Tag: middle

Sacripantina cake recipe from Liguria – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Sacripantina cake recipe from Liguria


There Sacripantine cake it is a traditional dessert Ligurian. It usually consists of three states of sponge cake soaked in Marsala and rum, interspersed with white butter cream and cocoahas a typical dome shape and hides a canestrello biscuit inside.

The invention of this dessert dates back to 1851 and Giovanni Pretipastry chef Genoawhich was inspired by the name of the cake Sacripantethe hero of Ludovico Ariosto’s Orlando furioso.

The recipe we present here is contained in the chef’s book Carlo Cracco “Some people like Cracco. Regional cuisine the way I like it” and is revisited with two layers of maraschino sponge cake, custard and apricot jam.


authentic Middle Eastern taste in one bite. – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

authentic Middle Eastern taste in one bite.


Falafel Wraps pair perfectly with cool, thirst-quenching drinks. An iced mint tea or a lemonade Homemade are ideal. If you prefer an alcoholic pairing, a light, pale beer or a glass of dry white wine they will complete the meal.


a culinary journey between Mediterranean and Middle Eastern tradition – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

a culinary journey between Mediterranean and Middle Eastern tradition


The origins of lentil and chestnut soup can be traced back to Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cuisines, where the use of these legumes, rich in proteins, fibers and minerals, is consolidated. The insertion of chestnuts, a source of complex carbohydrates and a distinctive flavour, helps make the soup a substantial and balanced dish. Its preparation presupposes cleaning and rinsing the lentils, followed by cooking in a broth rich in aromassuch as onion, celery and carrot.

Chestnuts, previously cooked and peeled, are later added, providing sweetness and texture. The choice to use dried lentils or pre-cooked lentils may vary depending on regional tradition or personal preferences. It is a comfortable dish, particularly suitable for being brought to the table in the winter months as an appetizer or main dish, when the desire for nutritious foods is more pronounced. However, the secret to best achieving this winter recipe consists of the optimal management of lentils in water before cooking to improve their digestibility and reduce cooking times. Prepare it with us lentil and chestnut soup and you will experience tastes and flavors you have never tried before!


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