Tag: twist

Chicken with pesto, or how to give a twist to roast chicken – Italian Cuisine

Chicken with pesto, or how to give a twist to roast chicken


A tasty variant for roast chicken, a dish that is cooked in every family and which is already a classic loved by everyone

The chicken legs well roasted are a must in any family, often accompanied by French fries, baked or fresh salad. Crunchy and tasty at the right point, they are what it takes on gray days to lift the mood. An even more delicious version is the one we offer you today with the addition of one pesto sauce, which makes it all the more inviting.

How to make chicken

The most suitable parts of the chicken for this dish are undoubtedly the thighs, but you can also use i breasts, if you prefer a more meaty part. It is essential to remove the skin and wash the meat before placing it in a pan. If you find any hair on your skin, pass the part on the fire so that it burns and comes away. Then wash the meat and dry it with a sheet of absorbent paper.

The pesto sauce

For this sauce you can use ready-made pesto, but if you want to prepare it yourself, take about twenty leaves of basil, wash and dry them. Put them in a mixer together with half a clove of garlic, 100 g of Pine nuts and a little oil. Chop everything and then add 50 g of Parmesan and 50 g of pecorino. Season with salt and you will have a perfect pesto sauce!

The recipe for chicken with pesto

To cook the chicken with pesto, take a large pan, add a little extra virgin olive oil and fix the chicken thighs one beside the other. Join some sage leaf and sauté for about ten minutes. Add half a glass of dry white wine and then turn the chicken legs, so that they brown on the other side as well. Let it cook again for 15 minutes, so that they are well browned. Once a crispy crust has formed, remove from the heat and arrange the chicken pieces on the edge of a serving dish. Arrange some in the center spoonful of pesto sauce. Serve the chicken with pesto accompanying it with a lettuce salad.

In the tutorial some more tips for a perfect chicken with pesto


Let's give the biscuits a twist with chestnut flour – Italian Cuisine

Let's give the biscuits a twist with chestnut flour


Light and fragrant and with an unmistakable autumn aroma. They are suitable for breakfast or a snack

THE chestnut flour biscuits they are a pleasant and tasty dessert, perfect for this time of year. They lend themselves for one Breakfast light or for one snack mid-afternoon. Prepared with a mix of flours including Chestnut flour, you can also have a version gluten free, replacing the 00 flour with a mix of rice flour and potato starch.

The recipe for chestnut flour biscuits

To prepare these cookies you will need:


100 g of chestnut flour
200 g of flour 00
1 sachet of yeast
120 g sugar
1 egg
1 pinch of salt
180 g butter


First, mix the butter with the sugar. Pour the flours and yeast into a well on a pastry board. In the center, break the egg and start kneading. Add the butter and sugar, a pinch of salt and continue to work the mixture. Once you have formed a loaf, wrap it in cling film and let it rest in the fridge for 30 minutes. Then remove it from the fridge, roll it out on a floured pastry board and with a pastry cutter make many discs that you will spread on a baking sheet covered with baking paper. Bake at 175 ° for 15-17 minutes, checking that they do not darken too much. Once ready, let them cool before consuming them.

All variants of chestnut flour biscuits

These biscuits can be prepared by adding many ingredients to the dough that will enrich the taste. For example, flakes of almonds: they will make the biscuit more crunchy and rich in omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin E, as well as mineral salts such as magnesium, iron and potassium. Together with almonds you can use the pistachios, chopped and combined with the flour. With the flavor of chestnuts they go very well and are natural anti-stress and in this period they could be very useful! For those who love the chocolate, even small flakes of a dark chocolate bar can be added to the dough.

In the tutorial some tips for even more delicious cookies


Millefeuille of mozzarella: let's give a twist to the caprese! – Italian Cuisine

Millefeuille of mozzarella: let's give a twist to the caprese!


A caprese revisited in form (but also in ingredients) for an original and fun dish!

There mozzarella cheese it is the queen of summer recipes: it looks great sliced ​​or diced in dozens of quick and cold dishes, which are prepared in a short time without turning on the stove. As the Caprese where mozzarella goes perfectly with i tomatoes and the fresh basil.

But why not offer this typical Italian dish in a more original and fun version? For example, in one a thousand leaves, that is, arranging the slices of tomato and mozzarella in layers, for a nice looking dish.

The millefeuille of mozzarella can be made in many greedy ones variants: here are some of them!

Caprese millefeuille

The ingredients for this millefeuille are: 4 round tomatoes, 4 mozzarella, 4 tablespoons of pesto (you hate basil you hate pistachios), 4 fresh basil leaves, extra virgin olive oil, oregano and salt to taste. Do so: cut both the tomatoes and the mozzarella into slices. On the serving plate, begin to assemble the turrets: start with the tomato, then a slice of mozzarella, then a slice of tomato and so on. With each layer sprinkle with salt and dried oregano. Finish with the slice of mozzarella, on which you will pour a teaspoon of pesto decorating with a basil leaf.

Millefeuille of mozzarella and figs

THE figs they are a fruit often used in the kitchen for appetizers or main courses. As in this case, so you need them: 8 figs, 2 mozzarella, wildflower honey, pink pepper and thyme to taste. Do so: wash the figs well and do not remove the peel. Cut them horizontally into 3 parts. Now also cut the mozzarella into slices half a centimeter thick, taking care to shape them to the same width as the fig. Begin to assemble the millefeuille, starting with the bottom of the fig and alternating with a slice of mozzarella, until you reassemble the cap of the fruit. Colateci over the honey and season with a sprinkling of thyme and pink pepper.

Millefeuille of mozzarella with bresaola and rocket

Why not enrich the classic summer dish bresaola is rocket salad with mozzarella? Get: 2 mozzarella, 100 gr of bresaola, rocket, cherry tomatoes, extra virgin olive oil and salt to taste. Do so: cut the mozzarella into discs. To assemble the millefeuille, start with the mozzarella, then add a slice of bresaola and rocket. Then repeat the operation, until you close with the last disc, on top of which you can place slices of cherry tomatoes. Drizzle with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and season with salt and serve.

Millefeuille of mozzarella with raw ham and melon

Also in this case we revisit a classic of the summer kitchen – Ham and melon – by way of "millefeuille". Get: half a melon, 200 gr of mozzarella, 80 gr of raw ham, chopped pistachios, balsamic glaze, extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper to taste. Do so: cut the melon into small slices and the mozzarella into discs. With the help of a pastry cutter, start arranging the melon slices on the bottom, covering the base well, then place a disc of mozzarella and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Now place a slice of raw ham, then another disc of mozzarella, ending with a layer of melon and a slice of ham. Gently remove the pastry rings, sprinkle with chopped pistachios, a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and a balsamic glaze (if desired). Serve immediately.


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