Tag: noodles

Pork meatballs with noodles – Italian Cuisine

Pork meatballs with noodles



Nests of noodles of the Duchess – Italian Cuisine

Nests of noodles of the Duchess


1) Clean the livers, eliminating all traces of the gall and cut them into small pieces. In a pot, preferably earthenware or non-stick, brown the chopped mixture of carrot, celery and onion with the butter and 4 tablespoons of oil. After 2-3 minutes unite livers with bay leaves e do them stew over low heat for about 30 minutes, combining a little wine and a little hot broth at a time to obtain a soft and juicy sauce. Perfumed with a grating of nutmeg and the leaves of the sprigs of thyme. When cooked, season with salt and pepper.

2) Switch on oven to 180 ° and butter a baking dish. In a large bowl jumbled up the egg yolks with the milk and Parmesan and season with salt and pepper. Boil the tagliatelle in abundant salted water, drain them And season them with the mix of eggs and milk. As soon as the sauce has set formed nests of tagliatelle with the help of a fork and arrange them in the pan. Bake them for 5 minutes, then take them out of the oven and fill the cavities with the chicken liver ragout. Serve immediately.


Posted on 23/12/2021



Baked noodles with mushrooms and parsley – Italian Cuisine

Baked noodles with mushrooms and parsley


Baked noodles with mushrooms, preparation

1) Peel the garlic, chop it finely and stew it for a minute with 2 tablespoons of oil, then unite frozen mushrooms and cook covered for 10 minutes. Remove the cover, salt, pepper, add half a dl of wine e cook for another 10 minutes. Before turn off, season with a handful of chopped parsley.

2) Dissolve 50 g of butter in a saucepan, unite flour, toast it for a few minutes stirring continuously, paid the hot broth and the remaining wine e carry on cooking for 7-8 minutes. Salt and pepper.

3) Let it cool down, so incorporated the egg yolks, 80 g of parmesan e jumbled up.

4) Dive the tagliatelle for a few seconds in boiling salted water, drain them And cool them under running water. Butter a 22×28 cm pan, you have on the bottom a layer of noodles, carry on with one of mushrooms and repeat until all the ingredients are used up. Pour the sauce prepared by making it penetrate between the layers, sprinkle with the remaining parmesan and bake at 180 degrees for 15 minutes.


Posted on 21/10/2021



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