Tag: craft

Puglia: 5 craft breweries to know – Italian Cuisine

Puglia: 5 craft breweries to know


Blonde, amber or dark, between one sip and the next, Puglia conquers lovers of the genre with its craft beer. We know the 5 breweries that have marked the brewing path of the Apulian territory

Whether it is lu sule, lu mare or lu ientu, the Puglia has also established itself in the brewing sector in recent decades with homemade beers made in small factories capable of describing a territory rich in unique flavors with hops by the glass. An increasingly growing production that today counts approx 50 craft breweries, with proposals that are all different and with unique characteristics, because, as stated in the first postulate of Kuaska, in the century Lorenzo Dadove, taster and putative father of the Italian craft beer movement: «Beer doesn't exist, there are beers.

Flavored with herbs of the Murgia or with sea ​​water, others made with citrus fruits typical of the area, Apulian beers are distinguished by their strong roots in the land of production which makes them particularly recognizable and appreciated by lovers of the genre. We begin our journey into the world of beer through the stories of 5 Apulian breweries more significant, which with imagination and passion have achieved a small and considerable revolution in the territory, marking the history of beer in Puglia.

5 Apulian craft breweries to report

I Peuceti Brewery

Bitonto craft brewery that takes its name from the ancient inhabitants of the Bari area before the arrival of the Romans, I Peuceti offers beers that promise a real journey into the Apulian territory starting from the labels, created by the Apulian artist Francesco Ferrulli, which represent glimpses of Bari's landscapes and culture. The first "home" beer is Cathedral, a Golden Ale style beer, clean and fragrant, brewed with East Kent Goldings hops which give it the typical characteristics of English Pale Ale beer. The second is the Baresana, a light Belgian Ale-style beer with fruity and spicy aromas and not too sparkling. There Levant, a beer that takes its name from the wind that blows at dawn and caresses the Apulian coasts, is an American IPA, amber and intoxicating with notes of citrus and exotic fruit. Beer is born from the aromatic herbs of the Murgia Murgiana in Apulian Saison style. Spicy aromas and persistent foam, it is produced with the use of mainly Italian malts, spices and local citrus fruits. Also very interesting are the beers aged in cask often in the company of bacteria and wild yeasts such as Stronghold Reserve, left to "rest" in scotch-whiskey barriques. The beers can also be purchased from the e-shop.
Viale Europa 28, Bitonto

Brewery B94

In Salento, Lecce to be exact, there is B94, the brewery of Raffaele Longo, homebrewer in 1994 and professional in 2008, which produces a naturally high fermentation craft beer, without any pasteurization or microfiltration treatment. Its beers are revelatory, sip after sip, of the Salento area to which are added contaminations of international beer styles. Among the proposals of the master brewer, beer Malagrika, a double malt fruit beer obtained from the use of quinces, a fruit very present in Salento; there November Ray, a lager beer in a classic “English pale ale” style; there Dellacava reminiscent of the refreshing Belgian “biére blanche”. Details the Santoronzo, a double malt beer in the “coffee stout” style with a light and velvety body and the beer Cassarmonica in "Italian Grape Ale" style characterized by the encounter with the cooked must which gives an enveloping and velvety sip.
Via Prov.le Lecce-Cavallino

Il Caduceo Brewery

Pierluigi Patrono is the veterinary brewer who in 2018 founded his artisanal microbrewery Il Caduceo. From the first home trials, three beers were marketed that bear the name of three typical Apulian breeds. Once the mixture of cereals has been chosen based on the type of beer desired, we proceed with the grinding of the barley grains, and then continue with the mashing at various temperatures, boiling, cooling with the addition of yeasts, passage in the fermenter and finally bottling followed by maturation for at least 4-6 weeks. So here it is Red Crest (name of the Lecce rooster), an amber beer with dark reflections (so much so that it almost looks like a Brown) that is inspired by the Belgian style. Unfiltered or pasteurized, it reveals hints of caramel and a very present hopping. Capa Tosta (dedicated to the fine Apulian donkey breed from Martina Franca) is a top-fermented dark beer, Porter-style interpretation with a strong and decisive taste between notes of coffee, licorice and juniper. There Golden Horn (from the Gargano goat) is a well hopped Golden Ale, a rustic Golden – Ipa with earthy and spicy scents, golden and soft.
Via Toselli 56, Carosino (TA)

Salento beer

In Leverano, a municipality located in the air line between Lecce and the Ionian coast, is the Birra Salento brewery of Mint family. It was 1963 when Fernando Zecca, Maurizio's father today at the helm of the Birra Salento crew, wrote from Friborg, a town in Switzerland, to family and friends left in Salento. There he worked in the brewery, but dreamed of returning home. A farsighted path in the world of craft beer that of the Zecca family, so much so that today it has become an agricultural brewery with a spectacular production plant, making a qualitative leap with a project that has very few comparisons in the Italian brewing scene with a complex that develops on 1600 square meters. With the pure water of lake of Pietra del Pertusillo, with the malt grown on its own in the fields in front of the brewery, with Italian hops and Mediterranean spices and herbs, the Zecca family produces beers that are a tribute to the Salento area – even in the name – such as Pizzica, Taranta and Beggia. To these are added the Agricultural Lager; there Raw and Naked Pils with a strong taste; there Fresh in Blanche style; there Tipa a complex and drinkable IPA and the 63 'Barrique aged in cask. There Liga instead, it is a classic Italian-style beer: delicate and fine, it is an Iga enriched with aromatic white grape must. The brewery organizes interesting visits, accompanying the visitor to discover the various production processes that lead to the creation of their beers and for those interested, it is possible to taste beers and traditional local dishes in combination. If you are curious to try their products right away, you can stock up on their e-shop.
Via Ancona 2, Leverano (LE)

Birranova Brewery

In Triggianello, a small hamlet of Conversano, the Birranova di Birrificio has been located since 2007 Donato of Palma, a volcanic brewer in continuous research with a great passion for beer production. His brewery is a point of reference not only in Puglia, an interesting example of absolute and enviable quality, with a constant eye on research on the style of Italian Grape Ale, of which Birranova was one of the pioneers. Next to the production is the pub, while in Polignano a Mare there is B-Local, tap room with kitchen. Four lines of beer, from new experiments produced in limited quantities to classic styles reinterpreted up to luxury editions. Among the proposals we mention the Nova Pils, a well-built pils, but with a disarming simplicity with an immediate drink. Also try theArsa, smoked porter produced with the use of burnt wheat, typical of these areas or the Margose, in German style, made using sea water made drinkable. There Drink instead it is a Belgian Ale with a percentage of wheat, rye, oats and Senatori Cappelli wheat. Another example of territorial beer Primitia, made with the use of Cotto di Figs. Beers that convey emotions to the nose and taste, which can also be purchased in the e-shop.
Via Lepanto 11, Trigianello (BA)


The Craft Beer Week begins – Italian Cuisine

The Craft Beer Week begins


The eighth edition of the Craft Beer Week is about to start. Appointments with tastings, dinners, new debut beers throughout Italy from 12 to 18 March

Every year there is a "debutante ball" which does not include fabulous clothes and starched cadets. It is what precedes the Craft Beer Week, which this year reaches its tenth edition and takes place throughout Italy from 2 to 8 March. Of course, the "novices" are the unpublished beers in the Italian craft beer panorama, protagonists of an anticipation of the party, which will take place in the Eataly Roma store from Friday 28 February to Sunday 1 March. In particular, the "debutante ball" mentioned above will be an opportunity to present 18 unpublished beers of as many producers and taste them together with the brewers and the organizers of the event, Salvatore Cosenza and Andrea Turco.

Once the atmosphere is heated, the party moves all over Italy, with a busy calendar with hundreds of appointments: guided tastings, visits to breweries, presentations of new beers, musical evenings, promotions and above all evenings of food pairings. In times of restrictive measures due to the spread of coronavirus it should be specified that each individual initiative is organized independently by pubs, breweries, beershops, restaurants, bistros, wine bars, associations or e-commerce sites and that therefore there may be variations in the calendar , especially in the areas most affected by the emergency. To find the nearest event and check for any program changes, just refer to the site which is called Beer Week, where there is a section dedicated to the various events divided by date and region.

Increasingly loved, craft beers have spread in the habits of Italians: if in 2010 we could count 311 craft breweries, today there are over 850 plants in operation and the market share related to craft beer has recently exceeded 3% . Several events proposed by the participants in the event, which last year exceeded five hundred, among the unmissable, there is the Dinner-challenge "Wine versus Beer"Of March 2 at Osteria number 2 of San Giorgio Bigarello (MN) where a dinner in food pairing will take place with the products of a company, the Siemàn of Villaga di Vicenza, which precisely specializes in both natural wines and spontaneously fermented beers. Moving to the South, Thursday March 5th, the Bottega del Luppolo in Altamura (BA) will house the Birrificio Mastino brewer with 7 thorns dedicated to his creations, while the next day the Birroteca di Potenza organizes a tasting of Saison with the brewer of the Basilisca Brewery, while the beer sommelier Gerardo Romano will introduce guests to the Lambic world. In the same day, in Rome, at the Hopside there will be an evening with the Birra del Doge brewer. Saturday 7 March will be the day of the open breweries: In Forgaria nel Friuli (UD) Garlatti Costa beer visit with the brewer and possibility of tasting. Same thing will happen in Liguria: in Savona from BEdreamER and in Genoa from Maltus Faber. In Lombardy, Rogno (BG), a workshop on raw materials will be held at the Pagus Agricultural Brewery. The boys of the Trunasse Brewery in Centallo (CN): public cooked and a tasty BBQ. And a stone's throw from Rome the Ritual Lab di Formello, fresh winner of the prestigious title of Brewery of the year 2020, organizes a public crush for curious and enthusiasts. And to end in style, just go to Molise to participate, on the morning of the final Sunday of the Craft Beer Week, in a relaxing session of Beer Yoga in the courtyard of the Cantaloop brewery of Cantalupo nel Sannio (IS).


Collesi, or when the craft beer is also spread on the skin – Italian Cuisine



We know well that beauty, with health, starts in the kitchen. Not only does what we eat and drink determine our physical form, but there are real ones food-cosmetichere the list of 10 essential ingredients in the pantry for a home beauty routine. And here is what the eleventh is: beer.

Italian beer, which surprisingly conquers the foreign market and craft, which in recent years has always liked more. Beer that also becomes a beauty product. Like the one signed Collesi, our family-run company that for twenty years has brought out the best of our local barley: it is in fact the the most awarded Italian beer in the world.

Fermentation and natural fermentation and artisanal processing, the Collesi make it all colors: blond, blanche, amber, red (which with the intense aromas of caramel, were decreed last year as the best dark beers in the world), even black and triple malt, the company produces also distillates: grappa, gin and vodka.

175012He does not limit himself to drinks, though, and uses his beer for a range of products such as i aroma diffusers for the home but also and above all the cosmetic line. The raw material they are always those: the calcareous water of Monte Nerone, from the Umbria-Marche Apennine chain, considered among the best in Europe to create beer and barley coming from the family fields. From the heart of that Apennines was born two years ago first line of cosmetics made from 100% Italian beer, or rather the first two: the women's line and the men's line.

175015From the Aftershave Lipogel to the Anti-Aging Serum, they are all products prepared with controlled ingredients and zero km: in addition to spring water and barley, hops and other cereals are also grown on Monte Nerone, as are yeasts and beer must. Products for face and body including the anti-aging and solar ones stand out.

But why the beer is it good for beauty? Because barley & c contain a nutrient mix, including proteins and antioxidantsi, which turn out to be a real cure for skin and hair. As for the latter, not at all our mothers or grandmothers if they washed them once sometimes with beer for a beauty treatment: it strengthens the roots, fights dryness, makes them shiny and also helps prevent them from falling.

175018Skin? The powerful complex of polyphenols obtained from Collesi Craft Beer with an exclusive technology that is waiting to be patented, fights free radicals effectively, whose excess in our bodies is the source of so much trouble that we can counteract with food and drink antioxidant loads. And with beauty products that contain them.

Aurora Quinto
May 2019



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