- a chicken
- 660 cl lager beer
- 2 parsnips
- shallot
- parsley
- extra virgin olive oil
- salt
For the recipe for chicken cooked in beer with parsnip sticks, cut and bone the chicken. Peel it and cut the pulp (just over 500 g) into not too small pieces. Keep the skin. Combine 140 g of chicken skin in a large pan and melt it. When the bottom of the pan is veiled with fat, add a sliced shallot and the chicken pieces and brown them over medium heat for about ten minutes.
Add the beer at room temperature and cook without a lid for about 25 '; just before turning off salt lightly and let the sauce thicken over a high flame, if needed. Peel the parsnips and cut them into sticks 6-7 cm long and 1 cm wide.
Brown them in a pan in a veil of oil for 5 '; when they have acquired a nice color, wet them with half a glass of water, cover with the lid and cook for another 4-5 '. Prepare a sauce by blending 15 g of parsley with 50 g of oil, a tablespoon of water and a pinch of salt. Serve the chicken with the parsnip, topped with the parsley sauce.
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