Tag: parsnip

Recipe Chicken cooked in beer with parsnip sticks – Italian Cuisine

Recipe Chicken cooked in beer with parsnip sticks


  • a chicken
  • 660 cl lager beer
  • 2 parsnips
  • shallot
  • parsley
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • salt

For the recipe for chicken cooked in beer with parsnip sticks, cut and bone the chicken. Peel it and cut the pulp (just over 500 g) into not too small pieces. Keep the skin. Combine 140 g of chicken skin in a large pan and melt it. When the bottom of the pan is veiled with fat, add a sliced ​​shallot and the chicken pieces and brown them over medium heat for about ten minutes.

Add the beer at room temperature and cook without a lid for about 25 '; just before turning off salt lightly and let the sauce thicken over a high flame, if needed. Peel the parsnips and cut them into sticks 6-7 cm long and 1 cm wide.

Brown them in a pan in a veil of oil for 5 '; when they have acquired a nice color, wet them with half a glass of water, cover with the lid and cook for another 4-5 '. Prepare a sauce by blending 15 g of parsley with 50 g of oil, a tablespoon of water and a pinch of salt. Serve the chicken with the parsnip, topped with the parsley sauce.


Sweet Potato Turkey Shepherds Pie

Ground turkey sautéed with mixed vegetables, sliced mushrooms and fresh herbs with a savory garlic sweet potato topping. Comfort food without the guilt!

This is a crazy month for the North East. First we got slammed with a hurricane, and yesterday a Nor’easter. This is what it looks like outside my door…

Thousands of people, including myself are still without power. Here on the south shore of Long Island, the fear the power company has is if they turn the power back on, it may start fires to the homes with severe water damage. There of talks of having to inspect every home before they turn the power back on… I’m afraid this means it could be a while before I get my power back.

I’m not complaining, I’m managing fine for now thanks to my generator to keep my house warm, but many neighbors aren’t so lucky. Yesterday I visited an elderly woman who lives by herself, was cold, had no food and it just broke my heart knowing she is one of many. My girlfriend and I went grocery shopping for her and brought her some food and batteries and a warm hug, but she insisted on staying home despite the cold.

Talk about a month to give thanks, I just want to remind you all to count your blessings! Be thankful for the little things: heat, clean water, hot showers, electricity, and hot food on the table. The simple necessities we often take for granted.

This dish can be assembled ahead of time, then baked in the oven when you are ready to eat. It also freezes well and reheats great. I made them in individual oven safe dishes for perfect portion control, but you can also make this in one large pie dish.

Sweet Potato Turkey Shepherd’s Pie
Servings: 6 Size: 1 pie • Old Points: 5 pts • Points+: 6
Calories: 250 • Fat: 6 g • Carb: 34 g • Fiber: 6 g • Protein: 16.5 g • Sugar: 3 g
Sodium: 304 mg  (without salt)


For the potatoes:

  • 1-1/2 lbs sweet potatoes, peeled, diced
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 1/2 cup 1% milk
  • 1/4 cup fat free chicken broth*
  • 2 tbsp reduced fat sour cream
  • salt and pepper to taste

For the filling:

  • 1 lb 93% lean ground turkey
  • 1 tsp olive oil
  • 1 medium onion, diced
  • 1 celery stalk, chopped
  • 1 parsnip, diced
  • 2 cloves garlic, diced
  • 8 oz mushrooms, diced
  • 10 oz frozen mixed vegetables 
  • 2 tbsp flour (leave out to make gluten-free)
  • 1 cup fat-free low-sodium chicken broth*
  • 2 tsp tomato paste
  • 1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 tsp freshly chopped rosemary
  • salt and pepper
  • paprika


sweet potatoes and garlic in a pot of salted water until cooked and
soft. Drain and mash with chicken broth, sour cream, salt and pepper. 

Preheat oven to 400°F.

In a large saute
pan brown turkey; season with salt and pepper. When cooked, set aside on
a plate. Add olive oil to the pan, then add the onion and sauté one minute. Add the celery, parsnip, salt and pepper to taste; cook about 12
minutes, until celery is soft.

Add garlic and mushrooms; sauté
another 3-4 minutes. Add flour, salt and pepper and mix well. Add frozen
vegetables, chicken broth, tomato paste, Worcestershire sauce,
rosemary, cooked turkey, and mix well. Simmer on low about 5-10 minutes. 

In 6 oven safe individual dishes spread 1 cup of the meat mixture on the bottom of each dish. Top each with 1/2 cup mashed sweet potatoes. Use a fork to scrape
the top of the potatoes to make ridges; sprinkle with paprika. Bake 20 minutes or
until potatoes turn golden. Remove from oven and let it cool 10
minutes before serving.

*For Gluten-free diets, be sure you broth is labeled gluten free.

Curried parsnip and pear soup

Goodtoknow TV

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This curried parsnip and pear soup is an ideal recipe for a seasonal winter starter or lunch. Sweat and savoury ingredients combine deliciously as sugary pears meet earthy parsnips meet spicy curry powder. Opt for small parsnips over larger ones as they’re less likely to have a fibrous core and don’t require peeling. Go the extra mile by making your own curry powder by using a food processor to blend 1 tablespoon of each yellow mustard seeds, cumin seeds, coriander seeds, turmeric powder and chilli powder. Put this soup in a thermos for an effective antidote to chilly weather walks.

  • Serves: 4

  • Prep time: 10 mins

  • Cooking time: 30 mins

  • Total time: 40 mins

  • Skill level: Easy peasy

  • Costs: Cheap as chips

That’s goodtoknow

Substitute milk with coconut milk for an extra Indian taste.


  • 50g butter
  • 1 onion, roughly chopped
  • 2 tsp curry powder
  • 600g parsnips (about 6), roughly chopped
  • 3 pears, quartered
  • 500ml milk
  • 800ml vegetable stock
  • 3 tbsp double cream

To serve

  • Knob butter
  • 1 pear, sliced
  • Small bunch of basil leaves


  1. Heat the butter in a large pan and add the onion and curry powder. Gently sauté for 5 minutes, or until the onion softens.
  2. Put the parsnips and pears in the pan and stir so that they become well coated in the curry butter. Pour in the milk and stock, bring to the boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for 20-25 minutes.
  3. Check that the parsnips are tender before removing from the heat. Blend using a food processor or hand blender, then stir through the cream and season to taste.
  4. To serve: melt the butter in a frying pan and carefully add the pear slices. Allow the pear to fry for 1 minutes then use tongs to flip it and allow the other side to cook for a further minute.
  5. Ladle the soup into bowls and garnish with pear slices and basil leaves.

By Amanda Nicolas

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Nutritional information

Guideline Daily Amount for 2,000 calories per day are: 70g fat, 20g saturated fat, 90g sugar, 6g salt.

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Today’s poll

Delia Smith is no longer the face of Waitrose but Heston Blumenthal will stay – whose food would you rather eat?

  • Delia Smith’s classic meals 77%
  • Heston Blumenthal’s crazy inventions 10%
  • Neither 13%

Thanks, your vote has been counted!

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