Tag: cupcakes

Savory sapling cupcakes – Recipe by – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Savory sapling cupcakes - Recipe by Misya


First, beat the eggs with the salt, then stir in the yogurt and oil.

Also add sifted starch, flour and yeast, then incorporate sugar and parmesan.

Distribute the mixture into the muffin molds lined with paper liners, filling them to within 1-2 cm of the edge, then bake for 20-25 minutes in a static oven preheated to 180°C.

Blanch the spinach for 5 minutes, then drain and leave to cool.

Combine the Philadelphia with the well-squeezed spinach and a pinch of salt in a blender and blend until you obtain a smooth cream, then transfer it into a piping bag with a star-shaped nozzle.

Create your little trees on top of the cupcakes, creating small pyramids of overlapping circles, smaller and smaller.

Finally, cut the comet stars (even simple stars are fine) from the slice of cheese and cut the cherry tomatoes in half.

The savory tree cupcakes are ready, all you have to do is add the decorations on top and serve them.


Spiced pumpkin cupcakes – Italian Cuisine

»Pumpkin bread - Misya's Pumpkin bread recipe


First of all, clean the whole pumpkin, cut it into cubes, cook it for about 10 minutes in the microwave (or for at least 20 minutes in a pot, with water), blend it, divide it into 2 equal bowls (half you will need for the dough and half for the frosting ) and let it cool.

In the meantime, work the butter with the sugar and salt until you get an ointment consistency, then add the eggs, the pumpkin (only 1 of the 2 bowls) diluted with the milk and cinnamon.
Finally, stir in the sifted flour and yeast.

Pour the mixture thus obtained into muffin molds (lined with cups, or greased and floured) and bake for 20-25 minutes at 175 ° C, in a preheated ventilated oven.

Let the cakes cool and in the meantime prepare the frosting by whipping the cheese with sugar and cinnamon and the now cold pumpkin.

When the cakes are cold, decorate them with frosting (with a sac-à-poche with a star nozzle) and with sugar sprinkles.

The pumpkin spiced cupcakes are ready, you just have to enjoy them.


Cupcakes spritz – Cupcakes spritz recipe – Italian Cuisine

»Cupcakes spritz - Misya Cupcakes spritz recipe


First prepare the cakes: whip the egg with the sugar until a light and frothy mixture is obtained, then add the oil and orange juice first, then also the mix of prosecco and Aperol.

Begin to mix, finally incorporate also sifted flour and yeast, grated orange peel and a pinch of salt.

Pour the mixture into the muffin cups by filling them 2/3 and cook for about 20 minutes at 180 ° C: once cooked, take them out of the oven and let them cool well.

In the meantime, prepare the frosting: whip the very cold cream in the fridge.
Separately, whip the Philadelphia with icing sugar, then add the 2 compounds, also adding Aperol and orange coloring, then keep in the fridge.

When the cakes are completely cold, recover the frosting from the fridge and proceed with the decoration, using a sac-à-poche with the star spout.

The spritz cupcakes are ready: complete with an orange slice and a small straw and serve.


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