Tag: Amazon

Cracco back on video (but on Amazon) – Italian Cuisine

Carlo Cracco is about to disappear


In Dinner Club, soon on Amazon Prime Video, the starred chef will travel the world with some famous people and together they will create the perfect dinner

After the farewell to Masterchef, the program that made it famous to the general public, Carlo Cracco he had stated on several occasions that he wanted to take a break from TV. Perhaps, however, he was referring to television in the most classic sense of the term because since then we have seen him participate in a Netflix format, while – news of these days – in 2020 the chef will be the protagonist of a program of Amazon Prime Video.

The streaming service of video on demand Amazon has indeed announced new original content with several Italian stars including, in fact, Cracco who, in step with the times, proves to be able to ride the revolutionary moment of digital TV.

Dinner Club: traveling to get the perfect dinner

Dinner Club, this is the title of the program produced by Banijay Italia, will be a culinary travelog: the starred chef will embark on a journey with six famous Italian actors and comedians across the Japan, Vietnam, France, Spain, Peru and Mexico to discover exotic culinary art with the aim of learning from the best chefs in the world to make the perfect dinner.

«The reason why I chose to be a chef is because I liked to travel, to discover different territories and traditions. This program is a return to the origins because it allows you to discover some of the most incredible gastronomic wonders of the world, on a fun trip with a group of special friends who have nothing to do with cooking, "said Carlo Cracco. «My goal will be to transform them into real taste professionals, capable of creating one perfect themed dinner.

From production they want to clarify that the classic cooking show will certainly not be. "Irony and adventure define the tone-of-voice of the program, halfway between a trip and a classic dinner with friends ", said Fabrizio Ievolella, chief executive officer, Banijay Italy. «A varied and brilliant cast that will renew every episode and the authoritative guide of chef Cracco will lead us to discover the best of international food, in a lively exchange of ideas and culinary pleasures.


You ask, we answer. Italian Cuisine speaks to you with Amazon Alexa – Italian Cuisine

Italian Cuisine on Alexa


How to celebrate our 90 years? Remaining young, of course! Communicatively young. Italian cuisine from today you can also listen to it. Indeed: you can really talk to her thanks to the Amazon Alexa device. Here's how it's done

There is a question that haunts us every day: "What am I cooking today?" Fantasy, even if you are a cook and a skilled cook, may not always be enough. But we can help you at La Cucina Italiana. After all, we've been doing it for almost a century, haven't we? And so, just in the year in which our magazine celebrates its 90th birthday, we have decided to make you a super technological gift: from today we will in fact answer your question: "What do I cook today?" In other words, in addition to browsing our monthly pages or browsing our site lacucinaitaliana.it, you can also receive our advice through Alexa, the Amazon voice assistant recently launched in Italy.

How does La Cucina Italiana work on Alexa

The magic phrase is this: "Alexa, open La Cucina Italiana and give me the menu of the day". And, like the genius of the lamp, a voice comes out of the Amazon device and lists 5 perfect recipes, updated daily. Detox tips after the holidays, tasty ideas for the weekend, comfort foods for the coldest days or fresh salads to be enjoyed on the beach in August. Alexa lists the recipes, declines the ingredients and tells the preparations, to listen and listen (but also to see if you have Amazon Echo Spot) to take inspiration, to test yourself, to experiment and to bring to the table a different menu every day .

Italian Cuisine on Alexa

Alexa and Condé Nast

The Italian Cuisine for Amazon Alexa follows the skills of Vanity Fair Italia and Wired Italia, already present in the "News" category since the beginning of this year, as proof of the drive for innovation and research that has always inspired Condé Nast Italia.

We are already ready. And you?


So You Can Use Real Food to Lose Weight Without Dieting? – I Knew It!

I’ll probably never write a book on healthy eating (I know,
you’re shocked), but if I did, I’d like to think it would be similar to
“Foodist,” the new book by my friend, and favorite neuroscientist, Darya Pino
Rose. I’ve never been able to articulate it as well as Ms. Summer Tomato, but
have always believed that delicious food is the solution, not the problem; and
that relying solely on willpower to change behavior never works, for anything.

Genetically predisposed appearances to the contrary, I live a relatively
healthy lifestyle (or “healthstyle” as it’s referred to in the book). I’m quite
active, eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, and generally stay away from
processed foods. At this advanced age, I know what makes my body and mind feel
good, and I try to eat as many of those foods as possible.

Of course, I’ve based most of my personal eating theories on
intuition and anecdotal evidence, so it was nice having someone who actually
understands all this stuff explain the science behind it. Besides learning why
all those diets you tried didn’t work (spoiler alert: it wasn’t your fault),
the smartly organized book is chock full of great tips and techniques, presented
in an entertaining, often irreverent style.

I really did enjoy the book, and despite my complete lack of
objectivity, I would enthusiastically recommend it to others. For more
information, you can follow this link to Amazon, where the book is getting rave
reviews (by people who actually paid for it).  Enjoy!

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