Tag: bite

Honey salmon bite – Recipe by – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Pasta with cream and courgettes


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Focaccia from Bari with cherry tomatoes and olives, Mediterranean authenticity and Apulian tradition in a single bite – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Focaccia from Bari with cherry tomatoes and olives, Mediterranean authenticity and Apulian tradition in a single bite


In the heart of local tradition, the focaccia from Bari with cherry tomatoes and olives it’s a typical Apulian dish, exquisite and tasty. His very soft original recipe it offers different consistencies, thanks to a balanced mix of ingredients, a true hymn to Mediterranean taste. THE cherry tomatoeswith a sweet and intense flavour, combine with olivesgiving the focaccia a unique flavor profile, providing an irresistible specialty to share with friends and family.


When kneading the dough, ensure a smooth and elastic consistency, dedicating the necessary time for a complete leavening. This dish is perfect as an appetizer or accompaniment during an outdoor summer lunch, with friends and family gathered around a convivial table. His freshness and Mediterranean flavours make it particularly suitable for the warmer seasons. For an extra touch, you can customize the focaccia adding ingredients such as rosemary, caramelized onion or cheese, thus creating a unique variant. Finally, to get the characteristic Apulian flavourwe recommend the use of a quality extra virgin olive oil, preferably from Puglia, to preserve and preserve a note of true authenticity.


the magic of an explosion of flavors in every bite – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

the magic of an explosion of flavors in every bite


The small pizzas with greek yogurt in a pana light and yeast-free variant of the classic pizza, offer the possibility of making a quick and easy recipe, but without sacrificing taste. The combination of softness and crunchiness, combined with the rich aroma of Greek yogurt, make this recipe without yeast an irresistible and refined option.


Be sure to use a well-drained Greek yogurt to give the right consistency to the dough. When you roll out the dough, keep one uniform thickness to ensure even cooking. Experiment with fresh, seasonal ingredients, like ripe tomatoes and summer basil. When preparing, be sure to evenly distribute the seasonings for a tasty variety of flavors in every bite. For a finishing touch, after cooking, add a drizzle of high quality extra virgin olive oil. The pizzas are ideal for one informal dinner and a summer picnic with friends or a family party. Perfect in spring or summer, when fresh ingredients are in full season, the dish will become the ideal choice for a light and tasty meal.


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