is that it is not only Queen Elizabeth II who reigns supreme on the island, but also a widespread sense of uncertainty.

Brexit for Italian cuisine: price increases and problems with staff

A precarious situation that also closely concerns many compatriots employed in the catering sector. In fact, there are hundreds of Italian restaurants in London. Alongside those who mimic our cuisine, in recent years there has been a succession of restaurateurs who have tried to enhance the culinary tradition of our country. «In case of a hard Brexit, an exit without agreement, the price of products imported from Italy would increase considerably. Another problem would concern staff. The talking is Ciro Salvo of the pizzeria 50 Kalò of Naples, which opened a restaurant in London last July.

50 Neapolitans make Kalò, pizza in London

Pizza is one of the strong points with which Italy has conquered not only the United Kingdom but the whole world. Apparently easy to do, many try to propose "the pizza, the real one" while putting on it the most unlikely ingredients, but only a few Neapolitan know how to do it properly. And the English also understood, thanks to pizza makers and entrepreneurs who, like Salvo, have decided to export not just a brand, but also workers and typical products. Certainly it will never be like eating it in Naples, but it is very close. After having convinced the Neapolitans with his light dough and his refined ingredients, Salvo, instead of arriving in Milan, as many of his colleagues are doing, has decided to embark on a London venture. His 50 Kalo in London it has less than a year and already an excellent response from the public and critics. This is demonstrated by the "constant growth in turnover". The result of teamwork. A team made up mostly of people who worked alongside him in Naples, snatching his secrets, and who are in London today.

No deal, what would happen to the Italians who work in London

In case of "no deal", "it is possible that some of them will have to return to Italy and in the future it will be difficult to find qualified personnel". As stated in the vademecum of the Italian government which provides a series of indications to companies, institutions or institutions in view of the exit without agreement, the residents of more than five years will have no major problems. Those who will come to the United Kingdom after Brexit will find it most difficult: they will be treated differently, based on UK national immigration legislation: a residence permit linked to an occupation will probably be required.

For the English the increase in the receipt is in the air

"The team is all for the success of a pizza, for how I set the job, so for me it is unthinkable to change personnel every five or six months." Just as it would be unthinkable to budget other costs, such as customs duties for products imported from Italy. "To make ends meet it could increase the receipt". In the immediate future, then, the English would lose out. Even because 30% of the food consumed on the island comes from the European Union. But in the near future, they could Italian producers pay the consequences too: in 2018 Italy exported almost one and a half million tons of food products to the United Kingdom, for a total value of 1.6 billion euros. The imposition of customs duties could compromise this positive trend.

Food & Beverage, the sector suffers for Brexit

Ivan Crispo, co-director of an important communication agency active in the Food & Beverage sector, in London for almost 20 years, speaks of «a rather dramatic situation. The week immediately following the referendum there was an increase in raw material prices of 13.5%, today it has risen to 18%. Also restaurants they found themselves in general in one situation not easy, both due to the widespread uncertainty and the increase in rents, and to the increase in so-called business rates, property taxes. The result is that many locals they are no longer able to offer a service with a good value for money and some have been forced to close. I think about Londrino by Portuguese chef Leandro Carreira, opened in November 2017 and entered the February settlement. But also a Gazelle by Rob Roy Cameron (formerly El Bulli) and Tony Conigliaro, a top level restaurant opened last July and closed in March .

Escort effect: ran to the exit supermarket

Secondo Crispo «"The escort effect" – to fill the house with food before everything costs too much – it has not yet started but is just around the corner . A trend that seems to be confirmed also by some data from Coldiretti Emilia Romagna: in the last quarter of 2018, theexports of Emilian products to the United Kingdom increased by 5.5%. While on the one hand the signal is positive, on the other it could be the symptom of a substantial purchase of goods in view of the duties. In short, the love of the British for Italian food is overt, but if they continue to dine with prosecco and raw ham or begin to drink vodka everything will depend on the commercial agreements that will be tightened by 10 Downing Street.


Does Ed Sheeran open a restaurant in London? It would be … 'Perfect'! – Italian Cuisine

Does Ed Sheeran open a restaurant in London? It would be ... 'Perfect'!


Bar, restaurant, live music: the British press announces Ed Sheeran's new adventure in catering. Here is everything we know today

Like many national and international stars, it seems that too Ed Sheeran will open a restaurant. Thanks to worldwide success, the red-haired and melodic pop star decided to invest her money in a new business in London. One wonders if in addition to catering there will be exclusive and intimate live performances … dining by candlelight with Ed Sheeran in person who sings Perfect, wouldn't it be a dream?

In fact, it is from the English press that we learn the news of the purchase of the Spanish restaurant El Galicia from Ed Sheeran. The Irish-born artist got his hands on the club of Portobello Road for the "modest" figure of one and a half million pounds at the end of last year. Opened in 1999 by José Nieto Alborés and Eduardo Lage Porto, the restaurant officially closed its doors in April 2018. The source reports that the renovation works are progressing well and it is assumed that it will be opened by the end of April 2019, even if at the moment nothing has been formalized. The project should include a bar, a restaurant and live music for a selected audience, probably a club for members-only.

Passion for food & beverage Ed Sheeran not new to fans: in an interview with Apple Music with Zane Lowe in 2017 the singer revealed that he had a private pub built with a selection of draft beers. Moreover, it seems to have bought a farmhouse in Umbria with a vineyard.

The list of artists that have been conquered by the fascinating (and profitable) world of food & beverage is long. The examples are many, from the Tagine in Beverly Hills of Ryan Gosling to the Ratanà of Antonio Albanese in Milan. Such as El Gaucho of Javier Zanetti or THEl Posteria of San Rocco of Rino Gattuso, even the soccer players have understood that it is better to foresee an alternative career when the time comes to hang the shoes on the nail. With more or less success, the food and wine adventures of fellow VIPs may have influenced Ed Sheeran's choice to jump into a new field, together with his manager Stuart Camp as a partner.


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