Tag: Skill level

Carrot and coriander soup

Goodtoknow TV

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This classic soup makes a delicious healthy lunch for you and the family. It’s cheap and at just 102 calories a bowl, it’s a winner all round!

  • Serves: 4

  • Prep time: 10 mins

  • Cooking time: 25 mins

  • Total time: 35 mins

  • Skill level: Easy peasy

  • Costs: Cheap as chips

  • 5 a day1
  • Child friendly
  • Freezable
  • Make in advance

That’s goodtoknow

Top tip: Garnish with a swirl of single cream (or soya cream for a dairy-free soup).


  • 1tbsp (15ml) vegetable oil
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 450g (1lb) carrots, washed and sliced
  • 1 clove garlic, crushed
  • 1tsp ground coriander
  • 1.2 ltr (2pts) vegetable stock
  • 3tbsp chopped fresh coriander
  • Squeeze of lemon juice
  • Freshly grated nutmeg to taste
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper


  1. Heat the oil in a large pan, add the onions, carrots and garlic, sauté for 4 mins, until they are beginning to soften but not colour. Stir in the ground coriander and plenty of seasoning and cook for 1 min.
  2. Add the stock and bring to the boil, cover and simmer for 20 mins or until the carrots are really tender. Stir in the fresh coriander.
  3. Whizz the soup with a stick blender or transfer to a food processor. Add the lemon juice and nutmeg to taste and adjust the seasoning as necessary. Reheat until just hot, but not boiling, and serve.


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Nutritional information per portion

  • Calories 102(kcal)
  • Fat 4.0g
  • Saturates 0.4g
  • Sugars 12.6g
  • Salt 0.8g

This nutritional information is only a guide and is based on 2,000 calories per day. For more information on eating a healthy diet, please visit the Food Standards Agency website.

Guideline Daily Amount for 2,000 calories per day are: 70g fat, 20g saturated fat, 90g sugar, 6g salt.

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Nigella Lawson’s meatballs

Goodtoknow TV

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Learn how to make meatballs at home with this easy recipe from Nigella Lawson’s new Italian show Nigellissima. The rich tomato sauce is the perfect accompaniment to these tasty bites

  • Serves: 4

  • Prep time: 10 mins

  • Cooking time: 35 mins

  • Total time: 45 mins

  • Skill level: Easy peasy

  • Costs: Cheap as chips

That’s goodtoknow

Nigella says: ‘Don’t worry if you can’t get Italian sausages easily; I gave this recipe to an Italian friend of mine (who lives in London) and she – ironically – chooses to fashion hers out of everyday English Porkinsons. And if that’s good enough for her. . .’


  • 450–500g Italian sausages
  • 2 x 15ml tbsp garlic oil
  • 4 fat or 6 spindly spring onions, finely sliced
  • 1tsp dried oregano
  • 60ml white wine or vermouth
  • 2 x 400g cans chopped tomatoes, plus water to rinse 1⁄2 can
  • 2 bay leaves
  • salt and pepper, to taste
  • chopped fresh parsley, to serve (optional)


  1. Squeeze the sausage meat from the sausages and roll small cherry-tomato-sized meatballs out of it, putting them onto a clingfilm-lined baking tray as you go. Your final tally should be around 40.
  2. Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan or flameproof casserole and add the meatballs, frying them until golden; as they become firmer, nudge them up in the pan to make room for the rest, if you can’t fit them all in at first.
  3. When all the meatballs are in the pan and browned, add the spring onion and oregano and stir about gently.
  4. Add the wine or vermouth and chopped tomatoes, then fill half of one of the empty cans with cold water and tip it into the other empty can, then into the pan. The can-to-can technique is just my way of making sure you swill out as much of the tomato residue as possible.
  5. Pop in the bay leaves and let the pan come to a fast simmer. Leave to cook like this, uncovered, for 20 minutes until the sauce has thickened slightly and the meatballs are cooked through. Check the sauce for seasoning, adding some salt and pepper, if you like.
  6. During this time you can cook whatever you fancy to go with the meatballs, whether it be pasta, rice, whatever.
  7. Once the meatballs are ready, you can eat them immediately or let them stand, off the heat but still on the stove, for 15 minutes. The sauce will thicken up a bit on standing.
  8. Should your diners be other than children who baulk at green bits, sprinkle with parsley on serving.

By Recipe taken from Nigellissima: Instant Italian Inspiration by Nigella Lawson (Chatto & Windus, £26)

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Nutritional information

Guideline Daily Amount for 2,000 calories per day are: 70g fat, 20g saturated fat, 90g sugar, 6g salt.

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Mary Berry’s lemon drizzle cake

Goodtoknow TV

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A really simple recipe by Queen of Cakes, Mary Berry for a classic lemon drizzle cake, with crunchy lemon icing

  • Serves: 6

  • Prep time: 20 mins

  • Cooking time: 35 mins

  • Total time: 55 mins

  • Skill level: Easy peasy

  • Costs: Cheap as chips

  • Child friendly
  • Make in advance

That’s goodtoknow

The lemon loaf will keep for 3 days and will freeze well for up to 2 months uniced.


 For the lemon drizzle cake:

  • 1½ large eggs
  • 87.5g (3 oz) self-raising flour
  • 87.5g (3 oz)caster sugar
  • 87.5g (3 oz) softened butter
  • 3/4 level tsp baking powder
  • Finely grated zest of ½ lemon

For the crunchy lemon icing:

  • 50g (2 oz) granulated sugar
  • Juice of ½ lemon

You’ll also need:

  • 450g (1lb) loaf tin, greased and lined


  1. Preheat the oven to 180ºC/gas mark 4.
  2. Beat together the eggs, flour, caster sugar, butter, baking powder and lemon zest until smooth in a large mixing bowl and turn into the prepared tin.
  3. Bake in the preheated oven for about 35 mins, or until golden brown, shrinking away from the sides of the tin and springy to the touch.
  4. While the cake is still warm, make the topping. Mix together the sugar and lemon juice, and pour over the warm cake.
  5. Leave to cool a little and loosen the sides of the cake, then lift the cake out of the tin.

This recipe is part of Mary Berry’s three cakes in one recipe, taken from Mary Berry’s Stress-free Kitchen.

Users of Good to Know can order a copy of Mary Berry’s Stress-Free Kitchen by Mary Berry, RRP £20.00, at the special discounted price of £17.00 (including p&p).

To order a copy please call on 0870 755 2122 quoting the reference code BSH664 or order online at pressoffers.co.uk. Please allow 28 days for delivery, offer subject to availability.

By Mary Berry

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Nutritional information

Guideline Daily Amount for 2,000 calories per day are: 70g fat, 20g saturated fat, 90g sugar, 6g salt.

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Today’s poll

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  • Different days every week 17%
  • In small bits all through the week 17%

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