Tag: baby

Maltagliati of buckwheat, pumpkin and baby spinach – Italian Cuisine

Maltagliati of buckwheat, pumpkin and baby spinach


Maltagliati of buckwheat, pumpkin and spinach, the preparation

1) Arrange the two types of flour on the work surface, form a dimple in the center and pour in 210 ml of warm water with a pinch of salt: collect the flour with one hand towards the center and with the other continue to add the water little by little. Start mixing the ingredients and knead until you get a smooth and elastic ball; wrap it in plastic wrap and let it rest for 30 minutes.

2) Meanwhile cut the pumpkin into slices and brown it in one no stick pan with a drizzle of oil, peeled garlic and sprigs of rosemary; add a pinch of salt, pepper and cook until cooked, but still consistent. Remove half of the pumpkin from the pan and continue cooking for the rest, adding a ladle of water. When it is tender, transfer it to the glass of mixer and reduce it in cream.

3) Roll out the dough thickness of 2 mm on the floured work surface with a rolling pin (or pass the dough through the rollers of the special machine, gradually reducing the thickness); then obtained from puff pastry many squares using a smooth-edged pastry cutter wheel.

4) Coarsely chop the hazelnuts and toast them in the pan where you cooked the pumpkin (clean it with a sheet of absorbent paper and grease it again with a little oil), then add the pumpkin kept aside and the baby spinach: leave on the flame for only a few seconds.

5) Cook the maltagliati in plenty of boiling salted water for 2-3 minutes and drain when al dente: toss with the pumpkin cream, then add the rest of the sauce. Stir, complete with ground pepper and serve.


Posted on 11/26/2021



Stuffed baby spinach with frankfurters and spinach – Italian Cuisine

Stuffed baby spinach with frankfurters and spinach


Spinach stuffed with frankfurters and spinach, the preparation

1) You do melt 30 g of butter in a non-stick pan, unite spinach and, as soon as they are wilted, pick them up and keep them aside. Shelled eggs in a bowl, add salt and pepper And mix them with grated parmesan.

2) Pour them in the spinach pan e cook them very low heat continuing to mix until they become thick and creamy. Out of the fire mix them with the prepared spinach e let them cool.

3) With a knife engrave the meat in the center of its thickness so as to form a deep triangular pocket that goes from the widest part of the spinach to the tip. Stuffed the pocket with the egg and spinach mixture and the sausage pieces then close it again sewing it with needle and thread.

4) Be careful not to fill it too much because the meat does will reduce cooking and could break.

5) Melt 4 tablespoons of oil and the remaining butter in a thick-bottomed pan; unite the baby spinach e brown it well on all sides until it has reached a nice golden color. Salt it, pepper it, wet it with white wine e let it evaporate.

6) United a sprig of sage, a couple of sprigs of thyme and rosemary, cover the pot and carry on cooking over very low heat for about 1 hour and 15 minutes, wetting the roast with a little hot broth, as the bottom dries.

7) When cooked remove the meat from the fire e leave it rest for 5-6 minutes. Serve sliced ​​baby spinach seasoned with its cooking juices and accompanied with roast potatoes.


Posted on 05/11/2021



Baby squid and green green tomatoes with soy sauce – Italian Cuisine

Baby squid and green green tomatoes with soy sauce


Small squid and green tomatoes, the preparation

1) Wash fine the small squid e let them dry on a tarp. Peel cloves of garlic, cut them in half, deleted the green soul e slice them finely. Peel and grate the ginger.

2) Wash and remove the basil leaves. Wash and cut 4 tomatoes. In a non-stick pan let it heat up 2 tablespoons of oil: when it is very hot unite squid, ginger, garlic cloves, salt and pepper.

3) You do cook over high heat, stirring often so that the molluscs dry but without exceeding 5 minutes (if they release too much liquid, eliminate it). Switch off, deglaze with balsamic vinegar, salt, peppery generously And leave cool down.

4) Fix the small squid in a container. Season them with the remaining oil, soy sauce, tomatoes and basil leaves, jumbled up And served at room temperature.


Posted on 17/09/2021



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