Tag: glutenfree

Gluten-free Blueberry Muffins – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Gluten-free Blueberry Muffins


In another bowl, beat the egg yolks with milk and oil. Add the liquid ingredients to the dry ones, mixing gently until you get a smooth and homogeneous consistency, without lumps. Incorporate the whipped egg whites with movements from the bottom upwards until the mixture becomes smooth and frothy.


artichoke flan for a gluten-free diet – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

artichoke flan for a gluten-free diet


Clean the artichokes, removing the hardest outer leaves and cutting them into thin slices. In a pan, heat the extra virgin olive oil and brown the artichokes until they become soft. In a bowl, mix the eggs, cream, grated cheese and aromatic herbs. Add the artichokes and mix well.


the second course is very light and gluten-free fish – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

the second course is very light and gluten-free fish


Crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside, i calamari with citrus fruits I’m a second summer greedy and light.

Although the cooking takes place in a pan, with a drizzle of oil, the calamari rings they are a very light dish rich in flavour. For the flavor to be strong and fragrant, the fish should be left to marinate for a few hours in the refrigerator, in a mixture of Orange juiceoil and black pepper.

The light breading is done with rice flour, totally gluten-free, which makes the dish perfect to be consumed even by those who suffer from more or less pronounced intolerances.

To give even more flavor to the final dish, the cooking oil can be flavored with ginger and sage, to give a vaguely spicy but still delicate note.

For an even lighter result, you can cook the squid rings with citrus fruits in the oven, with a drop of oil, or on the grill, avoiding the flour.

Easy, quick and full of flavour, i calamari with citrus fruits they are a perfect fish main course for any occasion; a fresh, light summer dish suitable for every palate.

Squeeze an orange and add oil and black pepper to the juice.

Clean the squid and cut it into rings, then let it rest for 1 hour in the fridge together with the orange juice.

After 1 hour we can bread the squid in rice flour and then pan-fry it with oil, ginger and sage.

After 15 minutes our calamari will be cooked and delicious!


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