Tag: motorbike

Traveling around Italy: by car, motorbike, bicycle (or armchair) – Italian Cuisine

Traveling around Italy: by car, motorbike, bicycle (or armchair)


Amazon.it, in collaboration with Lonely Planet, launches #VacanzeInItalia, a program to explore our country at 360 degrees

The one that has just started will certainly be an all-Italian summer. After the months of forced enclosure, but still struggling with masks, distances and uncertain foreign horizons, the safest and most reassuring solution is to focus on some of the countless wonders offered by the seas, mountains and art cities of our home. An unmissable opportunity to get to know or rediscover incomparable natural beauty, welcoming environments and excellent products made in Italy.

But how to choose goals, programs, paths? To help us make decisions, Amazon.it has launched, in collaboration with Lonely Planet #Holidays in Italy. A journey to discover and rediscover the boot in an all-Italian tour: 20 itineraries, one per region, (also available on www.amazon.it/vacanzeinitalia) to reach and appreciate the hidden gems of the Peninsula, its lesser known destinations and the most suggestive destinations. From the castles of the Aosta Valley to the Palladian villas, from the wild Cilento to the Sicilian Baroque: a "catalog" of different locations in terms of characteristics, setting and history, but all able to offer experiences, flavors, aromas that can be explored directly or, if you prefer, from the armchair at home. In addition to the travel proposals, Amazon.it offers a very rich showcase dedicated to the excellence of Made in Italy: an effective shortcut to find the style and tradition of Italian craftsmanship in an instant, but also an opportunity to support over 750 small and medium-sized enterprises and the artisans on the showcase.

If you want to make the most of each proposed route, the guide made available by Amazon includes a selection of Made in Italy products, including food and wine delicacies from every region, handmade products by local artisans, hi-tech innovations developed by our local startups and products suitable for every type of holiday, including those with pets. And if you are parents and motorists, you can protect the safety of children with the seat bonus for the purchase of anti-abandonment devices on Amazon.it.

But there is more. Prime customers will be able to receive everything they need at home (or already on vacation) thanks to unlimited shipments and without additional costs in a single day, choosing from over 2 million products.

And finally: if you wish to receive sunscreen directly in the holiday resort, if you have forgotten the charger at home or if you want to travel light and find the holiday products already at your destination, Amazon.it offers its collection points throughout Italy: over 10,000 Amazon Counter (post offices, bookstores Point, bars, newsagents, tobacconists and other points of sale) and Amazon Locker, where it is possible to have the ordered products delivered.


David Beckham and Gordon Ramsay taking a ‘boys only’ motorbike…

David Beckham and Gordon Ramsay taking a ‘boys only’ motorbike road trip

“David Beckham and Gordon Ramsay have been bosom buddies for as long as we can remember. And what do bosom buddies do? They ride their motorbikes into the sunset together, that’s what.

Dave and Gord are reportedly climbing aboard their trusty metal steeds and embarking on a road trip across the US of A.

The fellas are both road hog enthusiasts and are said to be planning on taking a trip across the Pacific Coast Highway.

The pair will drive 382 miles from Los Angeles to San Francisco in a “boy’s only” bonding excursion.”

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