Tag: gordon ramsay grilled cheese

Grilled Brie & Pear Sandwich and a Great Excuse to Make One

This grilled brie and pear sandwich is dedicated to National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day, which happens every April 12, thanks mostly to bored food bloggers, and cheese industry marketing cartels…I’m looking at you, Wisconsin. 

No matter its origins, this cheesy, savory/sweet, flavor bomb is probably my favorite non-traditional grilled cheese sandwich.

If you’re going to do this, don’t get scared and omit the pepper and thyme. This is required to tip the sweet/savory scale toward the later. Just add a tiny bit your first time, and work up from there. By the way, this grilled cheese was inspired by a cold pear and brie sandwich I had at a café many years ago, and I’ve been doing it hot ever since.

Butter is kind of a key here. It looks like a lot, but you want a seriously crispy crust to fully enjoy the soft, warm cheese and sweet pear. So, if you’re celebrating National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day, like any normal person who spends any time on Twitter is, then I hope you consider giving this buttery beauty a try. Enjoy! 

National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day!

I heard that Friday is National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day, and what better way to commemorate than by making this epic version of America’s favorite sandwich? Hopefully most of you have seen and made this before, but just in case, here you go. Enjoy!

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