Tag: Zanicchi

Iva Zanicchi: her childhood dish – Italian Cuisine


A passion, that for food, which Iva feels she has in her DNA almost as much as music: «I can't say I'm a great cook. My grandmother was, maybe I took a little from her. I do a few dishes, but the ones I do are very good. Am I presumptuous? Also (laughs, ed) . A love manifested already at a very tender age: «After having eaten I always started to cry. My mom was desperate, she wanted to call the doctor. Then a great-aunt said: This little girl is hungry. He made me pancotto. Do you know what is it?". I answer her vaguely, hoping that this too is a typical dish of Ligonchio (answer: no, it is made a bit everywhere): "I ate it, I fell asleep and I haven't cried anymore. From there we understood everything .

Iva Zanicchi
The first prize won by Iva Zanicchi at the 1967 Sanremo Festival with Don't think about me

Would you return to the Festival? She is the woman who has won the most, three. "This year I really try, you are the first to whom I tell". The return of Zanicchi after the Måneskin victory, everything seems right: «Those guys are an Italian miracle, I'm very happy for them. Would you invite them to dinner? “Sure, I'd make him fries with a nice Milanese. With the handle, the real one. They are young, better than the hamburgers they eat in America . Or, why not, at this point even a nice pattona. From Los Angeles to Vaglie is an instant.

Pattona of the Emilian Apennines

«Mix the flour with a whisk, combining sparkling water (approx. 130-140 g) and a pinch of salt until you get a rather fluid batter. Prepare a mixture of lard, a sprig of rosemary and a little garlic, melt it in a pan (ø 22-24 cm), then strain it into a bowl. Pour a ladle of batter into the greased and hot pan and cook a thin crepe on both sides: it is the "solada" or "insole". Mash the hot potatoes, mix them with the egg, salt, nutmeg and the filtered beaten mixture; mix the cheeses: you will have to obtain a rather compact puree. Spread it on the crepe forming a 4‐5 cm layer, no lower. Serve the pattona, decorated as you like, like an omelette on a serving plate or cutting board, in large wedges or squares, for an aperitif. You eat with your hands ".

Pattona of the Emilian Apennines

Ingredients for 4-6 people

500 g boiled potatoes
75 g flour 00
70 g grated parmesan
60 g lard
20 g grated pecorino
1 egg
sparkling water
garlic – rosemary – salt – nutmeg

Text by Filippo Ferrari

Photo by Giacomo Bretzel.


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