Tag: rabbit

What to eat in Sanremo? All specialties – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay


Sanremo: not just Festival! In addition to singers, the city on the Riviera di Ponente is the cradle of excellent local food. You want to know what to eat in Sanremo, what are the native specialties not to be missed? If you are in the area, whether during the Festival or at other times of the year, we have developed a guide to Sanremo specialities absolutely worth trying.

What to eat in Sanremo?


Let’s start from a great Ligurian classic, in a local version: la Sardenaira. It is a Ligurian focaccia typical of the city of Sanremo, seasoned with tomatoes, anchovies, capers and olives. A real treat for focaccia lovers! Always in the wake of “walking” food, there is the classic Green cake, prepared with a filling of rice and rotating seasonal vegetables.


You can’t miss the typical fish dish such as lo Stockfish brandacujun. Here the stockfish is creamed and accompanied by potatoes, Taggiasca olives and extra virgin olive oil and offered as a spread to eat at the start of the meal.

First dishes

Let’s then move on to a first classic of the Ligurian tradition, the inevitable ones Trenette with pesto. We are talking about one of the classic sauces that have always conquered Italians, but not only. Ligurian basil pesto is in fact used widely throughout Italy. Also in the first course section, the Pansoti stuffed with borage. Typical of all Liguria, from East to West. It is a fresh pasta filled with borage, which can be seasoned with just butter and sage, with pesto or with walnut sauce. In the soup section, however, we have buridda, a tasty fish soup typical of Sanremo cuisine and Liguria in general. There are many versions: from the one with dogfish and mullet, to the one with cuttlefish.

Second courses

Secondly, a great local classic comes into play: the Rabbit Sanremo style (or rabbit with olives). It is made with Taggiasca olives (typical of the area) and accompanied by walnuts, thyme, bay leaves, rosemary and washed down with Vermentino.

The sweets

Don’t miss the desserts either. As a little gem, the very famous Sanremo kisses. These are two hazelnut paste biscuits held together by a delicious chocolate mousse. Impossible to resist. Continuing, you should also try the Ciavai cake. Behind this mysterious name lies a particularly rich dessert flavored with curaçao and based on eggnog and whipped cream. Pure enjoyment.


A gem is the fishing of a very delicious crustacean: the Sanremo red prawn. This shrimp is known for its intense flavor and its delicacy in the mouth. Excellent to eat raw, or cooked with salt or just seared. The Sanremo red prawn is in fact a jewel of Ligurian fishing, a delicious crustacean fished exclusively in the waters of the City of Flowers, with a bright red colour.

The most loved Ligurian recipes

What to eat in Sanremo All the specialties

In Liguria, immediately after trofie, come trenette: a long, flat pasta shape, similar to linguine. How are they seasoned? With pesto, of course!

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Chickpea flour

Chickpea farinata is a traditional Ligurian and Tuscan preparation which has many names (fainè, cecina, chickpea cake) and recipes in other regions

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What to eat in Sanremo All the specialties
Stuffed vegetables, the classic Ligurian ones

In Liguria, where people often eat “lean”, the art of cooking vegetables reaches imaginative peaks of gluttony. Stuffed vegetables are widespread throughout the region, with different variations: this one, typical of the Ponente area, is among the simplest, as if not wanting to interfere too much with the flavor of the vegetables

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What to eat in Sanremo All the specialties
Focaccia with Ligurian cheese

Cheese focaccia is a typical recipe from all of Liguria. The one from Recco is the most famous today, let’s prepare it together

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What to eat in Sanremo All the specialties
Pisciarada, the Ligurian potato focaccia

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What to eat in Sanremo All the specialties
Trofie with pesto the Ligurian recipe

Flour, water, salt and many small gestures. A mortar, garlic, oil, basil, parmesan, pecorino, pine nuts. We fly to Liguria with a plate of trofie with pesto

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What to eat in Sanremo All the specialties
Easter cake from Liguria

In Liguria, it’s not Easter without Easter cake: legend has it that women made it with thirty-three sheets, equal to the years of Christ. Here is the recipe

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What to eat in Sanremo All the specialties


Recipe Rabbit with berries – Italian Cuisine

Recipe Rabbit with berries


  • 600 g 4 rabbit legs
  • 125 g currants
  • 125 g raspberries
  • 125 g blackberries
  • 125 g blueberries
  • 4 small spring onions
  • sage
  • butter
  • garlic
  • onion
  • dry white wine
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • salt
  • pepper

For the recipe rabbit with berries, deboned the thighs and keep the scraps. Set the pulp aside and brown the scraps in a saucepan with a drizzle of oil and a pinch of salt for 5-6 minutes. Then add 15 g of butter, 1 clove of crushed garlic, 1/2 onion into small pieces and brown for another 3 minutes. Wet everything with 600 g of water and let it dry for about 30 minutes over low heat. Turn off and filter to obtain a sauce.
Brown the rabbit legs in a pan with a drizzle of oil, turning them on all sides, for 3-4 minutes. Season with salt and pepper and then add a small knob of butter, 1 clove of garlic and sauté for another minute.
Gradient with 1/2 glass of wine and put everything in a baking dish; add the rabbit sauce and bake at 200 ° C for 15-20 minutes perfuming with a few sage leaves.
Cut 2 onions and brown them quickly in a pan with a small knob of butter and a pinch of salt. Season the red fruits in the same pan, moving them gently so as not to break them too much.
Serve the legs with red fruits and spring onion.


Mischievous and libertine recipes: rabbit in heat – Italian Cuisine

Mischievous and libertine recipes: rabbit in heat


From France, mother and daughter collect the secrets of aphrodisiac dishes and ingredients and deliver us a work full of mischievous recipes

In 1992 a book was released in France that aroused great interest and which still continues to be almost always present in French kitchens today. IS Recettes coquines et libertines (Jacqueline Chambon Editions), by Élizabeth Herrgott and his daughter Marine, a text that reveals many culinary secrets that could prove useful. The author, who is also a psychoanalyst, has also written other works always related to the themes of cooking and eroticism, such as Love letters to men and some women or The God and the fallen Lover.

Mother and daughter in the kitchen

"At least in the past," writes Elizabeth, "most of what a mother transmitted to her daughter took place in the kitchen, a privileged place for training and education". According to the author, in fact, it is here that a child refines his senses, first of all that of smell, when he is not allowed to touch or devour certain foods. Then he slowly begins to taste and his taste buds, Élizabeth continues, thus learn to know and recognize the various flavors.
The dining room, on the other hand, is the place where he learns to set the table, to arrange the tablecloth, plates and cutlery. And it is here that Elizabeth and her daughter Marine prepared the naughty and libertine recipes you find in this book, perfect for heating the cold winter months. «Our dishes have been designed to make the spirit and the senses boil, to pass from the table to the bed, to awaken virility and increase feminine ardor. Are not lust and concupiscence also the effect of gluttony, this divine traitor? .

Some naughty and libertine dishes

Many of the recipes in the book were collected by Elizabeth directly from some elderly ladies, according to her the only ones who have the tricks and secrets of these dishes, to know which ingredients really have an aphrodisiac power. In the book there are about fifty dishes, some also organized in gallant menus to do on the lawn, in the summer, or on the bed, when it is colder. In short, there is something for all tastes and palates, but above all for every season. In winter, for example, it is time to risotto with little olives, at the end of the collection, of Pompadour style wet celery gratin, mullet with truffles, or the Angevin horse's culotte. In spring, however, phallic asparagus with cream elixir or broad beans a la poulette, while in summer there are turgescent zucchini with coriander, aubergines with court grappa, potatoes with sea rose; but also desserts such as torment of love with coconut, the apricots in madness, the Mount of Venus, the perverse delight to fishing, Aphrodite's soufflé and many others. Finally, in autumn, it is a period of game and birds, so we find the lustful pheasant, the pullets of the divine marquis or, indeed, the rabbit in heat, of which we reveal the recipe.

The recipe for rabbit in heat

This dish is widespread in the department of Saone and Loire, in Burgundy, in particular in its capital, Mâcon, a city known to wine lovers for its large (and unique) production of Chardonnay and Pinot Noir. Here, every Saturday, the market, where especially in the autumn period there are birds, pigeons, rabbits. "Go to the market and get yourself some amber rum, a bottle with the five spices, some red and fresh Reunion peppers, some black peppercorns, Saumur wine vinegar, a small jar of cream, some small white onions, some white smoked lard, cold-pressed soy oil, then butter, chives and sugar. And then, please, choose a nice young rabbit .

Ingredients for six people

1 rabbit
20 cl of cream
500 g of small onions
150 g of white smoked lard
90 g of butter
3 chillies
to taste black peppercorns
1 bottle of five spices
to taste amber rum
to taste chives
to taste Saumur wine vinegar
to taste soybean oil
sugar to taste


1. Cut the rabbit into 12 pieces and marinate it for at least 30 minutes with oil, vinegar, the five spices, a chopped red pepper, salt and pepper, all well mixed.
2. Caramelize the onions: put them in a pan with water and butter in equal quantities and sprinkle them with sugar.
3. Cut the lard into strips and brown it in the pan until it becomes crisp, English style.
4. Brown the rabbit in the pot for an hour.
5. Then cover it with the rest of the marinade and proceed with a flambé cooking with the rum.
6. Add the cream prepared with a mold, the onions and the bacon and cook for another 4-5 minutes with the lid on.
7. Season with the chopped spring onion and serve.
As an accompaniment, the authors of the book obviously recommend a Chardonnay from Mâcon: «Perfect for rabbit in heat, it softens its Venusian ardor and at the same time stimulates ours….


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