Tag: drinking

What’s new in May for eating, drinking and cooking – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

What's new in May for eating, drinking and cooking


There are many new features for May: Spring has arrived at the table too and we celebrate it (at any time). For example, for the aperitif there are new super healthy snacks also suitable for those with intolerances, and also new fresh and light drinks, for adults and children. There are many new ice creams, starting with that of Charles Leclerc: one example above all (there are so many that we will soon offer you a new dedicated gallery).

Meanwhile, the kitchen and terrace are getting a new look, with many accessories that make organizing outdoor lunches and dinners with friends even more pleasant. One above all: the new portable, practical and design barbecue.

News for May


Is drinking extra virgin olive oil bad for you? The expert answers – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

La Cucina Italiana


After water and turmeric, water and lemon and apple cider vinegar, the new trend, among people who are attentive to their health, seems to be that of drink extra virgin olive oil in the morning and on an empty stomach. A special elixir which, as videos and testimonials on social media assure, would be able to bring countless benefits to the body and even help us lose weight. But is it really like that? We asked the nutritional biologist Concetta Montagnese, researcher at the CNR Institute of Food Sciences.

The properties of extra virgin olive oil

The expert confirms that extra virgin olive oil is truly a very precious, indispensable food with multiple beneficial effects. Let’s understand together if drinking extra virgin olive oil actually has benefits. «It is a powerful anti-inflammatory, which helps us fight cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. Rich in important monounsaturated fatty acids, including oleic acid, and polyphenols, in particular oleocanthal, it also contains lots of vitamin Ebeneficial for the immune system and the skin. Thanks to its antioxidant compounds, it helps cells stay younger”, explains the nutritionist. «Some studies have also associated a high consumption of extra virgin olive oil with the prevention of tumors.

The right quantities

To benefit from this anti-tumor effect, a consumption of more than 20 grams per day is recommended, which is equivalent to more than two tablespoons. And the protective effect seems stronger as the amount of consumption increases. However, we know that extra virgin olive oil is a very caloric food (100 grams contain around 900 calories): doesn’t it make you fat? «The Italian guidelines suggest taking some between 20 and 40 grams per day, two to four tablespoons“, says Montagnese, “because when we talk about a balanced diet we must not only refer to the number of calories, but also to the nutritional values ​​and composition of the food. Extra virgin olive oil contains 99% fats, but mostly the good ones, which help keep the body healthy and are also essential for the correct functioning of the metabolism. This precious food it is therefore also indicated in cases of obesity and metabolic syndrome. If anything, it is its deficiency that is harmful: extra virgin olive oil is one of the cornerstones of the Mediterranean diet and cannot be replaced with any other type of food or condiment.”

In the morning on an empty stomach

However, it is not necessary to drink extra virgin olive oil in the morning and on an empty stomach, a practice that we see more and more often on social media. «To date, no study has shown that drinking oil in the morning is more effective than using it as a condiment in main meals. Its consumption, during the day, is certainly good for you and keeps the body healthy, but, more than taking it alone, combining it with some foods can help improve the absorption of important bioactive compounds (for example, antioxidants in tomatoes), with beneficial effects. It is somewhat fashionable to look for a magic potion for health, and therefore prepare elixirs to be consumed in the morning or on an empty stomach, but it is enough to consolidate the healthy habits of the Mediterranean diet – and use oil as a condiment, preferably raw, and in sautéed – to derive all the possible benefits”.


What to do after drinking and eating too much – Italian Cuisine

What to do after drinking and eating too much


How to dispose of the excesses of particularly elaborate lunches and dinners? Here's how to regain well-being and energy and free yourself from the sense of heaviness

It is impossible not to overdo the table when in company. Who hasn't gone overboard on holidays? Food, whatever the occasion, is above all conviviality and pleasure. But what to do after you drank and ate too much? What are the precautions to follow on the same day and in the following ones to counter the effects of a particularly elaborate meal? "The first thing to avoid is eating only a salad or fruit, a mistake that is often made after lunches and dinners in which one has exaggerated with portions of food and quantities of wine and in general alcoholic and carbonated drinks," he says. the dietician Patrizia Gaballo. Instead, it is better to simply reduce the portions in the next meal and bring balanced menus to the table. "Another useful suggestion to follow is to choose foods that can help the body get rid of the" toxic "substances produced by metabolic processes, which risk promoting a generalized sense of malaise that can manifest itself with heaviness, headache, tiredness and swelling , says the expert. So here's what to do after drinking and eating too much.

The tips to follow immediately

After drinking and eating too much, avoid consuming any leftovers, which risk straining the body even more and feeling burdened. If you have eaten and drunk too much for lunch, you can also skip dinner. This helps the body to cleanse itself of accumulated toxins. If, on the other hand, you have exaggerated at dinner, you can skip breakfast when you wake up. To compensate and eliminate excess sodium and counteract fluid retention, the advice is to drink plenty of water, also thanks to the consumption of herbal teas and herbal teas and plants with a detox action. «Fennel, for example, promotes diuresis and counteracts the sense of swelling. Mallow, on the other hand, is excellent for the intestine, while the artichoke, thanks to its cholagogue action, stimulates the work of the liver, an organ involved in the metabolization of fats and substances such as alcohol ".

The tailor-made menu for the next day

The next day it is essential to bring easily digestible meals to the table. For lunch and dinner, yes to a large portion of vegetables. "Thanks to the richness of fiber, they help restore hormonal imbalances due to an excessive intake of carbohydrates with a high glycemic load, for example in particularly elaborate first courses rich in sauces, sauces and desserts," says the expert. "The supply of antioxidants, of which they are also excellent sources, instead counteracts the production of free radicals and inflammatory substances that damage cells. The ideal is to associate them with a single source of easily digestible proteins. So no to the classic salad with mozzarella and ham. Better to choose fish, to be seasoned with extra virgin olive oil, to fill up on fats that facilitate metabolism ". Two typical menus to follow the next day? "For lunch, a fennel and citrus salad with salmon, for dinner instead of raw radicchio dressed with extra virgin olive oil and scrambled eggs".


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