Tag: almonds

Pralin almonds. One leads to another – Italian Cuisine

Pralin almonds. One leads to another


When you start with one then we can stop. They are pralined almonds or, if you prefer, you can call them landed almonds, fall asleep mother-in-law, stones of Abruzzo

When you start with one then we can stop. Perhaps there is no sweet snack any more than good almonds landed.

They are prepared with only two ingredients: almonds and sugar

In the tradition of central and southern Italy in the period that precedes and follows Christmas, the pralined almonds are cooked, better known as almonds landed or asleep suocerto: a recipe very easy and very quick to prepare and all to nibble. It is almonds cooked in sugar that become frosted up to look like small pebbles, so much so that in Abruzzo they are also called Sassi D'Abruzzo. They can be flavored with lemon or cinnamon and in the most delicious version they are enriched with cocoa or chocolate. They are called she falls asleep, mother-in-law because in the tradition they were brought as a gift to the mother-in-law not only to sweeten them, but also to keep them busy while the engaged couple gave themselves a little intimacy.

The recipe for landed almonds

To prepare the pralined almonds you must use about 150 g of almonds; with or without skin is indifferent. Put them in an aluminum pot with 120 g of sugar and 40 g of water and turn on the stove at low temperature. Stir continuously until the sugar starts to melt and has a sandy consistency and a pinkish color. It means that it has reached the right temperature.
Turn off the heat and place the almonds on the parchment paper spaced from each other to cool.
If you let the sugar melt completely, it will caramelize and become amber and at this point you will get caramelized almonds, just as good, but different from the recipe that we are proposing.

Almonds landed in Puglia

In Puglia, in addition to this recipe, there is a variant of landed almonds much more delicious based on toasted almonds and melted chocolate. Just mix everything together and then make small piles to cool in paper cups. They are really delicious and very nice sweets to bring to the table with coffee.

Some variations

You can make your almonds land more beautiful and pink adding a few drops of cooking alkermes.
If you love the taste and the perfume of the cinnamon you can add a little 'together with sugar and water, while it is perfect cocoa if you prefer dark and slightly bitter.
Someone even adds a few drops of juice lemon to keep the color of the praline sugar more shiny and shiny.


Grain bread Tumminia with almonds and olives by Tommaso Cannata – Italian Cuisine

Grain bread Tumminia with almonds and olives by Tommaso Cannata


Ingredients for a lodging of 700 g
1 kg of durum wheat flour from Tumminia ground stone – a loaf of mother yeast fresh – 1 teaspoon of lemon honey Sicilian (of Leonforte) – 200 g black olives pitted – 200 g almonds from Barrafranca – 20 g of salt

– Collect the flour in a bowl, pour 600 g of water and knead gently for approx a couple of minutes, so as to make it absorb. Let rest the mixture for about 40 minutes is autolysis: this technique (mix the flour with water and do it rest about 40 minutes before working it) makes the elastic dough and more bread swollen. It is particularly useful with flour of ancient grains such as Tumminia, which have little strength (they develop less gluten). This reduces mixing times because the flour, absorbing about 50% of water, develops some enzymes that facilitate fermentation and make the more malleable compound.

– Taken from loaf 300 g of mother yeast.

– After the rest, resume the dough, add the yeast, the honey, 200 g of water, a little at a time, and finally the salt.

Knead with your hands gently paying attention because the Tumminia flour should not be worked hard.

– After about one ten minutes, when all the water is absorbed, transfer the mixture to the work surface and add the olives and almonds.

Knead for 2 minutes, then weigh 700 g of dough, form a dough and let it rest for about 30 minutes.

– Take back the dough, give it to it form of a lodging and do it rest for another half an hour. Transfer it to a container e let it rise for about 3 hours in a warm place or overnight in the fridge. Once the leavening time has elapsed, cook the bread in 230 ° oven for 10 minutes and continue then for 35 minutes at 200 °until a nice crust has formed.


Blackberry Almond Buckle – You May Want to Loosen Your Belt

First things first; this type of rustic dessert is called a buckle because of how the fruit sinks into the buttery batter as it bakes, and “buckles” the surface with its juicy weight. 

I believe you’ll find my completely made-up explanation in the video a little more interesting, but regardless of the etymology, this blackberry buckle is no joke.

I added a handful of almond meal, since I had it around, and I think almonds and blackberries have a thing for one another. It seemed to work out nicely, although it did make things a little denser; which in this kind of thing isn’t necessarily a bad thing. 

Same goes for the toasted nuts on top. Leave them off it you want, but I liked the crunch. I was going to tell you to use any berry you want, but I changed my mind. This really needs to be done with blackberries. Raspberries are a little too delicate; as are strawberries, and blueberries are barely berries to begin with. For me, it’s blackberries or bust. I really hope you give this a try soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for 8 Portions Blackberry Buckle

3 cups fresh blackberries
2 tbsp white sugar if your berries are sweet, 3 if they need some help
1 tsp vanilla extract

For the batter:
1 1/4 cups all purpose flour
3/4 cup white sugar
1/2 cup almond meal
2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
pinch of cinnamon
1 cup milk
8 x 12 baking dish with 6 tbsp hot melted butter poured in.

– Bake at 350 degrees F. for about 1 hour

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