Tag: saves

Safe water? Good and also saves money – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

La Cucina Italiana


There Water shortage is a reality in many parts of the world, with Honduras’ capital, Tegucigalpa, facing significant challenges. Population growth, industrialization and the expansion of agriculture are depleting water resources, putting the supply of drinking water for many families at risk. There Competition between agriculture, food and urban water supply has become a serious problem: innovative solutions are needed.

There Codex Alimentarius Commissiona body of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO), responded to this challenge by introducing new guidelines aimed at promoting more efficient and sustainable use of water in food production and processing.

In the past, Codex recommendations focused onuse of potable or clean water to ensure food safety. However, considering the challenges of accessing and costing drinking water, Codex has developed new guidelines that address the safe sourcing, use and reuse of water throughout the food production chain.

Water: what’s new in the Codex

The most significant innovation of these guidelines is the approach based on “fitness for purpose”. Recognizing that water quality requirements vary depending on the food product and intended use, Codex states that water must be suitable for the specific purpose for which it is used. For example, the water used for growing lettuce intended for raw consumption may differ from that used for cleaning potatoes which will be cooked before consumption.

A key point of these guidelines was the recognition of the importance of considering different sources of water, such as recovered, recycled, recirculated or waste waterevaluating its safety based on its intended use.

The pioneering example

Honduras played a pioneering role in the practical application of these guidelines. In 2022, with the support of Codex, it hosted a workshop involving industry and government from across Latin America. During the event, decision-making tools developed by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Meetings on Microbiological Risk Assessment (JEMRA) were tested to evaluate water sources and determine associated risk levels.

Subsequently, in 2023, the SENASA organized a national workshop to introduce government officials, industry and academia to the guidelines. This workshop promoted a change of perspective, challenging the traditional approach that exclusively promotes the use of drinking water. Mirian Bueno, technical director for food safety at SENASA, noticed a change in attitude after the workshop. Industries, aware of the costs associated with drinking water, are now more inclined to consider water reuse after a thorough risk assessment.

The guidelines are expanding

While the current Codex guidelines focus on fruit and vegetable production, it is expected to extend to the dairy and fisheries sectors next year. This initiative not only promotes food security, but also aims to address growing water scarcity and global disparities in its availability and quality.

The Codex guidelines, although voluntary, offer a valuable tool for countries facing increasing water stress. With the need to manage water sustainably, these guidelines represent an important step forward in finding innovative solutions for water conservation and global food security.

Source FAO


Sfoglia Rina: the 2.0 pasta maker who saves tradition – Italian Cuisine


From a small suburban laboratory to restaurants with a pasta factory where you can rediscover fresh pasta. Better than that of tradition. In Bologna and Casalecchio you can eat it there, buy it fresh to take away or receive it at home with delivery

It all started in 1963 in a small fresh pasta shop in Casalecchio di Reno. Rina De Franceschi studies her recipes, refines her techniques and builds a good reputation by folding tortellini and rolling out fresh pasta, first by herself, then together with a group of ladies and 40 years later with their grandson Lorenzo, who as a boy supports his grandmother in the family workshop, learns the secrets and recipes until he inherits the art of fresh egg pasta. Today Lorenzo Scardellari is the current owner of Sfoglia Rina, an e two restaurants with a pasta factory in Bologna and Casalecchio di Reno, and proud successor of the family lineage that managed to survive – and indeed, make it cool – a profession and flavors that risked disappearing.

Artisan pasta factories: a family history

Artisan pasta factories, even in Bologna, are disappearing, a bit like rezdore and many traditional crafts. The taste in eating has changed, but above all the eating habits and the way of shopping. Not the devotion to fresh pasta, however, which simply had to evolve into a new form, without changing the substance. Sometimes you need to look at things from another point of view, and that's what Lorenzo managed to do together with Catherine, Belgian and Bolognese by adoption. "I took over the pasta factory with my mother Vanda and with the help of Catherine. We knew that that popular suburban pasta factory would not survive, and we understood that we had to innovate. Not the recipes or the way of making pasta, but the customers and the way to sell it. The idea came to Catherine, "explains Lorenzo. Catherine had come to town to go to university and at the time – says Lorenzo – she didn't even know how to make pasta. "She threw the pasta into the still cold water and waited for it to boil, but even my grandmother Rina didn't know how to make pasta as a girl". Catherine explains: "Yes, I came to Bologna from Belgium to go to university. Then I fell in love with Italy, its cuisine, the will to live and enjoy it of the Emilians. I fell in love with Lorenzo and I never left . And today, thanks to them, Sfoglia Rina was born.

Why not add a space where customers can also eat freshly cooked pasta? The idea is inspired by the bakeries of Northern Europe where, in addition to buying bread, one stops to consume it in a convivial space. "The idea was to have only one social, convivial table. And as she told me about it, she reminded me of that table where grandmothers, aunts, cousins ​​and elderly people worked. That table was the center of the kitchen: there we prepared, worked and ate , says Lorenzo. In 2010, the opportunity finally presents itself: the space next to the shop is freed up and the first restaurant of Sfoglia Rina opens in Casalecchio; in 2015 they arrive in Bologna. The format is simple: one hot table, where you can have lunch with a good plate of fresh pasta, perhaps chatting with the other diners seated at the large central table. It is an instant hit.
However, the soul of the place has not changed, Catherine continues: "We are a pasta factory with kitchen, we don't call ourselves a restaurant. Because we have remained what we were, a classic shop with a table where the dough is processed and a counter to sell it. Only now we eat on the table, and we make the puff pastry in Zola Predosa's laboratory . Even the idea of ​​selling cooked dishes is not really that new, because this was already the case in Rina's time, in which lasagna and other gastronomy preparations were also sold in the pasta factories.

Fresh pasta: better than once

"When they tell me your tortellini are like your grandmother's, I know I've hit the mark, even if I know it's not true." Cooking is a memory made up of smell, taste, touch, emotion and feeling. The tortellini, compared to those of Rina, are better for us today thanks to a frantic search for raw materials , explains Lorenzo, actively involved in the production, while Catherine takes care of the menus and the catering part. They select local or regional products, with few exceptions, such as free-range eggs in shells from Orlandini (Sesto Imolese) and traditional flours from Villa Romiti (Forlì), which uses only Emilia-Romagna grains. The sfogline put their hands in the dough to produce, following the ancient tradition, a wide range of products that are always genuine and tasty. Tradition and some innovative recipes that follow the seasonality and creativity of the moment: filled pasta, long or short pasta, pasta al torchio, baked pasta and handmade products ranging from the most classic tortellini to proposals such as vegan and gluten free dishes.

In restaurants: buy or eat

The menu splits in two. On the one hand, the classics of typical Bolognese cuisine: the king tortellino strictly in broth or in its greedy variant with Parmesan zabaione; the vegetarian tortellone, served with butter and sage; the “divine” tagliatella covered with ragù; the more “rustic” gramigna with sausage ragù; the "poor" flat noodle made up by grandmother served in a fusion way; the “rich” lasagna, an explosion of taste and sublime balance between puff pastry, béchamel and meat sauce; and, finally, for those who want to "escape" from pasta, tigelle accompanied by cheeses and mixed cold cuts.

Fresh pasta at home

However, fresh pasta can also be bought raw, to be cooked, at the restaurant counter or received at home. The choice ranges from tortellini, tortelloni with ricotta and parsley, balanzoni, tagliatelle, green weed, potato gnocchi and the classic lasagna. Then there are the seasonal proposals such as pumpkin tortelli, ricotta and spinach, cappellacci stuffed with broccoli and potatoes (vegan) or cappelletti with sausage and artichokes, lasagna with artichokes and pecorino and then sauces such as meat sauce and the legendary jar of zabaione al parmesan. In short, tradition: which however has evolved to become modern and practical delivery.

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the first that always saves dinner – Italian Cuisine



A quick and simple dish to prepare for when you do not have time to shop. Only three ingredients are needed: spaghetti, eggs and parmesan

How many times have you come home without being able to go to the supermarket to buy what you need to prepare dinner and panicked you opened the refrigerator in the hope of finding something to cook at the last moment? If the answer is "spessp", breathe a sigh of relief: we present the recipe of the pasta alla poverella, a very easy and fast dish, to do with yourself three main ingredients, which are usually found in every pantry!

Eggs, parmesan and pasta

Here they are, the ingredients that you will need to cook pasta alla poverella, so called because of the narrowness of raw materials of which it is composed. The parmesan you can buy it already grated, you will avoid the effort to prepare it at the moment. For the pasta you can choose the format you prefer, even the egg pasta goes well with this sauce. The eggs make sure they are fresh: if they are immersed in a basin with water, they will sink, so be quiet, they are very fresh. If they stay in the middle of the glass, it means they are quite fresh but not very fresh. If instead they float, then they are really to be thrown away!


The recipe for pasta alla poverella


350 g of spaghetti, salt and pepper, extra virgin olive oil, 4 eggs, 100 g of Parmesan cheese.


first cook the pasta. Put a large pot on the stove with water that will bring to a boil. Add salt, then toss the spaghetti and turn them over until they are cooked al dente. Drain. Meanwhile, put a little oil in a pan and then break the eggs inside. Let it cook until the frying eggs are cooked. Pour the eggs onto the dough, a pinch of salt, pepper and Parmesan. Mix well, so that the eggs break and blend well and then serve immediately.

In the tutorial some suggestions for a dish even richer in taste


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