Supermarket shelves are full of all kinds of packages breakfast cereals, however, not all of them are what they seem, they often hide in sweeteners, aromas, thickeners or labels preservatives, all compounds that we must and want to do without.
The right choice
A valid product is one in which there are only i processed cereals, then barley, oats, buckwheat, wheat. In some cases they can be found mix of cereals combined with each other, or with the addition of dried fruit like walnuts and hazelnuts or dehydrated, such as apples, berries, apricots. For a full nutrient fill, the choice should fall on Whole grains: in this case it is essential to opt for an organic product, Because it guarantees the absence of chemical residues on the outside of the bean, which is the one most exposed to contamination.
The form also has its importance
Maybe you never thought about it, but also the processing technique of the grain has an impact on its nutrient level. Flakes, balls, puffed grains, are not all the same: to obtain that shape the cereals have undergone an important processing that has drastically reduced their nutritional properties. The least invasive technique is the flaking, in which the cereal is steamed, crushed and then toasted or dried. In this way it retains most of its properties. The most invasive technique is instead that ofextrusion, in which the cereals are ground, heated to high temperatures and then pressed into special molds, to give them the desired shape. In this process most of the nutritional qualities of the cereal are lost.
The properties of cereals
There are many varieties of breakfast cereals but the most used are wheat, rice, oats, corn and buckwheat. Oats are perfect for those with a lazy intestine: its fibers, soluble in water, promote peristalsis, and restore balance. Who suffers from celiac disease will have to choose between rice, corn or buckwheat, all gluten-free. Among these, the most caloric is undoubtedly corn, made up of complex carbohydrates. It also has a sweeter taste than other cereals and is therefore also a favorite with children. For those who want to lose weight, the teff, an ancient African cereal is ideal. Rich in fiber, it is also gluten free, therefore perfect for those who are intolerant to this protein, and also has a high satiating power, which helps those who have some problems with the scale.
In the tutorial some more tips