Tag: Crusted

Pistachio crusted turkey roll recipe, the recipe – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Pistachio crusted turkey roll recipe, the recipe


The topside of turkey, white and lean meat, it is perfect for the whole family because adults and children alike like it. If you want to make it more delicious and inviting, discover our recipe turkey roll in pistachio crustvery simple to make.

The slices of rump should be arranged to form a rectangle, covered with mortadellaroll up and, finally, pass through the grains of pistachio. The resulting turkey roll is first browned in a pan and then cooked in the oven. It can be served hot or warm.

Also discover these recipes: Turkey roll with radicchio and ricotta, Turkey roll with herbs and sweet pecorino, Turkey roll and omelette, Cold turkey and ham roll, Turkey roll stuffed with sausage, Turkey roll with asparagus.


Crusted pork fillet – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Crusted pork fillet


There are many ways to prepare pork filletone of the most original is the crusted pork fillet. Cooking in a crust has a similar function to that of foil: it retains the aromas, protects the meat from direct heat and uses the fat from the food without additions.

How to cook crusted pork tenderloin

Prepare the crusted pork fillet it’s easier than you might think. Find out how to bring this authentic delicacy to the table with the recipe by the cooking master Marco Olivieri published in Buono e Sano.


How to make crusted roast beef: the video recipe – Italian Cuisine

How to make crusted roast beef: the video recipe


Roast beef crust, preparation

1) Salt and pepper the piece of meat and do it brown in a pan that can go into oven for 5 minutes with 2 tablespoons of oil over high heat, turning it continuously so that it colors evenly.

2) Move the baking sheet in the oven to 200 ° and cook for 15 minutes; remove and allow to cool completely. Spread roast beef with truffle paste.

3) Chop the almonds and pine nuts and distribute them over the meat. Melt 30 g of butter in a saucepan.

4) Unroll thepuff pastry, brushed the inside with the melted butter, then place the meat in the center of the pastry and wrap it sealing the edges.

5) Colored the puff pastry brushing it with the yolk, arrange the meat in a pan greased with the remaining butter and cook for 30 minutes in the oven at 180 °. Let the roast beef rest for a few minutes before slicing it.


Posted on 11/30/2021



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