Tag: Nodini

Nodini with zabaglione with Passito di Pantelleria – Italian Cuisine

Nodini with zabaglione with Passito di Pantelleria


1) Knead flour with 150 g of granulated sugar, soft butter into chunks, a pinch of salt, eggs and baking soda until the mixture is firm. Formed a ball, wrap it in cling film e let it rest for 30 minutes.

2) Roll out the dough into a sheet about 3 mm thick and cut into strips of 1.5×12 cm, knot them in the center, leaving the knot very wide, and fry them in plenty of hot oil. Drain the knots as they are golden, pass them on kitchen paper and then sprinkle with icing sugar.

3) Beat the egg yolks in a small saucepan together with the remaining granulated sugar with a whisk, until you have obtained a very light and well swollen mixture; add the Passito, pouring it a little at a time and always stirring with a whisk, and cook the zabaglione in a bain-marie at a very light boil for 7-8 minutes, without ever stopping stirring, until it becomes frothy. Serve the knots with the still warm zabaglione.


Posted on 01/27/2022



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