Tag: sopa

how to make the perfect prawn soup, also known as sopa de camarones – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

how to make the perfect prawn soup, also known as sopa de camarones


The roots of sopa de camarones are rooted in the Cuban culinary tradition, famous for exalting the fruits of the sea. Also known as Cuban shrimp souprequires fresh ingredients: fresh shrimp, ripe tomatoes, onion, garlic, black pepper and chili. This blend creates a soup with a complex flavor, passed down from generation to generation as a Cuban gastronomic treasure. Ideal on winter days, this dish offers incomparable comfort. The preparation is simple but requires attention: clean the prawns, fry the onion, garlic and tomatoes, then add the prawns to the broth for an enveloping seafood flavour. Follow our recipe for an impeccable culinary journey!


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