Category: recipes of Italian cuisine

Fibers for breakfast? A great way to lose weight! – Italian Cuisine

Fibers for breakfast? A great way to lose weight!


It is confirmed: the fibers are a valid ally to lose weight. What are the fibers? How many types exist? And above all, when is it preferable to consume them?

Fibers since the morning, why?

The fibers not only help to lose weight, but help to keep one healthy food style. But the ideal is to start with integrate them in the diet since the morning, since they have a strong satiating power leaving the organism light and healthy. By introducing a fair amount of fiber every day, starting from breakfast, we can also fight digestive problems, contain bad cholesterol and regulate the level of sugar in the blood.

How many fibers a day to lose weight?

To keep the weight under control 25-30 grams of fiber per day are enough, which can be found in different and various foods: in the filaments of celery and bananas, in the fruit peel like apples and pears, but also in the seeds or in the bran.
Take for example apples. Their skin is rich in pectin, a soluble fiber that gives a feeling of fullness for several hours and improves digestion. After all … 1 apple a day keeps the doctor away, do not you say that?
Even the vegetables they are rich. Their skin is in fact a concentrate of fibers as well as precious minerals, liquids and nutrients. As for legumes instead, know that i beans are the richest in fiber, up to 15 grams per cup.

Ideas for a breakfast based on fiber

A saying advises you to do "A king's breakfast, a prince's lunch and a poor dinner" to feel good and we can only agree!
To take from breakfast, the most important meal of the day, a good amount of fiber is enough to prepare, for example, a beautiful one cup of whole grains, with addition of seeds and fresh fruit.
The intestinal transit of the fibers must be helped, moreover, by drinking a lot of water during the day, this helps the elimination of toxins through diuresis, further helping the organism to deflate and lose fat.

Here are some ideas for a high-fiber breakfast.


How to prepare light and vegan brownies – Italian Cuisine

How to prepare light and vegan brownies


Here's how to prepare the best and most famous American chocolate squares in the world, paying attention to the line and without ingredients of animal origin

inviting, "Cioccolatosi", delicious. THE Brownies they are gods sweets to the chocolate originating in the United States which are certainly not included in the list of foods that make quiet dreams come true for those who have to deal with the weight scale. But prepare them in one less caloric version, without having to give up their unmistakable flavor, it is possible. And the same applies to those who lead a lifestyle based on diet vegan. Here then how to prepare easily in the house of the light and vegan brownies, the "other faces" of the most known chocolate squares in the world.

"Light" ingredients

Bitter cocoa is sugar cane: they are the best allies for preparing gods Brownies good and at the same time more light usual to avoid remorse or guilt. For this recipe it is therefore necessary to obtain 120 grams of flour 00, 50 grams of cocoa bitter, 80 grams of sugar granulated, 90 grams of sugar of cane, 50 grams of dark chocolate, 50 grams of almonds, a teaspoon of vanilla yeast for desserts, four eggs, water, salt is oil of peanuts.

The light recipe

First they pour in a bowl the flour, the yeast and a pinch of salt. Then we add the two types of sugar and the cocoa. It mixes everything and is minced chocolate and the almonds. These two ingredients are also combined with the preparation eggs beaten and a bit 'of oil, and continue stirring until the mixture has become homogeneous. At this point all that remains is to arrange everything in one lined mold and bake at 180 degrees the cake for about 30 minutes. Once baked, leave to cool for a few minutes and then cut into squares. Here are some delicious and light brownies ready: the scales and the palate will thank you.

Vegan brownies

Soft and greedy just like the traditional ones, i brownies in vegan version They're preparing without the addition of eggs or butter. The first thing to do is pour in a bowl 170 grams of flour whole wheat, 150 grams of chocolate melting chopped also coarsely, one Orange peel grated, 100 grams of sugar of cane and 150 grams of dried fruit mixed shelled. To the ingredients just listed is added the yeast and then we start mixing, remembering to add a thread ofoil ages and 250 ml of soya milk. It is kneaded until a mixture with a not too liquid consistency is obtained and then everything is poured into a baking pan covered with parchment paper. He fires for 20 minutes to 200 degrees, the cake is cooled and finally cut into squares.


Cartellate recipe and pomegranate syrup – Italian Cuisine

Cartellate recipe and pomegranate syrup


  • 400 g flour
  • 150 g dry white wine
  • 150 g granulated sugar
  • a big orange
  • a large pomegranate
  • lemon
  • powdered sugar
  • peanut oil
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • salt

For the recipe of cartellate and pomegranate syrup, mix the flour with white wine, 4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil and one of powdered sugar. Add the grated rind of a lemon and a pinch of salt. Let the dough rest in a bowl, covered with foil, for half an hour.

Cut the pomegranate in half and squeeze half of it; filter the juice and weigh 250g. Heat it in a saucepan with the granulated sugar, the juice of 1 orange, 10 drops of lemon and a pinch of salt. Bring to a boil and, as soon as the sugar has melted, turn off and let cool, obtaining a syrup. Roll out the dough into very thin sheets, cut into strips 4cm wide and 30-40cm long, with a serrated wheel. Fold them in half lengthwise, pinching every 2-3cm, to close them.

Roll each strip on itself, pinching it occasionally with your fingers to keep it closed, forming "swivels", cartellate. Leave to dry on baking paper for half an hour, then fry in hot oil for 2-3 minutes, calendering in oil with the openings upwards. Serve them with the syrup and the grains of the remaining pomegranate.


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