Tag: seeds

Kale salad with sunflower seeds – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Kale salad with sunflower seeds


Kale Salad with Sunflower Seeds is a fresh and crunchy lunch, ideal for any occasion. Easy to prepare, it will conquer everyone with its light flavor and…


Savory biscuits with pepper, lemon and pumpkin seeds – Italian Cuisine

Savory biscuits with pepper, lemon and pumpkin seeds


1) Collect in the mixer the flour, the cold butter into cubes, the grated lemon zest, a pinch of salt and a generous grinding of pepper. Blend until you get a mixture of crumbs. Add 3-4 tablespoons of ice water and run the mixer again for a few moments. Transfer the mixture in a bowl and stir in the pumpkin seeds.
2) On a sheet of baking paper modeled the dough in a cylinder of about 6 cm in diameter, wrap it in paper and put it in the fridge for 1 hour.
3) Eliminate paper and cut the cylinder into 7 mm thick slices: you will get about 40 biscuits. Arrange them on 2 plates lined with baking paper e cook them in a static oven at 180 ° for 10 minutes, then switch to ventilated mode and continue cooking for 5 minutes. Remove the cookies from the oven and let them cool.


Posted on 04/12/2021



Tres leches cake with vanilla seeds and flaked almonds – Italian Cuisine

Tres leches cake with vanilla seeds and flaked almonds


Tres leches cake, preparation

For the cake: 200 g of flour 00 – 1,5 teaspoon of baking powder – 110 g of butter + that for the mold – 80 g of sugar – 100 g of honey – 5 eggs – the seeds of 1 vanilla pod – salt

For the syrup and garnish: 300 ml of whole milk – 450 ml of condensed milk – 650 ml of fresh cream – 140 g of honey – 2 tablespoons of toasted flaked almonds – 10 alchechengi

1) Butter And coated with a sheet of parchment paper a rectangular mold measuring 20×25 cm and about 3 cm high. Sift flour with baking powder e unite a pinch of salt and vanilla seeds.

2 )Mounted butter with sugar and honey until frothy, add the eggs, one at a time, continuing to mix. Incorporate flour with baking powder in 3 stages, paid the dough into the prepared mold and level the surface with a spatula.

3) Bake at 180 ° for about 25 minutes. Let it cool down the cake in the mold then prick it all over the surface with a fork.

4) For the wet, jumbled up whole milk with 250 ml of cream, 80 g of honey and condensed milk; paid the mixture over the entire surface of the cake e transferred in the fridge for 12 hours.

5) Jumbled up leftover honey with the leftover cream, mounted the mixture with the whips e distribute it on the cake in a 2 cm high layer. Decorated with almonds, sliced ​​alchechengi and, if you like, 2 tablespoons of pollen.


Published on 10/27/2021



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