Tag: links

The Skinnytaste Cookbook: Get a 19-Page Bonus Pack, a 4-Week Dinner Plan Plus 3 New Bonus Recipes with Pre-Order

It’s hard to believe in only a few weeks The Skinnytaste Cookbook[1] will be hitting the bookstores – I’m beyond excited!! And have I mentioned how grateful I am for all your support?

Well this week, as an added bonus (and a thank you to all of you who have already
pre-ordered the book!), if you pre-order The Skinnytaste Cookbook[2] BEFORE
September 30th, I will send you a FREE 19-page bonus
with a 4-week dinner plan, a weekly shopping list, an early look
at a few of the recipes from the book plus 3 new exclusive recipes that do not live on
gordon-ramsay-recipe.com or in the cookbook:

Slow Cooker Harissa Chicken Tacos  (my new favorite taco!)
Lemon Basil Skillet Chicken 
(so quick and easy!)
Roasted Pork Loin with Garlic, Dijon, and Herbs
(succulent and delicious)

Here’s a sample of the first week’s shopping list:

All you have to do is pre-order the book from your retailer of choice (see links here[3]) and send your proof of purchase to skinnytaste@penguinrandomhouse.com[4]

If you already sent your proof of purchase the first time around, no need to do anything! You will automatically get this emailed to you this week!!


  1. ^ The Skinnytaste Cookbook (www.gordon-ramsay-recipe.com)
  2. ^ The Skinnytaste Cookbook (www.gordon-ramsay-recipe.com)
  3. ^ see links here (www.gordon-ramsay-recipe.com)
  4. ^ skinnytaste@penguinrandomhouse.com (www.gordon-ramsay-recipe.com)

The Skinnytaste Cookbook: 3 FREE Bonus Recipes with Preorder

I just got a sneak peak of the printed version of The Skinnytaste Cookbook[1] and I’m beyond thrilled for it’s release on September 30th, and am so grateful for all of your enthusiasm and support so far!

As an added bonus (and a thank you to all of you who have already ordered the book!), if you pre-order The Skinnytaste Cookbook by September 30th, I will send you 3 FREE bonus recipes that I created exclusively for you! These recipes do not (and will not!) live on gordon-ramsay-recipe.com or in the cookbook.

Whole Wheat Banana Crumb Muffinsthese scrumptious muffins are a favorite in my house, whenever I whip up a batch they quickly dissappear!

Easy Grilled Chicken Parmesan – perfect while it’s still hot outside, I tell my daughter it’s chicken pizza and she loves it! Takes less than 20 minutes to make and no heating the kitchen!

Zesty Crab and Mango Salad – fresh and light, and so easy to prepare!

All you have to do is pre-order the book from your retailer of choice (see links here[2]) and send your proof of purchase to skinnytaste@penguinrandomhouse.com to receive a link to download these three recipes! This offer, of course, also applies to everyone who has already preordered their copy of the book as long as you send a receipt.


  1. ^ The Skinnytaste Cookbook (www.gordon-ramsay-recipe.com)
  2. ^ see links here (www.gordon-ramsay-recipe.com)

Summer Drinking

I know, I’m supposed to be on vacation, but I wanted to post links for a couple of spectacularly refreshing summer drinks. Not only is the timing perfect for either of these beautiful beverages,  but I was getting really tired of looking at that hairy, photoshop’d beach guy. To see the full post, and get the ingredients, click on the title, and away you go. Enjoy, and see you next week! 

Watermelon Agua Fresca


Homemade Strawberry Soda


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