Valentines Day Dessert Round-Up

by Pam on February 12, 2013

What’s a great way to show your special someone that you care? Make them a tasty dessert! Here’s a round-up of some delicious and decadent desserts that are sure to please your loved ones.

  Cherry Chocolate Kiss Cookies[1]


Raspberry and Lemon Curd Galette with Vanilla Bean Whipped Cream[2]


 Blueberry and Cherry Oatmeal Cookies with White Chocolate Chips[3]


 Berry Parfait with Homemade Vanilla Bean Whipped Cream and Crushed Oreo Cookies[4]


Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Sandwich[5]


 Chocolate Stuffed Raspberries[6]


White Chocolate, Macadamia Nut and Coconut Cookies[7]


Super Moist Chocolate Cupcakes with Vanilla Buttercream Frosting[8]

Posted In Holiday[9]

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  1. ^ Cherry Chocolate Kiss Cookies (
  2. ^ Raspberry and Lemon Curd Galette with Vanilla Bean Whipped Cream (
  3. ^ Blueberry and Cherry Oatmeal Cookies with White Chocolate Chips (
  4. ^ Berry Parfait with Homemade Vanilla Bean Whipped Cream and Crushed Oreo Cookies (
  5. ^ Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Sandwich (
  6. ^ Chocolate Stuffed Raspberries (
  7. ^ White Chocolate, Macadamia Nut and Coconut Cookies (
  8. ^ Super Moist Chocolate Cupcakes with Vanilla Buttercream Frosting (
  9. ^ View all posts in Holiday (
  10. ^ Comment on Valentines Day Dessert Round-Up (

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