Tag: Regional

50 traditional regional recipes to absolutely try – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay


When it comes to traditional recipes regional Italian we inevitably refer to local preparations, those that often change even within the same region. In fact, although there are visible contaminations between the typical recipes of the north, center and south, one of the undeniable riches of our land is the uniqueness of the typical dishes of each locality.

How traditional recipes and local dishes are born

It all starts from availability of ingredients and also from traditions of the territory. To understand the importance of ancient economies in regional culinary traditions, it is sufficient to compare the two largest islands. Sicily, although presenting some anomalies inherited from the dominations, is characterized by various preparations based on fish, scrub herbs and vegetables. Sardinia, on the other hand, where the populations traditionally lived in the hinterland, has developed a cuisine closely linked to the fruits of livestock farming such as meat and cheeses. Let’s find one similar situation in the typical preparations of the island of Ischia. The people, who lived mainly in the hinterland, created traditional dishes based on white meat such as Ischia-style chicken and rabbit. And although each region has its own history and past, the beauty of our peninsula is that when it comes to eating we all get along. So much so that over the years we have assimilated and mixed the origins of some preparations that we now find on all Italian tables. We are talking about dishes such as lasagna, tagliatelle with meat sauce, pizza, peas with bacon, risotto, stuffed courgette flowers, chestnut, tiramisu, pasta with pesto, veal with tuna…

If you too are hungry, then it means that the time has come to go to the kitchen and prepare something good, being inspired by this collection of traditional dishes and discovering something that perhaps you didn’t know about their origin.

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50 traditional regional recipes

traditional regional recipes

50 traditional regional recipes


mezze penne with Romanesco broccoli, a tribute to regional cuisine – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

mezze penne with Romanesco broccoli, a tribute to regional cuisine


The half feathers they are a pasta made from durum wheat semolina and water, molded into a shape that allows them to retain sauces excellently. Their origin can be traced back to the southern regions of Italy, where the tradition of making these delicacies at home has been passed down from generation to generation. The simplicity of the ingredients and ease of processing make them a common choice in many regional menus. Therefore, the regional recipe Of half penne and Romanesco broccoli it fits into the rich culinary history of Southern Italy, creating an extraordinary combination of different textures.

The Romanesco broccoli, a variant of cabbage, is native to the Center and has gained popularity in local cuisines for its crunchiness and slightly sweet flavor. Cooked just right, it retains its freshness and distinctive flavour, enriching the pasta with crunchy notes and a vegetal scent. With the addition olive oil, garlic and chilli pepper it helps to create a light, yet richly flavored condiment, further elevating the sensorial experience. There quick and easy recipe today it becomes ideal for a light lunch or a comforting dinner, especially in the milder and warmer seasons, when Romanesco broccoli is at its most ripe. Follow our recipe today and prepare mezze penne with Romanesco broccoli. You will amaze everyone with its goodness!


Autumn in celebration with the regional recipe for roast pork with plums and chestnuts, an embrace of flavors in a single bite – Italian Cuisine

Autumn in celebration with the regional recipe for roast pork with plums and chestnuts, an embrace of flavors in a single bite


L’roast pork with plums and chestnuts it is ideal for autumn and winter, when chestnuts are in season and temperatures drop. It’s the perfect dish to serve during the holiday season or to gather family and friends around a warm and welcoming table. This dish is rooted in the culinary traditions of several European regions. In Italy, it is known as “Pork loin with chestnuts” and is especially popular in Tuscany. Chestnuts are a local autumn specialty and, when combined with pork, create a symbiosis of flavors that enchants anyone who tastes them. To prepare this regional recipeyou will need a piece of pork (such as loin or shoulder), prunes, chestnuts, herbs (such as rosemary and sage), meat broth and spices.

Plus, it’s a cheap dish, which pairs perfectly with mashed potatoes, baked carrots or a simple mixed salad. The dish is an excellent source of lean proteinsas well as making important contributions vitamins, antioxidants and minerals. Dried plums add a natural sweetness and a note of fiber to the preparation, while chestnuts provide energy and a slightly nutty flavor. Ready to delight the palates of your friends, guests and family with this succulent roast pork with plums and chestnuts? Come on, cook with us!


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