Tag: tarallo

Pizza with lard and tarallo – Italian Cuisine

»Pizza with lard and tarallo


First of all, prepare the dough: put the flour, sugar and yeast in a bowl, add the water and start working, then add the salt and oil and knead until you get a smooth and homogeneous dough.

Let it rise in a warm place away from currents for at least 2 hours or until doubled.

In the meantime, prepare the fiordilatte by cutting it into thin slices (so that it begins to lose a bit of whey) and coarsely crumble the taralli.

Take the dough back, roll it out into a disc, then place it in a pan lined with parchment paper or lightly greased.
Season with thin slices of lard, a pinch of salt, the fiordilatte and a drizzle of oil.

Bake in a preheated convection oven at 250 ° and cook for about 13 minutes.
When it is almost done, take the pizza out of the oven and add the crumbled tarallo, then cook it for another couple of minutes.

The lard and tarallo pizza is ready, you just have to serve it.


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