Tag: sage

Chestnut tagliatelle with baked onions, sage and cinnamon – Italian Cuisine

Chestnut tagliatelle with baked onions, sage and cinnamon


1) Pour the flour into a fountain on the work surface and create a dimple in the center. Shelled the eggs, one at a time, and slide them gradually to the center of the fountain. United a pinch of salt and lightly beat the eggs with a fork to mix the yolks with the whites. Jumbled up with your fingertips, gradually incorporating the flour. Knead for at least 10 minutes, then form a ball, wrap it in plastic wrap and let it rest for 30 minutes.

2) Peel the onions, slice them and transfer them to the baking tray lined with baking paper. Salt, pepper, add the bay leaves, a drizzle of oil and bake at 200 ° for 20 minutes, turning them a couple of times.

3) Divide pasta in 4 portions, flour them on the work surface and pass each one through the rollers of the appropriate machine, gradually reducing the thickness until a thin sheet of about 2 mm is obtained. Obtained then the noodles by placing the appropriate die in the machine.

4) Dissolve butter with sage leaves, cinnamon, a pinch of salt and a grind of pepper.

5) Meanwhile cook the pasta in boiling salted water for 2-3 minutes, drain it al dente and transfer it to a large bowl: unite still hot onions (remove the bay leaf) and cinnamon and sage butter. Complete with grated Parmesan cheese and serve.


Posted on 12/30/2021



Parmentier cream with sausage and sage skewers – Italian Cuisine

Parmentier cream with sausage and sage skewers


Parmantier cream with sausage and sage skewers, preparation

1) Peel the potatoes and cut them into slices.

2) Clean, wash and chop the onion, also clean the leek and cut it into slices; lightly brown them with the butter in a saucepan. Add the potatoes, stir, let them flavor for a few moments and then pour in the hot broth.

3) Season with salt, pepper and continue cooking for about 40 minutes, then add the cream and blend everything iin order to obtain a cream.

4) Peel the sausage, cut it into chunks and put it on four skewers alternating it with sage leaves.

5) Cook the skewers on a cast iron grill for a couple of minutes on each side.

6) Divide the soup in the soup plates, distribute the skewers, complete with a left hand of pepper and serve.


Published 11/23/2021



Pumpkin and sage risotto – Italian Cuisine

»Pumpkin and sage risotto


First, cut the pumpkin into rather small cubes (so that it cooks first).

Finely chop the onion and sauté with a knob of butter, then add the pumpkin, cover with 1 ladle of broth and cook for about 15 minutes: at the end of cooking the pumpkin must have at least begun to fall apart.

Season with salt, then blend the pumpkin to reduce it to a puree.

Heat a couple of tablespoons of oil in a saucepan with half the sage leaves.
Add the rice and toast it, then deglaze with the wine.

When the wine has evaporated, add the pumpkin and start cooking the rice, adding the broth a little at a time.
When cooked, season with salt and pepper and stir in the parmesan.

The pumpkin and sage risotto is ready: serve and serve garnished with the remaining sage (whole or coarsely chopped).


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