Cookbooks inspired by TV series, comics and movies: they are the hit of the moment. Also in Italy
The Harry Potter Yorkshire Pudding and the Game of Thrones honey chicken, the Turkish delights of Narnia and i Nestlé Toulose of Friends, i Star Wars Yoda sandwiches and the Downton Abbey raspberry meringue: you could build a whole, fantastic and surprising menu with recipes inspired by the most beloved television series, film sagas and comics of all time. And without straining with the imagination. Simply by following the instructions indicated in the many (and increasingly numerous) cooking books dedicated to the most popular of these masterpieces of popular culture. A phenomenon born in the 60s and that has never stopped, but has actually been growing and has been experiencing a real boom in recent times, among long-selling titles (such as "In the kitchen with Harry Potter" published by Vallardi which from 2010 to today has sold over a million copies), books that have marked an era (such as “In Cucina con Disney”, published by Vallardi) and new arrivals already announced (such as the new Friends cookbook, due out in February for Panini).
A movie menu
Could this trend not also conquer food lovers like Italians? In the bookstore, there is something to make your mouth water. Fans of Hayao Miyazaki you can delight with the sizzling bacon de Howl's Moving Castle and the Siberia cake of Si alza il vento and with many other delights taken from the films of the Japanese master, collected in the book "The enchanted kitchen", written by Silvia Casini and Raffaella Fenoglio (Trenta Editore). Staying in the Land of the Rising Sun, I am 50 recipes inspired by the most popular manga series and souls created by the famous Chef Hiro and collected in the book “Hiro Cartoon Food” (Mondadori). You travel in the flavors of hyperspace with "Star Wars: Delights from a distant galaxy …." (published by Panini), while taking a sophisticated break in pure English style with the recipe books inspired by Downton Abbey, to feel in company of Lord Grantham and family. Among the upcoming releases announced is "Friends: The Official Central Perk Cookbook”(Panini publisher), which offers over fifty coffee-inspired recipes where many episodes of this popular sit-com have been set. A best seller announced after the success of the previous cooking book "Friends: The Official Recipe Book", published in Italy by Panini in 2020.
An endless saga
But what determines the birth of a recipe book inspired by a TV series or a cult comic? Often it is the passion of the fans that pushes them to imagine how they were prepared dishes seen in an episode or mentioned in a streepx. The most famous of these authors is American Chelsea Monroe-Cassel, who wrote the cookbooks inspired by the Game of Thornes and World of Warcraft series and is now working on the upcoming Star Trek one. In these books he put his passion for these television programs to good use, the hours spent watching and reliving the episodes, and his imagination in translating the menus seen on the small screen into real, feasible and… appreciable recipes!
High rate of creativity
It is precisely the goodness of the recipes combined with their rate of creativity (and the precision in describing them) that has made this editorial trend make the leap in quality. If the first books released in the 70s – starting from what (probably) is the most popular progenitor, namely "The Little house cookbook", Inspired by the popular TV series"That house on the prairie”- they were rather simple and not very pretentious, today these cookbooks compete with those signed by great chefs. They are born after careful research on the narrative universes they are inspired by, they are developed respecting the character of the characters and the emotional climax of the stories, they are precise and detailed; in short, they are so accurate that they do not disappoint any enthusiast and, on the contrary, they become an indispensable appendix to make these fantastic worlds come alive with real life. And the skills of cooks and food writers fit into this in-depth knowledge of the subject, so that even thegastronomic aspect both from ten and praise.
January 2022
Manuela Soressi
photo Trenta Editore
Sponge cake by Zeniba
Ingredients for 4 people
50 ml of vegetable oil
80 g of low gluten flour
80 ml of milk
5 eggs
80 g of sugar
a pinch of salt
1 vanilla bean
In a bowl, beat egg yolks, milk, vanilla seeds and sugar and a pinch of salt; add the sifted flour, the oil, and mix with the spatula. Add the beaten egg whites. Put the dough in a pan and bake in the oven in a bain-marie at 160 ° for 50 minutes. The more experienced can try their hand at covering the cake with a layer of ivory-colored sugar paste.
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