Tag: nduja

Wholemeal spaghetti with cauliflower, `nduja, toasted hazelnuts – Italian Cuisine

Wholemeal spaghetti with cauliflower, `nduja, toasted hazelnuts



1) Heat the oven to 180 degrees. Clean the cauliflower, core it and divide it into florets. Cut the larger florets into slices or in half, to obtain evenly sized pieces. Distribute them in a single layer in a pan lined with baking paper. Season the it takes with a drizzle of oil and a few tufts of rosemary. Add salt and bake for about 40 minutes, stirring a couple of times. When the florets are tender and golden, remove them from the oven.

2) Coarsely chop the hazelnuts, toast them in a non-stick pan without seasoning for a couple of minutes and set aside. Boil the spaghetti in abundant salty water. Meanwhile, remove the gut of the `nduja, chop it up, put it in a large non-stick pan with 4 spoons of oil and heat it over medium heat, mashing with a wooden spoon.

3) Drain the pasta al dente keeping a ladle of its cooking water. Pour it into the pan with the 'nduja adding a few tablespoons of water kept aside to dilute the sauce. Join the cauliflower roasted with its cooking juices and sauté the spaghetti briefly to flavor them. Remove the pan from the heat, divide the pasta into plates and sprinkle with the hazelnuts toasted.


Pasta and potatoes with nduja – Italian Cuisine

»Pasta and potatoes with nduja


First of all, peel the potatoes and cut them into small enough cubes (in order to speed up cooking times).

Put in a saucepan garlic, oil and nduja, so that the garlic becomes golden and the nduja is dissolved.
Add the potatoes and let them flavor for a couple of minutes.

Add water until the potatoes are completely covered and over a couple of fingers, then close with a lid and cook over medium heat for about 20 minutes (the potatoes should be almost, but not completely, cooked).
Add the pasta and cook almost completely, then add salt, add the diced caciocavallo (keep a little to decorate), mix and wait for it to melt.

The pasta and potatoes with nduja are ready, put on plates, decorated with the cheese set aside and served immediately.


Risotto with Nduja – Recipe Risotto with Nduja – Italian Cuisine

»Risotto with Nduja - Recipe Risotto with Misya Nduja


first finely chop the onion and let it dry in the hot oil.
Also add the rice and toast the beans well, then blend with the wine.

Start adding salted hot water little by little and cook the rice (it will take about 15 minutes).
When the rice is cooked but al dente, add the nduja and stir, then stir in the cheese.

The nduja risotto is ready: serve up, decorate with stracciatella and serve immediately.


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