Tag: Giorgio

The ice cream inspired by Giorgio Armani for Milan Fashion Week #DaAssaggia – Italian Cuisine


It is called Stecco Greige and was created by Gusto17 to celebrate the first 40 years of Emporio Armani: here is the #DaAssaggio gelato exclusively during Milan Fashion Week 2021

From 21 to 27 September in Milan you can also eat fashion: Gusto17, the Milanese artisan ice cream parlor included by Forbes among the 100 Italian excellences 2021, launches a limited edition ice cream stick to celebrate Giorgio Armani and the 40 years of Emporio.

The shades between gray and beige meet in the iconic color that has always distinguished the Armani style. Greige is created in a completely natural way with ingredients that represent Italian excellence: the filling is a Sicilian salted Pistachio ice cream, while the topping is of fine white chocolate processed with vegetable carbon powder derived from coconut.

The bi-color stick, available in three different combinations of greige nuances, joins the Pantone-inspired Design Sticks. These will be enriched over time with new products to form a Special Edition of Stecchi Gelato, all made in line with the philosophy of Gusto 17, i.e. only natural and seasonal ingredients, no artificial dyes, preservatives or thickeners.

You can taste Greige at Milan, for the entire duration of the Fashion Week (21-27 September 2021), in the stores in Milan of Gusto 17 in via Savona 17 (Tortona District), in via Cagnola 10 (Arco della Pace), in the Rinascente Duomo in the Food at the 7th piano, from VOCE Aimo and Nadia in p.za della Scala, but also throughout Italy ordering it on e-commerce.


Giorgio Panariello on the cover of Vanity Fair – Italian Cuisine


Love, forgiveness, memory and hope. Giorgio Panariello tells Vanity Fair a story of pain and redemption

Love, forgiveness, memory, hope: in the issue of Vanity Fair on newsstands from October 28, the Tuscan comedian Giorgio Panariello recalls a story of pain and redemption, that of his brother Franco found dead in 2011.

“Today, unfortunately, the situation of the virus puts us back to the starting point, in a rewind that has the bitter taste of defeat. Perhaps also for this reason, in this issue of Vanity Fair we have chosen to tell you an exceptional story, that of Giorgio Panariello and his brother Franco ”, writes director Simone Marchetti in his editorial. "In the interview he gave us exclusively, Giorgio Panariello claims that in difficult moments" the difference between falling off the escarpment or stopping on the threshold of the ravine is minimal ". Here, we think that in that slight difference, in that crack that is drawn between hope and defeat, lies the only way to read this so hard period. "

"I wanted to do Franco justice and take on my responsibilities" says the Tuscan comedian about the book published by Mondadori I am my brother in the bookstore from November 3. Pages that tell the life and death of his brother Franco and how, sometimes, to save you from the abyss are only small moments of luck.

Panariello recalls that they found his brother on a winter night "thrown as if it were a used mattress, among the bushes in front of the sea of ​​Viareggio" and swears that on the day of the funeral in Montignoso "all those who Franco had robbed, insulted, disappointed wept and betrayed. People who had never stopped loving him because, with the exception of himself, Franco had never hurt anyone .

It was said that in 2011 Franco had died of an overdose and it was discovered instead, after a painful trial, that the real cause was the abandonment of a man "out of cowardice". Three people he'd gotten sick with while he was with them at dinner had dumped him from a car and his heart had stopped beating from hypothermia.

"Fortune made the difference between me and Franco," says Giorgio. «I only had more ass than him, but Franco could have been me. Neither of us had ever known who our father was and my mother, who had brought us into the world too quickly, had not been able to fulfill her function. I, born a year before him, was entrusted to my grandparents. He soon ended up in boarding school without encountering affection and attention. In life, Franco especially lacked love ".
Regarding the fact that Franco could have been him, he says: «I came close, really close because in trying to be next to him I was transforming myself into Franco. Reality weighed on me. I was fine with just the wine and the barrel in my mouth. Things were going very badly. One evening they put heroin in front of me. I should have sniffed it and I certainly would have done it, perhaps out of an idiotic challenge or perhaps to show him that between becoming dependent and not being addicted, the difference was only in willpower. At a certain point I saw a lighter appear, then a spoon, finally a crystal and I understood what I was going to meet. I ran out of that house and probably saved my life. "

With great honesty he admits that his brother was also a burden for him "He had the feeling of having a bulky brother and the same feeling was embracing me too, but it is clear that a brother in those conditions was also a burden: to do my trade you must have a free head . He then adds: "When I did not see Franco, the anxiety decreased, but then the feelings of guilt took over".

And when the deputy director of Vanity Fair Malcom Pagani asks him if he wrote this book to atone for them, he replies: "There is nothing that fools you like the sense of guilt: I made many mistakes towards Franco, also and above all for the sense of guilt. Anyone who has a person who uses drugs in their home has an everlasting sense of guilt. I felt guilty when I foraged for his vices, when I denied him the money and also when the gossips whispered: "But how, with a brother like this he thinks to make you laugh?".

Now Franco is no longer there. “And I can't believe it. After leaving San Patrignano, he fell back. We then went to Don Mazzi's community and, after three years there, Franco came out totally clean. He had had the last chance of his life and he had taken it. I don't know if he was really happy, but he was fine. He wanted to live and he understood how wonderful it was to fly with your feet on the ground. He had moved to Pietrasanta, had found a stable job and came to see me on Christmas Eve. We spent a beautiful evening, remembering the follies we had done together and then we hugged. He adjusted his scarf, gave a last laugh of his own, with a hoarse voice he greeted me and I watched him disappear with his gait always in danger, adjusting his tuft. It was the last time I saw him ".


The wine of the week: Oltrepo Pavese Pinot Nero Giorgio Odero 2015 Frecciarossa – Italian Cuisine

The wine of the week: Oltrepo Pavese Pinot Nero Giorgio Odero 2015 Frecciarossa


Best wishes to Frecciarossa, who turns one hundred years old and is in splendid shape. Like his great Pinot Noir, one of the reds symbol of the Oltrepo

There are goats that keep the forest clean and cows that provide manure to fertilize the vines. And, then, a crowd of dogs, beehives with bees, orchard, vegetable garden, cured meats hung to age in the cellar, along with cups and pancetta. Frecciarossa is a historic company of the Oltrepo – this year turns 100 years old– but here you can't breathe that ancient and somewhat snobbish air that is found in many noble wineries. The wines were among the first to be exported abroad: "We have the license number 19" tells me the owner Valeria Radici; He even knew them Alfred Hitchcock, who was crazy about our Sauvignon ”.

The company's history begins with the great-grandfather of Valeria; Mario Odero lived in Wales, where he worked in the coal branch; World War I forced him to return to his homeland, but he did not want to stay in his hometown of Genoa. After a trip to Oltrepo, he remains so impressed by the landscape that he decides to sell everything he has to buy the Frecciarossa estate. But it is his son Giorgio who gives great impetus to wine production, after a trip to France, a country from which he brings back ideas and techniques to make quality wines and the passion for Pinot Noir. His daughter Margherita, one of the first to continue women in Italy to deal with wine, until, after a life lived in Paris, Valeria also feels the call of this land. "As a child I spent summers here and it's the only place I've always felt like home."

Speaking of his wines, he told me that “Carillo is the most essential version of Pinot Noir, it is fresh and focused on the fruit, without superstructures; it is the wine in which I recognize myself more, together with the Anamari, the red with the native grapes of the Oltrepo, which we have resumed to produce ". But the wine that best represents the great history of the company is undoubtedly the Giorgio Odero Pinot Noir that among other things, and rarely happens in Italy, can be purchased in the company of well six different years. Produced on the first hills of Casteggio from a single vineyard, it is a wine that needs time to give the best of itself; this is shown by the 2015 vintage, the son of a hot vintage, which is already able to show off a great class and perfect territorial adherence. The aromas are those of small fruits, Rossana candy and red orange; to taste it is juicy, refreshed by balsamic notes. 2014 is more subtle, ready and "Nordic", the son of a cold year with an elegance that brings it closer to Burgundy.

Why now: it's always the right time for Pinot Noir.

As did: fermented with indigenous yeasts in steel tanks at a controlled temperature; maceration lasts about 15 days, followed by aging for 12 months in 25 hectolitre wooden barrels, then six months in steel and, finally, at least one year in the bottle.

To combine with: is very good with recipes based on birds, from pigeon to duck, flat pirmi with meat sauces, roasts and cut.

Serve it at: 16-18 ° C.

Price: 27 euros.


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