Tag: plastic

Plastic scraps are transformed into design furniture – Italian Cuisine

Plastic scraps are transformed into design furniture


Supernovas transforms plastic waste into design objects for everyday use, starting a virtuous circle. How? Let's discover the Volta line together

Design and sustainability they go more and more hand in hand: together with production processes facilitated by new technologies, a good part of the difference is also made by the choice of reusable and recyclable materials. That's what it does Paula Cademartori, an Italian-Brazilian designer who created Supernovas, a company based in London and Milan that is committed to transforming waste into design furniture items, totally recyclable. And when the passion for one's work meets the desire to protect the environment, something creative can only be born.

The called line Time perfectly sums up this philosophy: in Italian the word time refers to the concept of architectural form, while in Portuguese it means return. Volta is a line of household items created using 100% recycled plastic (PETG) through the 3D printing technique, but the beauty is that this transformation is not definitive.

In fact, customers have the possibility to purchase, return and exchange purchased products. How does it work? PET plastic bottles are reduced into filaments, added with natural dyes and processed with one 3D printer. No other material is used: this way you can ensure that that plastic it will never go back to being a refusal, but it can still be recycled, giving life to the so-called circular design.

And this is how plastic containers and bottles are transformed into resistant vases, glove box, caskets or smartphone holders pastel colors. Even in the kitchen there can be many uses: from cutlery tray a container for popcorn to use during an evening with friends. And when you want to change, you just have to start the cycle again.

In gallery at the top you will find the products in the collection, you can get an idea of ​​their uses and find out how many recycled plastic bottles were made.


Plastic gloves are useless against Covid-19. Here's what the WHO says – Italian Cuisine

Plastic gloves are useless against Covid-19. Here's what the WHO says


According to experts, they do not effectively protect against contagion and, in addition, they give a sense of false protection

No, plastic gloves – used in the way we are used to doing it – do not effectively protect against coronavirus and, in addition, give a dangerous sense of false protection. To reiterate this, together with many infectious disease and virologist experts, is the World Health Organization. Plastic gloves, writes WHO, can "increase the risk of infection, since they can lead toself-contamination or transmission to others when touching contaminated surfaces and therefore the face ”.

How many times, in the aisles of the supermarket, do you see buyers wearing gloves, taking a pack of pasta from the shelf, putting it back in place, touching their faces and taking out the phone to answer a call? From what we know, coronavirus is mainly transmitted through the droplets expelled into the air, but it cannot be excluded that the infection also occurs through the contact with infected surfaces (studies show that the virus can live on surfaces for up to 72 hours): if an infected person had previously touched that pack of pasta, the buyer could have transferred the virus to his gloves, then to his face and, again, on his phone. "What's the use of gloves?" Asks Sally Bloomfield, professor at London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. “While walking through the supermarket, you can touch your nose, mouth and eyes with gloved hands. The only reason gloves might be useful to you is to remind you that you shouldn't touch your face. "

So why do healthcare workers use them in hospitals? The truth is that doctors and nurses are trained to use gloves properly. This also means remove them safely: grasp the outside of the first glove by the wrist and detach it from the hand, pulling it outwards, then remove the second by putting your fingers inside the glove, at the top of the wrist, and pull without touching the outside, before dispose of them.

The World Health Organization recalls that the regular hand washing – or disinfection with sanitizing gels – offers greater protection against Covid-19 than using rubber gloves. Not to mention the ecological issue: gloves are often dispersed in the environment rather than properly disposed of in the bins. This is not only a (huge) problem for the environment and wildlife, but also, if abandoned by an infected person, for those who have to collect them, such as a child.


Coronavirus, plastic gloves destroy the environment – Italian Cuisine

Coronavirus, plastic gloves destroy the environment


They are often not disposed of responsibly. Similar to bags, they will soon reach rivers and seas becoming food for marine fauna. And they can also spread the infection

If they are not used correctly, they can even become a vehicle for the spread of coronavirus. And if they are not disposed of responsibly, they will lead to a real environmental disaster, with the extermination of many innocent creatures. THE plastic gloves they can be useful, but not in all circumstances and only on condition that they respect the rules for their use. This is underlined byPlastic Free association, who launched a petition addressed to Sergio Costa, Minister of the Environment and the Protection of the Territory and the Sea, which has already been signed by almost 6 thousand people.

“Do you think plastic gloves are needed if you do we touch everything? Especially when we go shopping, with the same gloves we leave the house, drive the car, touch the cart, then the phone to read the shopping list, then the shopping, money or credit card for payment. Once removed, we touch the shopping and the cell phone again without problems. Do you really think that the use of plastic gloves are really effective? ", Reads the text. Indeed, it should also be remembered that the virus survives up to 72 hours on plastic. The Higher Institute of Health (ISS) also explains this, which writes on its website that the use of "gloves, like that of masks, helps prevent infections but only under certain conditions. Otherwise, the protective device it can become a vehicle of contagion.

Yes to gloves as long as they «do not replace the correct one hand hygiene which must take place through a thorough washing and for 60 seconds, they are reciprocated every time they get dirty and eliminated correctly in the unsorted waste, such as the hands, do not come into contact with the mouth, nose and eyes, are eliminated at the end of use, for example , in the supermarket, and are not reused .

The other huge problem is their dispersion in the environment. "In most cases, their use is limited within shopping malls where at the end of use they are left in trolleys, thrown into uncovered rubbish bins or left on the ground. A gust of wind and they go everywhere, ”says the petition.

«The situation is really getting out of hand. Man and plastic don't get along, they never did. The coronavirus was supposed to make us reflect on the importance of our planet, but it did not happen. Pollution and incivility has increased, the sense of responsibility for having a better world has disappeared. Disposable plastic gloves, often similar to sachets, they are everywhere and soon they will reach rivers and seas turning into food for marine fauna. What does this mean? Environmental disaster and extermination of many innocent creatures .

The only way to "stop this catastrophe," says the association, is to stop using plastic gloves and, rather, as soon as you leave the supermarket, sanitize your hands with a gel disinfectant before touching the car steering wheel or taking the phone.


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