Tag: Scandinavian

Scandinavian Toast Recipe – Italian Cuisine – Italian Cuisine

Scandinavian Toast Recipe - Italian Cuisine


  • 4 pcs Slices of smoked salmon
  • 60 g Milk
  • 8 pcs Slices of toast bread
  • 8 pcs Eggs
  • Chives
  • Dill
  • Clarified butter
  • salt
  • pepper

For the Scandinavian toast recipe, brown the slices of bread in a pan in a little sparkling clarified butter.

Beat the eggs with the milk and scramble them in a pan on a low heat with a little butter, salt and pepper until they are cooked, remaining creamy and soft.

Prepare the toast immediately: spread a slice of shredded dill and chives on a slice of bread, a portion of eggs, then a slice of smoked salmon and close with more bread.


All about the canemore berries, delicacy of the Scandinavian countries – Italian Cuisine

All about the canemore berries, delicacy of the Scandinavian countries


All about the delicious orange berries of canemore, typical of the Scandinavian countries and used for many traditional recipes

The fruit of the canemore is one of the most popular and most appreciated in the Scandinavian countries, where he is the protagonist of many traditional recipes. These typical orange berries, dubbed thegold of the mountain for the sparkling and joyful colors, they actually have a different name depending on the countries. For example in English they are known as cloudberry. The fruit of the canemore can be consumed fresh or, in the form of marmalade, it can also be used for most different culinary preparations, from classic cakes, to preserves, to combinations with salty foods. Let's go and discover its characteristics and use in Scandinavian and Finnish cuisine.

Canemoro jam.

Wild berries from the north with a unique taste

Although very popular in the Scandinavian countries, this fruit is also widespread in other countries including Russia, Poland, Alaska and Canada. The plant on which it grows, the canemore, is present only in the wild and in limited quantities, which makes the harvest difficult and, together with the laborious process of cleaning, is the reason why the price is generally quite high. Despite everything, the characteristics of this wild fruit make it a true specialty, which is worth trying: not only the consistency is tender and its taste is delicious, pleasantly sour and fruity, but has interesting nutritional properties. The fruit of the canemore, in fact, is rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, even four times more than oranges. In the food industry these berries are used to make preserves, jams, jellies, juices, sweets, yogurt, aromatic extracts to be used in desserts or to be added to drinks and even a liqueur (Finnish lakkalikööri).

Scandinavian dishes based on canemore berries

The sweetness combined with the sour note makes this fruit, in the form of jam, a perfect and elegant pairing with savory dishes, such as roast duck and pork or toast with mushrooms. Another savory combination, just for the holidays, is the one with the cheese leipäjuusto cooked, typical of northern Finland. Also in Finland the canemore fruits are used for different preparations of cakes and desserts, including the Cloudberry Cake (lakkakakku), or a cake filled with whipped cream and canemore jam. Another classic dessert in Finland, easy and really delicious, it's made with cheese bread (juustoleipa) cooked in the oven with a cover of canemore berry jam and cream (optional); this dessert can be eaten accompanied by crackers or simply with a teaspoon. In Sweden jam is mainly used to garnish ice cream, of which Swedes are among the biggest consumers, the beloved soufflé, but also meringues, waffles and pancakes.

Waffle with canramor jam.

Photo: waffle with canemoro jam_Mrs. Gemstone.jpg
Photo: canemoro svezia_Ristivain Pixabay.jpg
Photo: canemoro jam_Svezia_Ankara.jpg


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