Tag: something

50 healthy lunch recipes

Fancy something healthy for lunch? We’ve got plenty of quick and easy lunch recipes to choose from that are sure to put a smile on your face.

When it comes to being good you automatically assume that you have to miss out on your favourite foods – not with our simple recipes. Whether you’re on a diet or just trying to be healthy – we’ll have the lunch recipe for you.

From flavour-packed sandwiches to tasty, filling salads, we’ve got lots of healthy lunch ideas that are perfect if you’re trying to be good.

Want to get the kids eating healthy too? These lunch recipes are ideal if you have any leftovers. Just save for the next day and pop in their lunch boxes for school.

Fresh Salmon Cakes – Uncanny

Salmon cakes are one of my go-to, emergency meals. We keep a few cans of salmon in the pantry, and when faced with that dreaded “there’s nothing in the house to eat” situation, we pop one open, and are soon enjoying a batch of these easy, affordable, and pretty delicious patties.

That’s the typical scenario, but every once in a while I like to use fresh salmon. Salmon is one of those products, like chicken, that’s very easy to get into a rut with. People generally find a few recipes that work for them, and just stay with those, but this fairly simple preparation should be easy to add to anyone’s rotation.

Like other seafood “cakes,” we want to use the minimum amount of filler. Just a touch of breadcrumb is all you need here, as the raw salmon is the real binder. That’s one of the big advantages over canned salmon cakes, where we’re cooking something that’s already cooked. The result is something much moister, and more tender.

As far as flavorings go, you’re faced with an infinite number of possibilities. Using this basic method, you can go hog-wild with variations, including, but not limited to, actual hog parts. These are also perfect for a burger bun, as well as a base for poached eggs. That may be my favorite use. I hope you give these fresh salmon cakes a try soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for 4 salmon cakes:
1 tbsp extra olive oil
1/4 finely minced onion
2 tbsp finely minced red pepper
2 tbsp minced celery
1 tbsp capers
1 1/4 pounds fresh wild salmon, trimmed, coarsely chopped
1/4 cup mayonnaise
1/4 cup panko breadcrumbs (any will work)
2 clove finely minced garlic
pinch cayenne
pinch Old Bay
1 tsp Dijon mustard
additional olive oil for frying

Top recipes for June 2013

Every month we round up the most popular recipes on goodtoknow. So if you’re looking for something new to make this month –  you’ve come to the right place! From Father’s Day cupcakes to Spanish-style paella, this month’s collection is packed with delicious recipes for you to try.

With Father’s Day falling on Sunday 16th June, it’s time to show dad what he means to you. Whether you’re planning on cooking for the whole family or baking something with the kids for your hubby, we’ve got plenty of ‘man food’ to keep dad happy!

We’re hoping the weather will perk up too – so they’ll be plenty of excuses to dust of the cobwebs on the BBQ and get cooking! And if you’re trying to be healthy this month, we’ve got it covered – salad doesn’t have to be boring with our range of recipes.

Don’t forget to save all your favourite recipes into your online recipe book – it’ll make that shopping list so much easier! 

Click through your top 20 recipes for June to find a delicious new dish to make this month…

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