Tag: baby

Recipe Seafood risotto with baby squid – Italian Cuisine

Recipe Seafood risotto with baby squid


  • 320 g Vialone nano rice
  • 160 g baby squid cleaned
  • 30 g onion
  • 20 g rice flour
  • butter
  • chives
  • chervil
  • tarragon
  • dry white wine
  • fish soup
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • salt

Chop the onion and sauté it in a pan with a knob of butter for 2 minutes. Toast the rice for 2-3 minutes and blend it with a splash of white wine.
Get it wet with the fish broth and cook in about 15 minutes, adding the broth a little at a time. When there are about 2 minutes left to cook, add the rice flour, which you have previously diluted in 4-5 tablespoons of cold water.
Switch off and whisk the rice with a little oil.
Jump quickly in a pan with very little oil and add the squid to the risotto.
Complete with aromatic herbs: chives in spools, chervil and tarragon chopped or in leaves.
To know: the spiked squid are very small, tender and with a delicate flavor. Due to their size they make cleaning a bit laborious, which consists in removing the small quill (quill) that is inside the bag. The ideal would be to have your fishmonger clean them.


How to clean and cook baby octopus – Italian Cuisine

How to clean and cook baby octopus


Here are some tips when in the kitchen we are struggling with baby octopus, small octopus to be stewed, boiled or fried

THE baby octopus they are gods miniature baby octopus, in fact, they closely resemble the "older brothers”And they share many with them features, both in form and in flavor.

One of the main reasons that makes those who bring in hesitant kitchen, especially the first few times, this type of clam, is the fear of not cleaning them well and therefore having difficulties in their preparation. Clean the "sand octopuses”- as they are also called – in reality, it is much simpler than one might think. Anyone who doesn't even want to try always has two alternatives: buy them frozen foods (and therefore already clean) or get a hand from fishmonger of trust.

How to clean baby octopus

So let's find out how to clean the baby octopus. The first thing to do is unplug the film that covers the bag that contains the entrails: to facilitate the operation the Advice is to immerse the octopus for a few minutes in salted water, remove the guts and then rinse thoroughly under running water. It is then necessary to turn the octopus upside down, doing pressure on the sides of the opening that appears between the tentacles, and eliminate the beak that comes out. The last step is to delete the eyes of the mollusk with a pair of scissors. At this point everything is ready to cook them!

How to cook baby octopus

Three o'clock cooking main for sand octopuses are: in humid, boiled and fried. As for the first hypothesis, the advice is to cook them by heating extra virgin olive oil in a pan with one clove of garlic and then add the octopus, making them lightly brown and blending with del White wine. As soon as the liquid has evaporated, add some Cherry tomatoes (preferably without peel), cover with a lid and cook for about 30 minutes, adding some parsley chopped and seasoning with salt and pepper.

Who wants to cook them boiledinstead, he simply has to put them a cook in water (with the addition of a little vinegar) for about 25 minutes, draining them and letting them cool at room temperature.

Who, on the other hand, wants fry them, must dry them very well after cleaning them, flour them one by one and then put them in a pan with plenty of oil. It takes 5 minutes to prepare them well gilded and crunchy.


Recipe Fried pinned baby squid and light orange mayonnaise – Italian Cuisine

Recipe Fried pinned baby squid and light orange mayonnaise


  • 500 g pin squid
  • 100 g 00 flour
  • 100 g cornmeal
  • 50 g Greek yogurt
  • 2 yolks
  • 1/2 lemon juice
  • Orange
  • lemon thyme
  • corn oil
  • White vinegar
  • peanut oil
  • salt

To prepare the fried squid and light orange mayonnaise, eviscerate the squid, dip them in water and ice and put them in the fridge.
Prepare the mayonnaise: with an electric mixer, break the yolks, add a little lemon and orange juice, continue by adding 150 g of corn oil and the remaining lemon juice, until the mayonnaise is formed. Complete with 1 teaspoon of vinegar, then add the Greek yogurt and a sprig of chopped lemon thyme.
Strain the squid, dab them with kitchen paper, then in the two flours, well mixed. Place them in a fine mesh sieve and shake them slightly to remove excess flour.
fry, a handful at a time, in peanut oil between 165 and 185 ° C. Check the temperature by dipping a little piece of bread: when it sizzles, it will be at the right point.
Add salt the squid and serve immediately, very hot, in small paper bags, accompanied with the mayonnaise.
The alternative: instead of lemon thyme, you can flavor the mayonnaise with the finely grated zest of an untreated lemon.


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